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impale the jaw on car tow hook, pedal to metal

Stick grenade in hole

kill entire bloodline

I think you’ll enjoy some classics, jew.

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I'm not even a poltard I just come to larp and shitpost. But demographics unironcally interest me now since coming here, just not in the way people on this board care about it.

is this chin a genetic thing or is it mouthbreathing?

What do we do about the "Yas Forums face" problem, Yas Forums?

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Lol, just mew bro, oh shit you pushed your teeth forward with your tongue trying to hide your genetics. Shit bro, just settle for a fat 4 or 5 then.

Mouth breathing. I used to do it was a kid so my chin is fucked


third row first column is relentlessly handsome

Wow that explains a lot. Every mouthbreather I know has a chin like that.

It happens over time from believing everything you read on Yas Forums

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>What do we do about the "Yas Forums face" problem, Yas Forums?
That's not ?pol? face, those all jews

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mouth breathing/shit eating helped by a genetic base

flatter faced peoples get extremely fucked from that

No übermensch American would be worshipping a failed reich.

It's actually great genetics, the jews at hollywood would like you to believe that it is ugly genetics (out of jew jealousy) but in fact big chins are easier and more susceptible to knockouts. You are just brainwashed and incapable of noticing such gorgeous and genetic superiority because you are a brainwashed male.

can you fix it or no?

just a kid you ass

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Went to the dentist and they said that they didn’t do cosmetic shit so rip me

Felonious from despicable me

This is top tier genetics, the chin is almost perfect because it is almost impossible for the host to be susceptible to a knockout punch. The big nose also indicates this male is great for breeding, he is also white which makes this specimen a 10/10 in my books.

i wonder why this isn't talked about more

lol just have a kid and make him not do that

Lol chinlets

viriculture.com guy nuked his site, can now only be seen via wayback machine

i'd start some sort of viriculture fund NGO if I had the cash but oh well. Secret knowledge it is, one day we'll spread it by the sword God willijng

If I ever have a kid I’m fixing their mouth breathing ASAP, I’m pissed that my parents didn’t do shit earlier. I can always grow a beard tho

It’s over for mouth breathingcels

Hello new friend. You are this much closer to realizing a vast majority of Yas Forumsacks heaping abuse on blacks, Arabs,Jews and Asians aren’t white but in actuality self-hating half bred mutts of all racial backgrounds desperately seeking validation and a identity due to their mutant status.

>just a kid you ass :( :(
So the average Yas Forumsdditor is a child with shit genetics? Nah, we all know that Yas Forumsdditors are all scrawny shitlings that seem to remain in puberty well into their 20's. What else do you expect from a bunch of faggots who were born with shitty parents who glued smartphones to their faces right out of the womb? Go make some YouTube videos or tiktoks, baby zoom zoom.

Show us your chin

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kys kike

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Mouthbreathing is extremely harmful to children. I had bad allergies as a kid so as a result my teeth and jaw were fucked up. Fortunately my parents were able to get me an expander and braces which fixed most of the issues.

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Nice try FBI

are you a leftist?


Fun fact: no one with a neckbeard ever died from coronachan.

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it would be nice if early schooling tested kids for this and various other health issues before more damage could be done

Mouthbreathing, poor diet, low testosterone, and lack of exercise during puberty.

Here are three facts shared by most posters on this godforsaken board and it is your job to debunk them:

1. Too much immigration, primarily when it comes from places with very different cultures can be a bad thing for the economy , social cohesion and quality of life.
2. There are values from the past that shouldn't be forgotten, or else individuals and consequently society will be hurt.
3. You're a arrogant, self-important and narcissistic person who pretends to enjoy the current state of your life and the world.

Says the glowing memeflag fag. Afraid to show us your aryan genetics? Afraid that you’re going to be profiled on your uniquely weak chin alone?

>home computers
>disk operating system
>random access memory

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>Afraid that you’re going to be profiled on your uniquely weak chin alone?

No. Not everybody who sees through the bullshit that this board spouts is a leftist. I'm just not a sheeple who follows the Yas Forumsddit herd wherever it may roam.

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1 is the heart of it, 2 is too vague, 3 is immaterial

New thread, btw
>Forgot your memeflag, dumb shlomo.

Its alright, I forgive you. May your children be blessed with stronger chins, and I mean that too.

All those shootings had zero effect on anything except Americans buying more firearms makes you wonder

Thanks bro and I’ll fix my kids mouth breathing fast as fuck unlike my parents who waited a ton

I say we take him.

fair enough. i notice many leftists tend to adopt almost eugenic viewpoints when denigrating their enemies.

The 3rd Reich didn't fail though.

Reminder the jewface is the first priority

gates is what a good looking nerd looks like

Thank you for thanking the mods

>imminent destruction

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