Why don't we take these majestic trees and plant them the fuck everywhere?

Take the Sequoia Redwood pill
They are the superior master race of the tree world:

1. Biggest, Tallest, and Oldest trees in the world
2. Sucks up fat loads of carbon dioxide
3. Fire, rot, and insect resistant
4. 14 feet roots crush rock, prevent soil erosion, offer habitat for worms and soil microbes
5. Offer habitat for squirrels and birds and shit
6. Give off a fairy-tale, trad, fantasy forrest Aesthetic with lord of the rings and skyrim vibes. i.e the home and natural habitat of the whiteman

Why FUCK is california only allowed to have these? I want these spread all over the world

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Have you planted one yet?

>plant them the fuck everywhere?
they only grow in the redwood forest, dummy.

california's weather is pretty tame, maybe thats the only place they can survive.
weather and only place they can compete.

Bamboo would sucks up more carbon quicker and cheaper and wound't require people babysit it all day for it to grow.

I've wondered why they can't grow in Southern Utah.

It's not like the climate is thst different from California.

nah, there's 3 in my little town alone.

Araucária > Sequoia.
Could win any battle.

They grow in Washington too. And Oregon I'm pretty sure.

Too bad it takes minimum of 500-600 years to be that big, user.

That tree is over 2000 years old...

fuck off they're ours
take back your exploding confetti trees while you're at it

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Nah. Boababs are pretty alien looking as well but those redwoods are pretty.

*re looks at pic*
Yeah I think you're right.

you've seen redwoods
go see the sequoias, thank me later

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There is a point where they get so tall that the pressure required to get water to the top can't be generated by the tree and they must pull moisture from the air. So...climate restrictions. They need delicious clouds to eat.

Based and araucariapilled
t. have 3 in my garden

It's at the top of the list now, what better way to celebrate freedom. Yeah, saw the California redwoods as a kid and as a teenager, amazing stuff. Went through that "drive through tree", which I think has ceased to exist several years ago. And if it exists, that's one fuckuva Mandela Effect.

they are everywhere where i live and in fact they grow better here than in murica
they're still smaller for now tho because they haven't had 2000 years to grow

they take misty coastal regions as i believe they best absorb moisture through the tree body itself cunt of a tree to grow


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It didn't work out well to put niggers where they don't belong. Learn from that. Things should be where they belong.

>the GOAT.

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>Why FUCK is california only allowed to have these? I want these spread all over the world
Because they're not fit to compete or appropriate for every ecosystem. Most of all because a significant portion of their water intake is predicated on regular fog cycles. Without it they dry out, become far less fire, rot and insect resistant and generally become a liability wherever they're planted. Much of California's geography in the range they grow is appropriate for them to thrive, or at least it was until the local governments completely fucked up the water management.

Mother nature allows the strong and fit to rule and crushes the weak mercilessly. Sequoias are strong and fit for specific conditions, but try to transplant them elsewhere and they'll be no better off than you would be naked in the middle of the Gobi.

>fantasy forrest Aesthetic with lord of the rings and skyrim vibes. i.e the home and natural habitat of the whiteman

oaks are the best tree, here's a 500 year old one, planted for françois 1er

Attached: datree.jpg (1000x750, 317.14K)

Yeah man they don't grow nowhere near as fast as giant cedar.
This one is in front of the parliament in Victoria and is a bit over 200 years old and is tiny by comparison.

Attached: VictoriaSequoia.jpg (550x413, 82.83K)

it went down to a storm in 2017
all the remaining tunnel trees are coastal redwoods

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No, it got btfo by a storm.
>t. National park ranger

no, that would be Pando, the oldest and largest organism on earth

Attached: fishlake-pando.jpg (1600x900, 681.49K)

They require regular fog cycles to survive since after a certain height they can't pull water up to the top so they absorb it from the air instead.

In Europe we no longer have old trees that can grow this big over time. Remember how they said we couldn't reacreate Notre Dame's biggest pieces of carpentry because they came from 13th century primal woods that no longer exist.

They take 1,000 years to get that big and because of atmospheric depletion you can only grow near moist coastal regions.
They used to be global then humans started worshiping Polar Bears and now the Earth is an arctic shit hole.

quaking aspens are everywhere here in utah.

i've always enjoyed their appearance. white bark with black spots, and leaves that shake like maracas in the wind. i think that's where the "quaking" name comes from.

Aspen colony, it's called an Aspen colony.
I've lived around em half my life never fucken heard Pando.

based and redwood pilled

Exactly like niggers in cities with free housing, phone and food stamps... Except that sequoias don't kill each others.

Logically you would assume they only proliferated in a specific area, and haven't spread out of that area, for a reason.

There are a bunch of them in and around Victoria that were transplanted there in the 19th century.

So all those trees..are really just one tree. Blowing my mind.

>they grow better here than in murica
no the world's biggest one is in america

I want to get out there before we kill it
like hairs on a giant's head

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yes, while most "clonal colony" plants just spit out clones the same way most trees shed seeds, these actually share a root system

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They heavy to be planted elsewhere mane

>Remember how they said we couldn't reacreate Notre Dame's biggest pieces of carpentry because they came from 13th century primal woods that no longer exist.

This is incorrect, they planted a huge grove of hardwoods to be protected until needed for this exact purpose. They are now so protected under law they can't be cut down and used for their intended purpose. All the people who put their blood sweat and tears into that cathedral must be rolling in their graves.

because that's where the oldest are dummy

Pretty sure they stopped caring when they died.

did you read the second part of my post ?



I am sure I don't need to to explain to you nerds about the giant cedar on Lebanon's flag, but I will, 3000 years ago there were tree this big in the Levant too, documented by the Egyptian who made the trip many time to bring back the giant lumbers needed to carry the biggest obelisk, but they were all either cut down and the rest died chocking in volcanic explosion ash.

The things you learn. :)

Useless trees. Plant apple trees everywhere to get infinite apples.

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Based. Remove a chink, plant a tree

that would be great but it doesn't work like that, the moisture the trees receive and air currents from the ocean as well as soil requirements to grow such a thing aren't available in many places, check out the forests of siberia, that's where its at

Giant cedar trees feed water from the top down mostly, morning dew/fog. They just adapted to that.

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That's a meme.

t. reincarnated user

the french really are irredeemable aren't they...

You can't have them, sorry. You've got your own trees you convict.

Also have you ever heard of the term "invasive species"? You should, It also describes your race.
You should know these things before you start mouthing off about changing ecosystems. But you don't care about any of that, you're a fuckin wh*te

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So is reincarnation.

Bullshit. This physics law would apply to big cavities that needs to suck up the water, but on trees there's these things called capillary.

>Why FUCK is california only allowed to have these?
Moist pacific air full of mist

>nomad shows up in a tin hat
>"let me tell you about the Swedenborg"
>he's clearly not Swedish
>let him sleep in your barn
>several months later, your whole town has infinite apples
God I love being American

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We have some in the New Forest but they're not that big (yet)

That's a fucking cell phone tower with a coat on, faggot.

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I went to Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park last year. The trees were amazing, one of the best place I've ever been by far.
Sometimes I lie in bed at night and think about what General Sherman is doing. He's probably just standing in the same place.

They're hardy and alot tougher than redwoods.
they're not going anywhere tho. alot of places they grow like weeds.

>these things called capillary
Capillaries rely on capillary action. The fluid head built up from tall trees gives more pressure than the capillary action produces. Hence the need for cloud forests for fully mature Coastal Redwoods

source: live in said cloud forest with Coastal Redwoods