Not allowed to work

>Not allowed to work for income
>Not eligible for wage subsidy
>Not eligible for unemployment benefit because I'm still employed (Leave without pay)
>Bank says I can't access my savings deposit
>Govt says I have to keep paying rent but landlord doesn't need to pay mortgage


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>not allowed to work for income
Why the fuck not? Also kill your landlord in minecraft.

move back home and stop pretending to have the same chance at success boomers had.

entire country is going into lockdown in less an hour, have to stay home unless you are getting groceries or are an essential worker.

do the world a favour
kill your local landlord

Serves you right for having a job faggot.

>tfw comfy govt salary

Call stuff and tell them about your situation they love a good story of someone getting fucked over. In fact that's all their stories are

how can I move back home? Home is on a different island and you're not allowed to travel unless it was an already booked flight or ferry crossing.

Kill yourself because your wageslave genes are a cancer to this world.

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>Not allowed to work for income

Just do cashies for people.

I called up talkback radio earlier today, they didn't want to hear it.

can't do cashies, not allowed any contact without people outside your residence after 11.59pm tonight.

The interislander will still be going. Just get evicted and they'll let you go

You're not alone. Get a baseball bat and you're good.

How heavily is this going to be enforced? Keen to go hiking tomorrow and have dinner with my parents but fuck being stopped by the police

>mfw homeoffice

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I think your employer has to pay you unless you AGREE to take leave

Kill yourself.

yesterday when govt announced wage subsidy for all I thought it would be fine, but today I find out that companies have to top the wage subsidy up to minimum 80% of normal wage, which would mean company having to top me up like $500, even though the company doesn't have an income because the govt said they are not essential. so no wage subsidy.

Retards like you will make this lockdown fail. Lots of pain for no gain. Stay at home cunt

I have a fishing spot about 10 minutes away from house, trout season still going so I'm going to try and if I don't get caught I can keep my sanity having some peace by the river, if I get told by police to go home, then I've got fuck all to do other than books to read and vidya to play.

I just wanna walk by myself, fuck

if lockdown fails can I please go back to work? please, I need income if bank won't let me into my savings. if a few old people die so what, less pension money for my taxes to go towards.

Kek! I will have 95% of my paycheck but without transport it make it 100% and J might work temporarily as delivery for a convenience store

You know what to do (in minecraft)

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Do you live with your parents?


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dumb thing is it is currently peak of deer hunting season, but they just announced that no one is allowed to go hunting. So no income and can't put deer meat on the table

>Leave without pay
Make sure you get fired

fuck staying home, I'll need food and I'll have no income and no way to access savings

I hope you can. I don't think normies are reliable enough for this lockdown to work. You need china style commie suppression to make it work. Fuck that

Lol lockdown cuck
We have lockdown too but can go anywhere we want. Just have to stay away from each other at least 1.5m away

i work for an it consultancy firm that provide infrastructure, cloud hosting and a bunch of other shit for a load of companies. Im on the service desk and its usually really busy, full inbox of complaints and constant calls.
Right now, most of these companies are shut, im working from home and have nothing to do.
Im get 33K a year and at the moment all i do is shit post and watch netflix.
No doubt sooner or later they're gonna start laying people off, but until then, weeeeeeeee

govt benefit is pitiful, will only cover rent maybe, depending on what I qualify for.

honestly bro, if you want to go for a walk, just try your luck, if you get told to go home then go home, but I don't see any harm in trying by yourself.

Just print your own money, mate. All the cool kids are doing it now.

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>another "muh landlord" thread
why don't mods ban this obvious commie spam?

No but I think there's greater risk of the virus spreading by going to the supermarket, which I'm still allowed to go to, than visiting my parents who I saw yesterday anyway. Also want to make some soup for my grandma and drop it off tomorrow

Better than nothing

Welcome to camp fnesp, for non-essential service personnel

okay parasite

commies are the real parasites

the govt telling people they aren't allowed an income is fucking commie shit you motherfucker, I am so fucked right now, I don't give a shit about landlords, if they get mortgage holiday fine, but let me have a fucking incomE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You can go for walks and the bank shouldn't be freezing your money lmao. Do you mean your kiwisaver or what?

Will the Maori start rioting soon?

no I mean I have a savings deposit, I called bank to ask if I could break the deposit and they said no (I was saving for a house so was making auto payments into the despot with my weekly income). the govt has to fucking let us into our kiwisavers.

It's definitely a possibility. At the very least there will be a huge spike in domestic violence cases in South Auckland. Excessive drug and alcohol abuse will be rampant too.

I thought your mudslime cuckshit country banned Yas Forums? how did you get here?

nah, was blocked for like a week over a year ago.

start growing potatoes in your room


bedroom potatoes don't pay rent, but I appreciate the idea.

Can you still get guns to defend yourself?

I don't believe you

This is why nationalism is more important than capitalism
Capitalism is just a tool to bring more overall wealth to population
When capitalism fails(which it always does during crisis like war or pandemic) a better system should be employed until the crisis is resolved
To pick a proper tool at proper times for the prosperoty of the nation is whats most important, not sticking to beliefs in ideologies

govt said people aren't allowed to go to the beach.

pay rent in potatoes not lying, heaps of people NZ are going to be getting calls from their employers really soon.

gun stores are deemed non-essential, most shut yesterday, some were open this morning.

I'm talking riots. Just be patient.

I may have to try.

>work zoning isles at a wal-mart
>literally just that, zoning isles, don't even have to stock the isles
>got a raise two months ago
>wal-mart is considered an essential service meaning I must still work
>we're getting Hazard Pay too
>live in the middle of no where 800 kilos away from cities so the virus has no chance reaching here
I'm gonna make it bros

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yes I will be patient as my 2 weeks of food runs out and I still have to be locked down for minimum of an extra 2 weeks. If riots start, I'm probably going to be part of them if the govt doesn't change the rules around work and income and benefits soon.

Haha, you just lost your job because of coronavirus? Pathetic. I have been a NEET all my life. You have no idea how many children and disabilities I am claiming for! I am sitting here in the garden of my comfy 4 bedroom detached house, which is upkept by a charity organisation and paid for by Boris, helping me to live my lovely lifestyle. In my garage I have a dozen boxes filled with N99 masks, condoms and food supplies to last 2 years. I have all the latest video games and all the coolest fashion accessories. Pic related is my watch. Sign up on the dole and welcome to the NEET lifestyle I guess.

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haven't lost my job, on leave without pay, thus can't get benefit.

But you still get paid, don't you?

If they change it you will be fine, if they won't change it social unrest is inevitable. Do what you need to do in order to survive. You surely are not the only one in such a shitty spot right now. Worst case you get locked up and fed in prison.

nope, got a call from employer today, on leave without pay. Will get last paycheck tomorrow.

>Not allowed to access savings
WTF kinda country does that? Unless you mean deposit for rent.

I really really really hope you are right. I get last paycheck tomorrow, will be enough to cover rent for 4 weeks, but no rent and food, I can maybe stretch my 2 weeks of food out to 3 weeks, and if I don't get caught by police when I try to go fishing tomorrow, I might be on a diet of trout for a little while.

no it was a savings deposit with bank, I was saving to buy a house and paying into the deposit every week, thus not much liquid savings.

Stay strong bro. Some of us are gonna make it.

>tfw 24 and still living at home with parents with money saved up to last me years and hardly paying rent and have a hot 18 year old gf with a fat ass that constantly wants to have sex

God it feels so good watching everyone struggle. Hope this quarantine lasts longer. I'm enjoying the vacation and catching up on my backlight of games and movies.

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>right to work