So let me get this straight, the only people that are getting coronavirus are

So let me get this straight, the only people that are getting coronavirus are

>those who died from pre-existing illnesses who conveniently can never be interviewed or questioned

>celebrities and world leaders who all reassure us that this is "totally real"

Yeah, this shit is fake as fuck. An excuse to cause an artificial recession and to further increase government control over our lives. I'm going back to work tomorrow, try and stop me.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Seems like an awful lot of the covid infected are Jews. Why?

Do you expect every random shit on the world to make a twitter account and announce that they have the virus to their 0 followers?

celebrities are just people like us

No. I expect journalists to interview them. It's their job.

this. They are only... human

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*coofs in your direction*

>So Cletus from Arkansas, what does coronavirus feel like
>*gasping choking noises*
yeah great idea

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there are plenty of recovered cases, no need to be obtuse

meme flag faggot, you lost the war.
total boomer attitude, breaking curfew is nigger tier and you should be shot

They are safe in their bunkers corona free.

yep, spot on.
fuck all of these

be quiet heeb, no wonder your women gate you

If it were only happening in America, I'd probably be suspicious. I can't imagine getting the Chinese and Iranians to agree to a global conspiracy together with America.

It's real but the reason why the virus spread so fast in the USA is because of CCP agents as well as CCP-paid Americans (primarily Jews) spreading it deliberately.
Celebrities got it from tainted adrenochrome? Jury is still out on that.
One thing for certain is they are all leveraging their status as celebrities to ensure this shit stays at the top of the daily news cycle.

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>so Cletus from Arkansas, what does coronavirus feel like
>well I had a bit of a temperature and a sore throat for a few days but now I don't
not a compelling story and doesn't fit the narrative

My colleague at work got it, he’s sick as a dog and under 40.

Austrian user asked how we would confirm non-celebrity cases. I offered a solution. You stumbled in after to try to be smarmy. Now you're still posting because my response was a good rebuff of your weak post and you feel inadequate.

>I'm going back to supporting the system that wants to enslave me

You're a fucking joke.

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>harassing people on their deathbed
Yeah great idea you fucking jew

I still believe this shit happened, because 3 heavy things on earth were happening. We had Epstein Memes, and riots in Hong Kong as well as Yellow Jackets In Paris. Just take a good hard look at these streets now.

The enemy seems pretty invisible to us now, but we knew who the Pedo Elite enemies were in 2019. Let's just keep that in mind this year.

I do honestly believe that meme magic protected us, and stopped the second Ebola outbreak years ago. It can happen again.

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we had a "leak" of all cases in Austria a week ago. The majority of severe cases are between 50 and 80+ years old, those younger all have severe preconditions.

Celeb messages aren't meant for you they're coding too eachother
>It's a hoax
Ok now go to a quarantine zone, lick some doorknobs, visit your parents and cough on them
Upload it all on a vlog and I'll believe you believe your own BS
>I'll still stay inside tho


pretty much

Youn ever revover from covid. The virus hides in your neurons after treatment and waits until your immune system gets weaker to attack your already damaged lungs until you die.

That's why so many people in China/Italy keep succombing even after leaving the hospital.
Also I know 2 people by proxy who died because of corona chan, but they were old.

I'm kinda looking forward to seeing the US being the only remaining country with this problem after the rest of the world has recovered.

any link? or would it all be in austrian?

Unfortunately no. I haven't yet found the data myself, just screen grabs and media reports (in German)


>One word insult reply
Such is the Mark of the Shill

>interviewing 1 or 2 plebs out of every 1000 who catch it will give an accurate picture

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I hope so too. Maybe it will finally bring the much needed change. Maybe we will finally prioritize our health instead of our stupid war machine.

No their job is to #Resist and take down Blumpf

There's still no need to be obtuse, user.

>coding too eachother
Why wouldn't they just communicate privately like normal people?

It's not fake. But data doesn't lie. Unless you are very old or very sick, you will recover. The media only shows you the aberrant cases where someone who is young dies, because they want you to think this is an all-ages disease. Like when AIDS first hit, they would only talk about randos who got it from blood transfusions and not about the 99.999% who got it from anal sex or drugs. Select the victim, control the public discourse.

>I'm going back to work
me too I'm sick of waiting for something to happen

I'm being a dick but I'm not wrong, interviewing a few people out of the millions who have caught/will catch it is basically meaningless from anything other than a human interest perspective
we all want to know the likelihood of this virus fucking us up as individuals, but without blanket testing of entire populations instead of just those who get fucked up enough to need medical attention you won't be finding that out anytime soon, the numbers from Vo in Italy and that cruise ship are the best you'll get for the time being

Celebrities larping as infected doesn't mean anything.
These people are attention whores and have nothing to do right now sitting at home.

nah, best would be people would fucking stop coming here and maybe hoards would leave.

My mother grew up in america. When Obama was elected she said that even if he doesn't do anything significant in his term, america will see change because the american people really just need to hear good speeches to motivate them to rise up to a challenge and do good. I was mildly disappointed when 8 years passed and you did nothing with them. Then Trump got elected and I figured it would have to get worse before it got better, and surely now was the time for americans to fix their broken systems, because what the american people really needed was a Bad Guy so they can pretend to be heroes again. Instead your country formed a cult. Now there's an actual pandemic and I thought to myself that surely in a time of crisis is when the american people can rally together and overcome, fix what ails them, and come back stronger than before. You have people pretending the problem doesn't exist, drinking fish tank cleaners, politicians telling the citizens to go die to save the economy, and still voting against their interests.

I really, really hope you eventually get your shit together. It's tragic to watch from the outside. My mother has lost all faith.

>human interest perspective
Everything is persuasion. They should be putting cameras on the recovered and giving them interviews. The other option is doom and gloom.

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>would it all be in austrian
Gnädige daame küss die Hand. Jo mei

Dey gettin' dat chrome

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I agree. Still don't know a single person who has gotten sick. Or anyone who knows anyone who has gotten sick. All seems quite (((fishy))) to me.

No a colleague I work with (29) had it. She said it was basically like flu+pneumonia, but she was only sick-sick for like 3 days or so.

She was mostly worried about her parents getting sick.

It really makes you think. The places in China that were hit by the virus are all densely populated with old, low immunity people, living in unsanitary conditions, and yet only few of them got it, but for some mysterious reason, all these healthy zogcelebs who live in secluded mansions, are getting it. This is such a huge fucking psyop.

Because this virus is mostly killing boomers, that's why they're making this virus seem like it's the black death.
It's not a threat to us young people just those boomers who will hopefully die soon.

someone just post a screenshot of a positive coronavirus test to end this horror

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>politicians telling the citizens to go die to save the economy,
the actual, how-people-feed-their-families economy, not the economy of HR paper pushers, refugee resettlement and whatever else
most people with real, legitimate, productive jobs (trump voters) can't just fuck off for a vague, indefinite period of time and sit on their hands waiting for government money, which is practically a sacrament to progressives

Why can't Ruth Ginsburg get this?

>voting against their interests.
Almosted had me fooled that you weren't a shill until this.

Because they're lying. It's what they're best at.

Well, I guess that settles it. Age has no effect on the severity of symptoms. Thanks for confirming this memeflag.

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Let's give it to mr Gates

Only the US isn't taking this seriously so nobody needs proof, it already exists. My "country" is in lockdown and Israel as well. Everyone is working from home and things are OK and the spread is slowing down. Burgers are taking a hit too and it'll keep tumbling down when nobody wants to trade with your infected and damaged workforce. Dow Jones is - 30% LOL after taking 10 years to recover from 2008. It gets swept out in 2 weeks. February :30k, 23 March :18k

Retarded burgers are the only people on earth that still want to see "proof" because you follow your retarded president like a bunch of sissies not questioning anything his chad self says.

Why are you so concerned about US? Perhaps you should focus on Austria.