What is the Final Solution for the Landord question?

What is the Final Solution for the Landord question?

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how is rent theft?

Stfu and pay your rent.

Throwing all zoomers out on their whiney asses

What is the final solution to the poorfag renter who wants something for free question?

kill all the Chinese and jewish property owners and see if the problems kinda go away?

it'd be a shame if your rent check had coronavirus on it

Zoomer-tier boomer? Interesting.

The solution is to pay your rent


Why are you not dead or hanging in the street? I hope you stay comfy:)

But he’s right you sign a contract. You pay money and you are provided with a residence to stay in. You don’t get any house for free, you have to pay the mortgage and pay other bills yourself and you can’t complain to the landlord when the cooker breaks

Pay your rent

go work you faggot

okay landlet

OK, boomer

It's only theft because you don't own anything to rent out.
commie go home.


>This message is for Brian Chesky of Airbnb.
>We are your loyal hosts and most devoted supporters. Well that is… we used to be. Now with FIRE boiling through our veins, we are collectively OUTRAGED. We thought you cared… until you STABBED us in the back and left us to die.
>You give us the ILLUSION of stability… then you TEAR it from our bleeding hands when we need it most. You let us “choose” a cancellation policy then you OVERRIDE it on your whim… like a SADISTIC TYRANT.
>Maybe you’re good at big numbers. Engineering the perfect algorithm. Designing the perfect culture. Building systems at gravity-defying scale. But you greedy, selfish, arrogant, flippant, wishy-washy, backstabbing bastard… YOU WOULD NOT HAVE AN EMPIRE WITHOUT US.
>It’s OUR homes on your platform. It’s OUR face on millions of listings. It’s OUR soul that brings the magic. It’s OUR thoughtful touches they love. It’s OUR coffee they drink each morning. It’s OUR place that makes YOU money.
>You may have started this company… BUT WE HELPED YOU BUILD IT. As you sit in your fancy office dreaming up your next billion — WE are the legion that make it possible. WE are the fuel that powers your machine. WE are the ones standing in line for 5 HOURS to buy toilet paper so what few guests we have left can clean their ass before they cancel PENALTY-FREE. YOU ARE NOTHING WITHOUT US.
>We are not numbers. We are not data. We are PEOPLE. Bleeding out with your EVIL, UNETHICAL AND IMMORAL extenuating circumstances policy.
>Mark my words—

Buy your own fucking property, Mr. GIBS.

you have no choice in this society but coerced too.so the contract is null and void
landlords can skip a month, let no one try to convince you otherwise

Cringe lefty pol tier deep down you know I’m right

Skip a month no you can’t pay rent and not have access you your house that’s why civil courts exist you dumb leaf. And it’s always been that way you pay rent or pay a mortgage or save up and buy in cash. So what you have the state own all houses and now the state can kick you out because they don’t like you, gosh you’re a bit dim mate

cant be theft
theft is nonconcensual

>theft is nonconcensual
This is WHY rent is theft

Why is air free but housing isnt?

Becuase you cant control the air (yet).

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Bad argument, I can say I was coerced to buy food, since there are regulations and limitations and I have to pay. I can't keep my keep my child out of a public school in a district, I have no choice. Also, regardless, evidence of homelessness shows me no one is coerced, some choose not to do so.

you consent to rent when you asked permission to move in

Evict all the freeloaders who don't pay rent

Why don't you provide free housing for a migrant?

Pay your rent you piece of shit loser.

Ummm, no it isn't. You're in my land, pay me for as long as you're here or fuck off. Those are the terms, fuckboi.

You know what's also "theft"? killing cows to make stakes.

>no choice

brush up on what those words mean
to have no choice means you cannot walk away from the deal

so... wrong

theft is nonconcensual....
what do you not understand?
that means you did not agree
you consented to the lease/rental agreement
or you wouldnt have signed it
unless the landlord put you under imminent duress
(doubt it)

There is a bunch of empty land in basically every single country in our world, you are free to go somewhere else and build your own house if you don't want to rent.

Pretty sure there is no un-owned land in this world, you would first have to buy that land. Unless it belongs to the goverment, in which case you probably can't even buy it.

How fucking dumb or young or both are you people? this is ridiculous. You can't even get basic life stuff right.

Kill the tenents.

Based Diogenes posting.

If you don't like rent prices, buy or build a house. You'd be absolutely shocked to see the cost of an apartment complex project. People throw tens of millions into a complex, they want a return on investment.

t. Large-Scale Construction Management

Why are there threads crying about rent and landlords all day every day? At the end of the day, you'll continue to pay the rent or get evicted. The last person who missed a payment; I evicted him right away. I got to keep his deposit too which was like bonus money for kicking him out.

All the LARPing about killing landlords. I haven't even met the simps who wire me cash. The only people visiting you will be my real estate agent or worst case scenario, the cops. Fucking deadbeats. Feel free to not pay the rent. I get a bonus every time it happens.

Imagine being a wageslave wasting his precious leisure time crying about shit like this. I live in your head and I don't even pay rent.

>imminent duress
Not having shelter is imminent duress

>you have no choice in this society

yes you do

just because you may not like what options you perceive for yourself is immaterial

>so the contract is null and void

parsecs beyond laughable
if you could null any contract because other party wouldnt agree to more there could be no contracts and we would go back a few millennia societally and life would be a bit more difficult and weak like you would perish quickly

>landlords can skip a month, let no one try to convince you otherwise

what in the hell does that have to do with anything?

>guy who fapped in public
he had some good ideas but public fapping aint one of em

I never signed a contract allowing private property.

Seething wagecuck

>What is the Final Solution for the Landord question?
Pay the rent, he'll go away

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Become one

Governments have no right to own anything, therefore, claiming the land that they have no right to is moral and beautiful.

all "men" who dont own land shall henceforth be refered to as grown children who do not get the rights given to men by the constitution. also go back to slavery being legal so youd have a purpose

So you would be okay with me living in your house by force? It's not really your property anyways you need to share.

so fucking what?
what the fuck does that have to do with a landlord?
whose fucking problem is it?
did the landlord burn down where you previously lived?
are you ok?

you think someone can owe you anything because you dont like your other options?

then anyone could take anything they want from anyone

you fucking imbecile
"imminent fucking duress"
you goddamn oxygen thief
you want to steal whatever you want because you want to abdicate the negative consequences of your life onto others

jesus where do you people come up with this

To kill people who do not pay rent.

>250099404 (Yuo)

>just buy a house
>just buy some land

Just keep feeding the kike, right?

Just by expressing the notion that you have the right of consent implies that you believe in private property and want to have ownership rights enforced.

Existing in a space in not force. Private property is an exertion of force on others.

You singed a contract to pay rent bud. And If you’re so against private property where’s your house im moving in right now

Property management companies, even small ones, are parasitic and offensive. The people who run and enforce the wills of these companies should be disposed of very harshly. Stalin's unpersoning with Kim's multi-generational punishments. These whole bloodlines must be culled.

A person renting out a home they haven't paid off is a property management company with no other employees. You'd have to be both a Jew and a Nigger to stoop to this. Unperson and dispose of the whole family tree.

A person who owns a large number of residences, even if paid off, is also a non-person in a perfect world. They are worse than people who hoard essential medical supplies, because housing is essential at all times. I would go at least one generation up and just poof the whole family. Press their ashes into a makeshift toilet or something.

But, a person renting out their previous home while paying off their current home, if they aren't gouging the tenant, does not seem to be doing a great harm. And it would be wrong to outright prevent people from owning multiple residences. There's clearly a line for who's an acceptable vs unacceptable landlord, probably something like 4 residences or 15 individual tenants.

It's a psyops. Normally ((they)) focus on slide threads, Trump, and currently coronavirus.

However, it seems that they're focusing on a topic that hits home to the Yas Forums demographic: housing.
They're trying to pit us against landlords.
Why? I have no idea. Could be:

>extremely effective slide threads
>commies wanting commie ideas to take off
>tricking Yas Forums to side with landlords

I personally think it's the Chinese trying to distract everybody from the fact that they caused a pandemic.
What better way to deflect the hate than to pit Yas Forums against their landlords?

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oh you didnt sign a contract?
so a landlord in the united states is letting you live a place with money under the table?
then he doesnt have to go to court or anything to evict
he only has to physically remove you

kind of far fetched since any landlord that would do that risks everything

i.e. no landlord is going to have paying tenants, or any for that matter, without proper paperwork

ok, homeless

It isn’t.
Op is a fag.

>signs contract agreeing to terms of landlord
>agreeing to pay rent
>mad because he has to pay rent
Buy a house.
>I can't afford a house
Oh, buy a mobile home.
>No way bro, I'm not trailer trash
Oh then get an apartment and pay rent
>Okay, but I don't want to pay rent. What next?
Kill yourself.

Lefty pol retard detected I’m living in your house now pal, private property doesn’t exist so I’ll sleep in your bed and you sleep on the floor

Pay your rent asshole, you agreed to the deal when you moved in, don't like it buy a house or go innawoods and build a cabin,the idea that you should live for free on someone else's property is commie nonsense

These commies are so caught up in theory don’t even realise their current situation, pay rent of get out

>so fucking what?
That it’s not a free choice, imbecile

The final solution is for every family to take responsibility and own land for their family. You've had 200 fucking years for one of your disgusting subhuman excuses for an ancestor to do it, your shithead parents couldn't do it so now it's up to you. It should be illegal for children to be born in a rental household.

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This, I'll come by and visit, ops invitation is unnecessary, we'll gang bang his woman and eat his food too, if he protests we'll gang bang him too

This is why I’d rather be a farmer or live on a ranch in Alberta or Scotland or Queensland than any shitty city I want my own land

Exactly we eat his food at his table and fuck his gf and sleep in his bed and watch his TV and he can’t do shit because Muh private property, you except it or I’m eating OPs dinner

Either/or. The land can be a better deal, because the labor/material isn't priced in. But then you'd have to build it yourself, and modern people have seemingly forgotten how to build their own homes in the span of 2 generations.

The house can be a better option if you buy in a small market, rural or small-town, plus you can take the savings on a cheap mortgage to complete necessary or cosmetic updates to your home. The housing market where I work is about $700k for a 3br house, so I moved out an hour away into a small town and bought a fixer project for $80k. 3br, 1.5ba, $400 a month mortgage. It's doable, boys.

>commies wanting commie ideas to take off
I wonder if these pseudo commies have ever been to a Communist country to see what the housing is like there. I've been and it's awful. It's equivalent to the worst shithole in a first world country. Sure, you don't have to pay rent but you'll be living in a piece of shit while working for scraps. That's what they're asking for without realising it.

People pay rent so they can live in a building with a fucking toilet.

>It should be illegal for children to be born in a rental household.
Absolutely. It should be illegal for the poor to have children but isn't so their kids grow up and make these kinds of threads on Yas Forums. Their parents were idiots and they're idiots. What a disgusting cycle.

What is a man without his castle?

Attached: Castle.jpg (277x182, 14.43K)

The problem isn't rent. Rents been around for ages.
The problem is homeownership is out of reach for most people, especially if single. A married couple can still get a home, but women are all whores and the chances of getting divorce raped are extremely high. So men are reduced to renting.

Boomers are the primary reason houses cost so much. They already own a home, and they are vocal and elect politicians that refuse to zone New residential areas because they don't want more traffic on roads, and they know that less homes being built will increase the value of their own home.
I know some of these Boomers and can't stand it. One day, they will complain about how the city wants to zone a new area for homes to be built, next day, they will complain about how they have to pay more property tax because their home is so valuable now. Scum of the earth and they are honorary jews.

Worse for you Aussies seem so many city fags have no brain. So many would rather live in a shitty micro flat in a city than rural Queensland or Western Australia. Fuck city fags

How is it theft if you steal nothing and whatever you take I'd given willingly?

paying to corporations is thief

Pfft, the land belongs to whoever has it. Commie hippie faggot.

Buy your own house

> city fags
Yeah how dare they? They shouldn’t have chosen to work at your local hospital where they’ll save your old ass from Coronavirus!

I hope they do move to rural areas as you want them to.