Brit/pol/ What about 2nd breakfast? Edition

>Vehicle owners to be granted MOT exemption in battle against coronavirus

>Sky ‘Looking After’ Customers By Putting Up U.K. Television Prices Amid Coronavirus Crisis

>'Avoid using microwave to get faster internet'

>Urgent action needed as spike in porn site traffic raises abuse fears, say MPs

>Scotland to pay student nurses band 4 to tackle Coronavirus

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First for are rozzer

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imagine being scared of the uk police.

Off for my 2nd jog of the day, lads. If the fuzz asks, tell 'em it's my 1st.

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in4 brekkie, what we all having lads? for me, it's one of these bad boys

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All the fucking prossies in my area are closed due to the virus. Reeeeee

Where's the eggs?

I think you're all less intelligent and less learned than I.

imagine being a retard memeflagger on a Zanzibari cooking forum

several bottles of cider

Pork and egg nuggets, says so right there on the tin. simple as

bean to meat ratio is way off. Really dry breakfast.

reported to the conservative workers party

Reposting from the last thread:
>'SHE COULDN'T COPE' ‘Beautiful and charming’ teenager, 19, killed herself as she couldn’t face coronavirus isolation

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Can one acquire such a breakfast in british restaraunts?

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it’s the twitter kangaroo courts you should fear

I'd fucking love to smash her back doors in

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Aus love for pic related.
Aus big breakfast is ok. Brit big breakfast.. Gimme all thems fats.
That plate is an Anglo masterpiece.

Had eggs, bacon and baked beans. But I couldn't find any bacon so made do with Spam instead desu.


Those little balls are like miniature picnic eggs.
If you ever want to know what a British army ration pack meal typically tastes like, try one of these.
>menu A : all day breakfast.

That newfag tripnonce “pressure sores” is like an even more boring and annoying cauldron.

Looks good lad.

In a cafe, certainly. They would even serve it up on a giant bread roll so you can eat it on the go

Crumpets, the only product left in the bread aisle for some reason.

another roastie bites the dust

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Are you a peasant/ Hawaiian?

We could've been happy together. Hold me lads.

Soz lad, got to social distance.

>my name is smeared on a declining platform occupied by partisan retards
i'm sure we'll live.

Go 'ed lad, I'll keep dixie.

will karen have sex with me

hiya babycakes

I had a cheese, tomato, onion, lettuce and salad cream sandwich and an orange

you’re not very bright... are you?

lol what joe rogan pisstake is this from?

Lads do you eat the end slices of a loaf?

I know we will laugh and call her a dumb roastie, but she was definitely fit and I would have saved her/made her my gf if she had given me the opportunity :(

no eddie i'm dribbling as we speak

Quality brekky lad, I'm on 2 Yoghurts, grapes, 1 tangerine and 1 pear.

Am I basedboy????


normies CANNOT handle the NEET life
>two days into no social contact with friends (probably still had her total groan zone parents around)
>just fucking dies

best bit

Best bit.
Oddly enough though I do cut the crusts off my sandwiches.

No, just all the other panic buying mongs in my town beat me to the bacon.

Fuckin kek

But they're huge and chewy.

Egg yoke, juices from sausages and HP sauce, less humans could use tomato sauce if they wished.

And there was me feeling disappointed that coronavirus wasn't wiping out enough people

le reddit

I'm supposed to be 'working fornm home' but nothing will connect and theres not much for me to do anyway.
reckon i can just fuck it off and watch movies?

Yeah, but looking as she did she'd probably have exceptional standards, unless you a chad she probably wouldn't have regarded you at all

Good morning, gentlemen.

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Youse cunts should give this a listen

Best bits, just buttered or with jam on

I've been playing counter-strike all week while "working from home" so just do it man. i believe in you

I reckon she fucked black guys so no great loss.

It's the courts that screw you. There is nowhere to run on this island. The police are just a harassment force for them.

>Prince Charles has tested positive for coronavirus

Obviously, you can make a proppa sandwich with those

Cheers, lad.

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there's no way that girl killed herself for being isolated for a few days. probably fucked up and Harold Shipmaned a few patients

I've got a group of sixty people together for a party in the park today. They can't arrest us all.

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>Czechstreets siterip just finished downloading
Going to be a good quarantine lads

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Your Coofjesty

you envy her biological vagina.

Good for cheese on toast though. Not good sarnie material though.

Get on fabswingers and bonk a tranny son

>groan zone
top lel

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you can tell the schools are closed


That's basically classed as terrorism at the moment

>when you outlive your son

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Wanna bet?

She'll've'st killed herself for other reasons. She was autistic and that's unpleasant in and of itself. Her remarks regarding isolation and coronavirus were no doubt spun to make a sensational story.

Texture is important, and I like things huge and chewy.

>tfw all the elderly unionist voters are gonna get wiped out by corona
>tfw coronavirus is just another IRA plot

hee hee hee

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>thinking anyone cares about what you post in the slightest

Hope you've been taking your zinc tablets, matey

simply based OP
morning all

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This is sad on multiple levels. The girl herself dying, obviously. But more importantly, it really highlights the mental fragility of the youth of our country. A mere few weeks of not seeing your mates is all it takes to top yourself? What made the zoomers such mental midgets?

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Been working from home for the past 2 weeks. Boss has out and out said to everyone in the company he's not expecting any real work till at least September, yet my manager is now nagging me to look at stuff that was done days ago to make sure it's been done out of paranoia were all "sitting watching netflix". Are they all such fannies or is it just mine?

Outsiders are the best bits. Makes cracking buttered toast.

>probably fucked up and Harold Shipmaned a few patients
that was another person
this one worked in a restaurant

>provisional ira
>new ira
>real ira
>novel ira
o fuk

You don't need a second breakfast when the first is based.

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Playing with fire, lad. The Bill might tip over a table! They're not fucking about anymore.

fucking state.
my grandad was a POW in auschwitz at 20 years old. and this cunt couldn't handle being stuck in her comfy house with all the gadgets for a few weeks.

Prince Charles has Corona lads

That's worse than fucking bat soup. Christ.

you're company can claim 80% of your wage just to keep you on the books doing nothing, why are they even bothering? at this point if you're in this situation or just sat there with your thumb up your arse claiming rishirupees then lets be honest, your 'job' was pointless and you should consider either retraining or suicide.

based and freedom pilled


Is that peanut butter on bacon on steak?

How fucked up must teens be today to do things like this?

>prince charles has the virus

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Looks like charles will NEVER be king. what a meme

She likes BBC

Good. Hopefully he passed it to Phillip and Liz.

Does she have two anuses?

your* before pedant wojack

another article confirms she had autismo.

my brain can’t work out what this is

Shame, I would of bred with that.

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a bit of adrenachrome will clear that right up

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your granddads wasn’t raised in a society induced mental illness factory.
your granddads achievements aren’t your achievements.

oh dropping like flies :(


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had some bogroll too, someone should get round there and loot it.

yes actually

haha. when i dropped out of school in 2011 i failed to find a job. i stayed at home just browsing. no friends, no hobbies. my first year as a n**t. when i decided to stop being a loser and went back to school everyone asked me where i am from. i hadnt spoken to anyone in so long my jaw muscle went wonky. i developed an accent

literally left the jar of nutella in the photo

Going to be hilarious if Charles pops his clogs before lizzie

>Sky ‘Looking After’ Customers By Putting Up U.K. Television Prices Amid Coronavirus Crisis
Why pay for TV when you can find streams or torrents all over the internet?

Hey up lads.
>Prince Charles tests positive for coronavirus

Kodiak dark chocolate pancakes with bacon, a generous amount of Nutella, Canadian Grade A maple syrup and a sports direct mug full of coffee

me nan used to say 'eat the crusts it'll make ye hair grow' so i did

We're doing that from next Friday on. Just waiting for it to happen at this point, I think he's just neurotic.

For a whole country of cucked curry loving shitskin worshipping pussies you sure do an awesome breakfast

>your granddads achievements aren’t your achievements.
never said they were lad, but they give me some perspective at least.
also, not sure getting captured and stuck in a prison camp for 4 years is an achievement.

but you’re acting superior to her because someone who fucked your grandma did something

Courts are only dealing with essential custody cases. I was supposed to be there yesterday for assaulting a copper.

See Don't trust the pappers lad.

>her maj gets a phonecall from a declan mcoofer
o no

Why don't you just fuck off cunt?

y tho?

Haha, you just lost your job because of coronavirus? Pathetic. I have been a NEET all my life. You have no idea how many children and disabilities I am claiming for! I am sitting here in the garden of my comfy 4 bedroom detached house, which is upkept by a charity organisation and paid for by Boris, helping me to live my lovely lifestyle. In my garage I have a dozen boxes filled with N99 masks, condoms and food supplies to last 2 years. I have all the latest video games and all the coolest fashion accessories. Pic related is my watch. Sign up on the dole and welcome to the NEET lifestyle I guess.

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Kek, oh the fucking field day the Daily Mail will have if he croaks to this.

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Sky package internet in with telly and landline, in some parts of the country you've got a very limited choice of broadband providers. They're doing it because a lot of people have virtually no choice but to pay them for this stuff.

You can't imagine how I'm so happy right now, boomers dying, attention whores killing themselves, muslims still going outside despite the quarantine and infect and killing their old muslim parents. Life's good man.

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Not for long depending on how much contact he and his mother have had.
Besides they're saying he only has mild symptoms but is otherwise healhy, the queen on the other hand is almost a hundred, if she gets corona it will likely kill her.

We may be seeing the crowning of a new king before long.


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How fat are you

>also, not sure getting captured and stuck in a prison camp for 4 years is an achievement.
surviving it and breeding is more than you'll ever manage.

Why are you LARPing? That picture is a picture I posted of my watch on an old /g/ thread. Dickhead.

>kills less people than seasonal flu
>anonymongs acting like he’s already dead

Goddamn what a milf

i'm superior to her because i didn't kill myself, yes

Nice watch but couldn't you afford any knuckles?

how new are you?

that watch strap must be stressed

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That's what water cannons and tear gas are for.

I know the virus is a meme, you mong. That's what makes it funny.

Damn I would

Quick, fetch the blended abortion fetuses and foreskins.

How’d you lose your fingers?

i find these fat hand watch pics some of the funniest things on here desu. i don't know if they're meant to be funny or if they're genuinely showing off their watches but something about them just sets me off

so what relevance does your granddad have? and what context do you have for the reasons she’s killed herself other than
a sensationalist news headline?

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oh look another memeflag

Woah. Douglas Murray looks like THAT?

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>Wednesday is the International Day of Remembrance for the Victims of Slavery.
who gives a fuck

>for assaulting a copper.
Not good, bad boy!
If you get in to fizzy with fuzz- got to kill the pigs!
Only, viable option

>signed up to be an organ donor aged 12. Three children will benefit from her gift of life.

based then
i’m just hostile because i’m fed up of normies tbqh

We need to take notes from the Italians and arm the police with flamethrowers

What if the Queen got Corona?

imagine being so petty about not becoming king you give your own ma the plague