I wonder if he's recently been around Liz??

If he dies (unlikely, they'll through their best healthcare to keep him alive) William will be immediate heir to the thrown.

If Liz gets it, William will most likely be king by summer!

Attached: prince-charles_400x400.jpg (400x400, 36.71K)

All going exactly to plan

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Dude is in his 70s... He's fucked, ain't he?

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Probably not, he just needs more child blood for the blood gods to be appeased

fake- they use those so caled celebreties to make it seem the virus is so bad

we have not seen any files or any official document of them having this virus

not tom hanks not prince charles and no other famous person has yet put out any officald document saying that this is true

coronahoax is a media hoax

I don't know whether to be optimistic or not... You're probably right :(

Holy fuck lmao

Imagine if 'ER MAJEHSTEH gets it now??

What if he died?

Where does that put your theory?

william is already next in line anyway


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kino. hopefully they all get it and die

they`re all fucking off to Antartica

I will personally nuke Wuhan if the queen or prince Charles dies from this

I knew Charles would never be king.


Most bongs would applaud this. Charles is an arsehole and I still think he had Diana killed.

Bring in King William


intentionally infected, now william and his entire family will die in an "accident"

prince harry becomes king and meghan mutt becomes queen royal. ahahahahahah

Hmm, first Weinstein, now Charles.

Digits says who the NWO will Cororna next.

Attached: didn't.jpg (4000x2666, 893.82K)

Omg! Who cares!?!

Why are you so upset???

> not British
> fails to see the awesomeness of "King William"

the queen had di killed because di was a coalburning whore

Diana deserved it.

Oh, don't.

That's nightmare fuel right there

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>Irrelevant ex colony nation with a fucking LEAF as flag

Even your mutt neighbours don't like you. Fuck off.

For whatever reason, William will not be King. It will be Harry. Harry is the Antichrist.

The Queen is also the queen of Australia of course.

im convinced she was planted to hook up with him. her jew friend is a socialite



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It is done, the queen will outlive him

literally who gives a fuck

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Do you aussies really hold her in high regard?

Sorry for being rude, fellow Anglo bro. But don't you want a King instead?

William is a moody weirdo

Transplant both lungs
Problem solved?

Good fucking riddance. He can say hello to Mountbatton

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But theyre not working members

He will get the best medical treatment in the world, he will be fine.

The Queen has always been held in great esteem in Australia, even if there are mixed feelings about the monarchy itself.

williams ok, he just has to be serious all the time.

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Didn't Harry give up his royalness?

Hmm. Idk.

I just don't like Harry or Meghan.

In all fairness, prior to hooking up with Megan, Harry WAS starting to get his shit together but now he's gone back to acting like a spoilt ginger prick.

Attached: sun_harry_130105.jpg (300x242, 17.97K)

If William and his kids get it, then say henlo to WOKE KANG!

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>Dude is in his 70s... He's fucked, ain't he?

Attached: oh yes man.gif (490x377, 711.26K)

>irrelevant flag


>future king getting mogged by a construction worker

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>Prince Charles has COVID19
Prince Charles has the chinese virus

>Prince Charles
>NHS healthcare

Take a moment to think it through

*coof coof*

Attached: charlesAndBoobies.jpg (625x414, 44.64K)

Worse possible outcome, but the children are unlikely to get it.

Based tradie

COVID-19 is the name of the disease, retard.

Oh no, not the royal famalino.

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>If Liz gets it, William will most likely be king by summer!
It's over. The queen is more based than all of them.

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He gave up royal duty. Would never happen.

It's so funny when the "elite" have nothing to protect themselves against a simple virus.

Give this user some trumpbux.

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>moody weirdo
this is the lamest attempt at an insult I've seen today
we're all moody weirdos, he's more of an awkward feller, I think, so we'll sit him next to you at the next Yas Forums banquet.
I really have no idea what he's like, tho.
maybe he'll coof on you

Say it with me ... King Andrew

The Queen is adored here, probably even more than in the UK.

The UK as an entity will not exist.

>he thinks anyone in The Commonwealth likes this cunt

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Fuck up cunt, William is based

He's still in line

Prince Pedo Cannibal will hopefully die from this virus.


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