At least I don't have to quarantine in a district like this

At least I don't have to quarantine in a district like this

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>Shittaly: cramped gay ass derelict shacks for peasants
>US: decent homes for people who have cars
omg so hard 2 choose

That's better than 98% of how Europoors live.

It's not like your shitty apartment doesn't look identical to every other shitty apartment in your city. I never understood why people get hung up on this

strange flags for amerimutts

Hey pastabro, unless you live in the Italian "suburb", you are in a worse state. Imagine living in a tiny apartment with no privacy and no garden.

imagine not having well water in a grid down scenario


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I'd KILL to own a house like this in a white ethnostate.

We shouldn't quarantine at all. Italians rise up

Much better to have recirculated air in your stacked up cuckshed.

If you lives there than you wouldn’t have to quarantine, The US isn’t quarantining everybody. The insides of those houses aren’t bad either, sure they’re cookie cutter but they are designed for comfort.

This ... if this goes into summer the real fun will start.
>Have 1000 square meters of garden with a pool
>City cucks will be stacked on an 30 square meter rooftop appartment at 40°C

only if you are a cityfag

Depends, I've been in some that were basically exactly like a shitty apartment but with more and bigger rooms.

he needs mods

Must Anerican suburbs have shit soil. It's all bulldozed to make pretty flat yards and they don't bother adding back top soil. Commercially fertilized, GMO grass grows on barren clay. Adding topsoil would be expensive as hell and the houses are just made out of cardboard and plastic anyway.

It would take truckloads of peat or compost to get those yards in shape and very few are using their Trumpbux on that. I think there's now a shortage on compost and seeds anyway. Besides that most businesses that sell them are probably considered non-essential and closed, LMAO.

We are so fucked in a real crisis. Hopefully this is a real crisis.

Haha that looks like hell but if youre quarantined i dont see what difference it makes

haven’t you heard of top soiling it yourself, or building a raised garden bed. Ultimate cope from an apartment dweller that can’t garden

Do these places have some sort of special rules when it comes to fences or something? You'd figure living in a place like that you'd at least want a big ass privacy fence.

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Did you not read what I said? People are locked down now and there's a shortage on everything. Gardening businesses are also closed as non-essential (still lmao).

I don't live in a surburb anymore.

The normies will learn nothing from any of this. NOTHING.

How does what you said even relate to what I wrote? I simply state that Europeans that don't live outside the cities are worse off than the average American.
>muh soil and garden standards
Blame it on HOAs.

Che cuck ritardato di merda.

You are so funny Johnny

where are the fucking trees? It looks so bland with grass only.

Yeah, a real shame we can go outside and get fresh air and not be in some cramped apartment and get to stand on a balcony with neighbors all around me coofing.

this but higly unironically

Are you guys being ironic when you post this or do you seriously think suburbs with spacious homes are worse than a city shoebox where a family of 5 shares the same bathroom?

>live in public house
>in a city
>call other cucks
Ok poor. Enjoy your city life.

Nice one americuck

wtf most of those houses don't even have their backyards walled off. what sort of commie suburb is that?

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unironically prefer living in a cookie cutter house than italy lmao

t. Wesley-Jamal El-Hadoudi from Randstad, NL

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Feels great to be superior that i have everything i need around the corner 3 supermarkets 4 different pizza/kebab places

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Do you live here user?

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Awful, how can Americans live in big houses with gardens and two cars? Sure am glad to be a europoor right now.

I actually live in an ex-farm house in Gelderland. But most people have no idea how incredibly densly populated our country is.

It really is. I pity the majority of people here who have to live all cramped up inside their commie blocks.

Imagine being quarantined in such close quarters around a bunch of niggers.


a lot of newer suburbs are being built like this.

was gunna rent a room with other students in a neighbourhood like this. was fucking weird

I live on a big old farm, do you? If I ever run out of food I can’t just grab one of my many guns and go hunting without a worry in the world, can you do that?

Maybe the dumb fucks should have thought about that before buying the house holy shit.

*I CAN just

those are cuck lawns
you don't even have fences, lol

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That's one bruised pussy

Actually my suburb is really nice. It's gated, people still going out for walks and doing things outside, though we have a curfew.

*"blues poochie"

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damn, the metal fence got to her hymen before he did

>t. sour grapes hipster that lives in a communal converted warehouse
Stay mad, faggot.

>implying dirty chinks have big enough tools to even break hymens
he should thank that fence, desu

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Suburbs are hell.
I grew up in an American upper middle class suburb where everything was less than ten years old. It sucks ass, everything is designed around cars and all businesses were national chains.

Moved to an older traditional neighborhood where I can take a bus to work, and can walk to a wide variety of local family owned businesses. Never going back.

Looks cozy aside from that there are no privacy fences. How am I supposed to jerk off in the backyard without one?

>she starts slapping him
>instead of kicker the shit out of her he kicks the fence
What a gentleman.

>Moved to an older traditional neighborhood where I can take a bus to work, and can walk to a wide variety of local family owned businesses.
So you live among niggers in some hipster den

Posting well designed neighborhoods to offset shitty sprawl

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At least I'm not stupid enough to hug a Chink.

nah, he's a just stupid chink
don't forget that they're even dumber than niggers

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Idk why anyone would be mad that they have a backyard to enjoy themselves in

If that’s how you want to class it, sure.

The people are way friendlier and I know my neighbors way more than I did in the suburbs. There’s actually community here.

Ironically I’ve found cities typically provide a lot of the things people pine about when they talk about small towns.

>soulless suburban hellhole with zero public space where you can't walk anywhere or actual urban planning with cafes, town squares, restaurants, music venues, art galleries and beautiful historic buildings
the american bugman chooses the latter

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tornados are a problem in like 2 states fag boy try again

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Why not? Wealthy neighborhoods are pretty comfy right now.
It would be infinitely worse to be in a ghetto, slum, or city.

Some do. However some are just brand new and people have not gotten around to putting up fences or planting trees.

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what the fuck is it with your lack of fences???

>Americans actively chose to live surrounded by seas of parking lots and chains instead of this

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> how can I walk on all these walking paths? what will I do without curry and shitty art galleries?

>living anywhere built post WWII

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even little cities have that it's overrated

The midwest has gay rules against fences. Not all states are gay like that.

I got a 12 foot (3.6 meter) fence around my home.

people pay more money to have a big yard because walking to a gay little bagel shop is for homos

yeah, I get they have rules about that (who would willingly "live" like so?)
I just don't get why...

because people here aren;t french faggots and are a lot nicer no need to wall yourself off from a neighbor

That looks like Montreal