What are they not telling us about the virus?

How many different viruses are there out there?

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There are 20 different types of flu virus

Coronavirus is an old and storied virus. It has many variations, just off the top of my head there is:
•Human Coronavirus (the ol' “Common Cold”)
•Bovine Rota-Coronavirus
•Bovine Beta-Coronavirus
•Canine Coronavirus
•MERS-Cov (Camel Coronavirus)
•SARS-Cov-2 (CoVid19, the current bastard)

There is more, and that's just Corona virus, never mind the multiple Influenza virus variants and other viruses that we are largely immune to.

This is simple. The virus starts out as an upper respiratory infection, commonly.

The problem with a virus, is that you have to envision it as tiny little rna injectors. The virus injects a cell with bad rna, taking it over and causing it to produce more injectors.

The real problem arises when the body tries to fight it off, its only means of doing so is by killing the infected cells.

And thus is the secondary method a virus uses to kill you. If it doesn't cause pneumonia in covids case, the next worse outcome is overwhelming infection. This can really become a problem with endocarditis, or an infection of the inner lining of the the heart. This forces the immune system to attack the heart, and kill cells which can lead to a while slew of problems.

But anyhoo, because it starts as an upper respiratory infection, the virus can attack the olfactory sensors in the nose. Your body has no choice but to destroy the olfactory sensors, and you may permanently lose your sense of smell. The same goes for your tongue and taste buds.

Ultimately, it depends on the immune response of the host. If it's delayed, severe infection can occur before the body can slow it down, and thus, large numbers of cells must be destroyed and disposed of.

This is also why Covid can cause pink sputum in pneumonial cases.
It infects the lungs, particularly the alveoli, which has blood coursing throlugh/around them. The body is forced to destroy large portions of the alveoli, which can cause blood to leak into the airways of the lungs.

So in short, don't fucking catch Covid.

>What are they not telling us about the virus?

>runny nose
>can't smell
>smell and taste are strictly correlated because of anatomy
>can't taste
Retardation 101.

That's fucking haunting, leaf

Wow. So it's basically the common cold.

Jesus, it's like we'll never see the end of this.

think i had this in December then

my taste came back

had the fan on and window open all the way through December
felt like I was breathing in sauna
no apatite
couldn't taste everything smelled like burning rubber, lost 18lb by Christmas
would lightly hallucinate, either because of fever or not eating

other anons where complaining about a weird flu also

my bed was soaked with sweat after a few days and had to constantly wash it

>you may permanently lose your sense of smell. The same goes for your tongue and taste buds.
that would really suck

it's more like realizing a lot of people had really shitty educations about the world they live in. just at a personal level if you're over 25 and you haven't had this happen yourself for a few days here or there you probably haven't been paying attention. this isn't anything new or amazing.

cvg had those symptoms listed before any news site picked them up

Shocking! Almost like when you have a clogged nose due to a common cold.

based korean subhuman being right for once

its actually an informative post, for a change
but to put it simple

would you drive a car thats new, killed thousands of ppl with malfunctions and havent been supervised by anyone?

What happens after symptoms and before death.
:)...:0... x(

It's a meme and does fucking nothing to the vast majority of people who get it.

Imagine falling for it this hard, or even worse pretending to be retarded.

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Oh I never said that it will kill everyone it touches. That's far from fact.

But do you know the status of your immune system? Have you had blood tests to confirm its functioning properly? No?

Then don't take the fucking risk. If you're immunocompromised, it WILL fuck your shit up senpai.

>don't fucking catch Covid.
already have it, everyone is going to get it, its just a matter of time.

It’s a psyop to test creating symptoms by mass suggestion

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>How many different viruses are there out there?
As many as they need to dump on you before you submit and take the chip , goy.

>kills fatties
>kills their ability to taste and smell

Oh come on, this was tailor made for decimating Western populations lol

Ebola and about 10 other hemorrhagic fevers from people eating bush meat.

With all the the hype around it, anybody who's body isn't already on high alert ready to kill the virus the moment it enters the body has clearly failed to evolve.

Mindlessly following preset parameters never adapting to be more in line with consciousness is everything we need to leave behind.


I got something recently that I suspect is actually corona

light fever (3 days on and off), sore throat that starts really deep that gradually moved up closer to the mouth, no runny nose, no coughing, but ... I lost my sense of taste nearly completely, had a foul taste in my mouth (bad breath) and some of my gums were swollen/sensitive and bleeding, which is unlike any flu symptom i've ever heard of.


very interesting.
what implications would there be for people with auto immune? better or worse? i’d think better because of the hyper response to infection?

I had a bad flu in mid February, my taste and smell was gone for two weeks. Was it corona?

user, this is kinda useless, not everyone actually develops all of the symptoms and definitely not everyone develop them in this order. the only way to know if you have Corona is from the intensity of the symptoms.

its neuroinvasive, it can even infect your brain stem and sabotage crucial autonomous functions like breathing

>loss of taste
Oh shit. All of Yas Forums has corona.

Stop eating escort pussy


But makes me wonder what the “vaccine” that they miraculously “discover” will do to you. You already know the weak-minded easily influenced sheep will be eagerly lining up for their mandatory injections.

Go see dentist, rotmouth

Do you speak from experience?

Big if true, because in he case of the flu what causes loss of taste and smell is the congestion of mucus, it blocks the receptors, but it should clear once the flu is gone and you will be tasting normally it's nothing permanent unlike the damage Corona COULD do, it's too soon to jump to conclusions tho.

You won’t be able to get your daily ration of insect meal without the FEMAchip

But that's the problem with covid-19, it is NOT typically human born virus, which means your body has never encountered it before, and has no defence.

If we were talking about a very aggressive rhino-virus (the common cold) id be inclined to agree with you.

However, due to the fact that your parents nor your grand parents have never fought off anything even remotely like Covid, you will likely have near zero defence, and on top of that, the virus goes nearly undetected. This is why the incubation period is 10-14 days. It takes that long for your body to go "wtf is going on here" and then and only then do you start showing symptoms.

The common cold has shown symptoms in as little as a day in a healthy adult, because your body has detected something like it before and will immediately set to work on stopping it.

So, go back to work americans, Trump said It's safe

It was reported here as well. It seems that it's caused by the virus attacking your central nervous system.

Thanks for the email grandpa. Do you want me to send it to all my friends and tell them to go back to work as well?

Yes. It was absolutely worth it though

Pretty sure i've had it also; my symptoms were:

First few days
>Muscle aches

Fourth/Fifth Days

Sixth/Seventh Days
>All of the above
>Shortness of breath

Immediately started to improve after day 7. It's been two weeks since the worst of it and I feel good but not out of the woods just yet.

you know those threads that get banned at 4 posts with pictures of Thots whose eyes are bleeding, saying that corona is making their eyes bleed?

it decomposes the mucus layer between your dead skin and alive skin, making it fall off. that's why china is under information lockdown. if you had been looking at videos of ghouls from fallout for the last 3 months we never would have made it this far.

Typically worse, as auto immune disorders can either be classified as an overly aggressive response, or a lacking one. Neither is a good thing.

Sounds more like strep to me desu. Corona hits hard with the fever, as that's your bodies primary means of neutralizing the Covid injectors. Corona is sensitive to high temperatures, and a fever is the bodies response to infection. Fevers reduce your bodies capacity to replicate cells, and harms metabolic action, but it's generally worse for the offending virus, as the viral "casing" has a harder time maintaining its structural integrity.

This is very true, but a traditional flu doesnt typically get as far into the incubation cycle as Covid. Thus, more cells are infected. Mucous is more often used to expel broken and defeated viral agents, and is a mechanical defeat of the olfactory sensors, as they are no longer exposed directly to airflow. A large portion of your sense of taste is also due to smells described by your olfactory cells. This is why you lose taste when you lose smells. Notice how you salivate when you smell cooking? That's your body activating and preparing the mouth for the first stages of digestion, and also why a meal that smells real good, usually tastes good too.

Covid has the opportunity to attack olfactory cells and other surrounding tissues, before mucosal response is even an idea your body has.

>Loss of taste and smell

That's what I'm saying though, with the conscious knowledge that something unknown is more than likely coming to invade at some point, we should have the potential to be in a state of high alert ready to attack some unidentified little cunt looking to rape our cells.

It's a symptom of a greater issue when we can't do this. Being such a closed system, knowing things could be done proactively, more efficiently or just simply be done but aren't because we operate under fixed parameters, if humanity is to evolve beyond this point it has to be through the application of consciousness onto previously completely automated functions, which at the very lowest level would result in never being able to get sick, no cancer etc. It may mostly be wishful thinking as we are now, but there are still scenarios where conscious knowledge and expectations can alter/potentially optimise function a la the placebo effect, so I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that if this virus comes for me my immune system will be able to catch it in the act and promptly dispose of it.



Yep. Came here to say this.

My brother has it and lost his smell, but it’s coming back

Isn't flu more a loss of flavor, which is related to smell?
For Covid, it's about taste. Sugary, salty, acidic, sour... you feel that with on your tongue.

So what you're saying is we gain the ability to eat in a more controlled manner since everything tastes like nothing? The obesity epidemic finally solved?

>Lack of taste

Rei fans confirmed for corona virus

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haha, fuck off

There are 6 bazillion types of corona viruses all will make you dick fly off. So please worry Frenchie.

>North African prefers rei.
Makes sense.

Someone quarantine this fool.

As much as I wished that were the way immune systems worked, that will never be the case and the placebo effect won't help you here.

Your body has thousands of different brands and breeds of bacteria living inside and outside of it, all working harmoniously to get the job of living done. From your gut flora, to your watchdog bacteria on the surface of your skin.

A proactive immune system is not conducive to that operation. As far as I'm aware, there is no species of anything on Gods green earth with a proactive immune system, as it just wouldn't work. It's the biological equivalent of trying to predict every possible invader before it attacks you.

The reason Covid sucks is because right now, your body has no idea what the fuck it is. As far as your immune system concerned, it's supposed to be there. It's only when it's population in your body rises to unacceptable levels that your immune system pieces together what's going on and begins fighting it.

Also, there's a reason automatic functions are not left to the conscious mind, ever notice how you never forget to breathe?

What You don't get is this is a Novel Virus ...
It's on The Ground Floor of It's Own Franchise ...
It's going to Colonize A Niche out of Human Hosts ...

I've lost my smell/taste with every head cold I've ever had. Why are they acting like this is uncharted territory?