That's fucking unfair
White House, Senate reach deal on $2 trillion stimulus packag
How would neets even claim it if they do not file taxes? Are they going to go by SSN?
No, it's based on your 2018 tax return.
If you didn't file taxes because you did not work, were homeless, poor, on diasbility/ won't get anything.
Actually no, because below certain amounts folks do not have to file taxes, and they will still get it.
Bump, I’m finding very little about the pork in this bill, and that concerns me.
this stimulus package will single-handedly kick of the worst depression we have ever known
Only get if not working? Fag who’s working.
based. honestly i'm going to spend it all within a week so it will work.
Not a NEET faggot. I didn't want the lazy cunts to get anything.