There's Nothing wrong with society

The child who is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth
-Carthaginian Proverb

Basically describes me... How I feel towards white ppl. Faced with constant rejection all my life (Extended family included). Never accepted. Always an outsider. Either condescended to or looked upon with pity.

My Sister passes as White (very pale skin, blonde hair, green eyes) so does not have my issues and cannot understand. When i travel with her airport authorities always assume we are married since we do not look remotely related.

People always treated her better. I empathize a lot with European Jewish people. They too were constantly discriminated against and kept on the outside despite sharing your blood and living among you for 1000's of years. If you treated them like that and still do. You even tried to exterminate them and will likely try the same against me in the near future.

What the fuck is wrong with you people ? You deserve everything that's happening to you and more. The world would be a better place without you.

I'm drunk so this post is probably poorly constructed. I don't fucking care. I'm done. You are why I support immigration, miscegenation and multiculturalism. You are why I am a socialist. Better for you to rot and cease to exist (like I will) than to hurt others.

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>I empathize a lot with european Jewish “people”

Get the fuck out

Yes. You rejected and horrifically hurt them for millennia despite the fact that they are basically white for arbitrary reasons. As you do to me

>Basically describes me... How I feel towards white ppl. Faced with constant rejection all my life (Extended family included). Never accepted. Always an outsider. Either condescended to or looked upon with pity.
negativity is a self-inflicted wound, op.
you chose to experience those things in a bad way instead of seeing yourself above those that rejected you.

Heal your trauma, you can be angry and sad and disgusted your whole life with yourself cause others did you wrong. Or you can heal your past by embracing it. Start meditation and do trauma healing work. Seek professional help. You won't do I bet. But this is your only chance. Let go. If you don't you will hurt yourself forever.

>They too were constantly discriminated against and kept on the outside despite sharing your blood and living among you for 1000's of years
They isolated themselves.
THroughout most of our history the Jews were of the very religious type - the same type that even today isolates itself in Israel and pisses off secular Jews.

In short, Europeans were right to be anti-Semitic. And who was the most right of all? Why, Hitler, of course. Praise that man.

We rejected them , because they have constantly exploited and turned on anyone who has helped them. Remember 109 countries. An Iranian lecturing anyone on treatment of likes is hilarious to me .

You're white, dude. Get over it. You need some mental help, like get some counseling and work on your self esteem. quit blaming everyone else.

Your kile love brings shame on your european and Iranian heritage.


I know it's "anecdotal" but my personal experience has lead me to believe otherwise.

Fuck off leaf

OP is the perfect socialist, a sad little child in a grownup body whose angry at the world and will believe anything as long as it fucks up the "enemy'"

You should have been drowned at birth tbqh

I hope OP ODs on maple syrup.

What region in Iran?

stfu shit eye. no1 cares

kys you disgusting nigger

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I'm not White. The only people who mistake me for white are either blacks or Asians.

Time to go full Melon, leaf

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Based and redpilled

Shitskins are considered white in Jewmerica kek

>You deserve everything that's happening to you and more. The world would be a better place without you.

>But why don't you want brown people like me in your society????
Fuck off you kike piece of shit.

girls always get treated better...its not even funny. specially by fathers and other men. my half sister got everything, including love, gifts, educational assistance, hobbys etc. while the even younger half brother just got alibi stuff.

fuck off back to iran

Kys faggot

No unfortunate haplogroups over there

the sister ended up a college sjw. and the brother is based as fuck. so there you go...sometimes these things become gifts of their own

I did not hate you. I don't want to. It's horrific and disgusting. My mothers people.. But how can I not ? I tried so hard not to. I did. But you can only take so much abuse before you are left with no other option than to either die or hate those that did this to you.

Considering your ancestry results they probably think you're a fellow kike.

The truth is that your parents did this to you. You blame white people because your tiny mutt brain cannot reconcile the fact that you're not white as badly as you want to be. You're an abomination in the eyes of nature, and naturally nobody from my village will accept you. Nobody from Iran will either, because you're a disgrace to both cultures. You're literally an embodiment of your parent's hubris. I spit on you.

Kikes are hated for killing the messiah, poisoning entire towns, shaving gold coins, and kidnapping children.
They've earned the hatred towards them. They still do these things.
You deserve hate as well for siding with them. You give yourself over to evil.

I get asked if I'm Jewish a lot when i visit America

>The world would be a better place without you.
The opposite my friend, the world would be better without mutts like you.

Yes. I know this is how you feel. I have no nation or home. Why should you? I know what needs to be done. I'm black pilled on race (was a edgelord natsoc as a teen etc) I know what leftism is. It's strange that I support it now. But I see the reason for it.

hahaha stfu you fucking loser

Good. Embrace evil so that you can rejoice when we free you from your cursed state.

Not just better. She was included. A part of your society. Something I will never have. Not that I even want that anymore.

You have personal experience from hundreds of years ago?

So you admit to being a piece of shit that has nothing positive to contribute to the world.
It's not us who should die and suffer. It is you.

>fuck off back to iran
The iranian people don't want a mutt

Just bleach your skin and use contacts or something. Go full transrace. You're probably white passing in Muttmerica atleast, so go be a natsoc there. If Spic Fuentes can do it, you can too, OP!

J2, R1a1a, G. Not that bad desu

I have a nation and a home because it is my birthright, because my parents didn't decide to take a shit on their ancestors and marry some disgusting foreign creature. Instead they chose to preserve their culture and their heritage, and continue the bloodline. Unfortunately for you, your parents forfeited that right for you when they decided to abandon their ancient traditions and give birth to a rotten thing like you that won't ever have a real home. You are a poor thing and the only point of your existence is to be a very easily replaceable slave for those who care less than nothing for you.

The average anglsphere poster poster.

>Carthaginian Proverb
Who the fuck would take advice from fucking carthaginians?

Don't worry. I will not reproduce. Why would I? Knowing the suffering the is destined for

Your grandchildren (if you even have any) will probably be black. In a few generations none of this will matter. History will remember you as we do the Scythians. A minor footnote in history. A curiosity. Life will continue as it always does.

>invade other people's country
>wonder why you don't feel at home
Just fuck off to Iran.

Do you hear that? Adulthood is calling. It’s time to grow up and stop focusing on this stuff. These musings have the philosophical depth of a 14 year old that read his first piece of contrary literature. Time to get past this stuff, bud.

Kikes treat their own very differently from goyim. If you're here you should know that at least.

That manga is so fucking cucked. So much potential utterly wasted because the mangaka is a basedboy.

Whatever you say Mr.homosexual...

It's pronounced anomie. However you rationalize it is meaningless to me.

We are united by anomie.

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You've been hybridized as well, just alot longer ago.

>liquid jew


Birthright is an interesting concept. To the victor go the spoils as the Natives here learnt. Perhaps you are destined to learn this as well?

So have you, the difference would be that we're hybrids of Europeans.

Behold the mutt taking delight in the destruction of a race.
Your kind deserved nothing more than a bullet.

No motherfucker, it's not that you won't reproduce, it's that you can't reproduce, because you're a sad, little, Yas Forums faggot.

It’s okay mutt bro, many such cases. I’ll never be accepted either. You’re not alone. Let’s just not act like niggers and we'll be okay

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Indeed. I need to become more active in my community to support inclusiveness and diversity. I also need to find ways to encourage race mixing. I particularly like the Idea of White women breeding with African men. I'm not physically aroused by it. Rather, seeing those who rejected me debasing themselves globally brings me joy. Karma and justice. A way to correct evil for a better tomorrow

The Canadian flag should be replaced with a dildo.

The cultures are split when the child is born from feelings of lust by one or both partners

world doesn't owe you shit
>The world would be a better place without you.
without us you would be chucking spears at other tribesmen in cold weather and die from infection/diarhea at 35

I told you what to do but you ignored it. You deserve to kill yourself


I've only ever had positive experiences from people of Jewish descent. Antisemitism deeply disturbs me. Such decent, moral and kind people demonized over what? conspiracy theories ?! Nazi madness ?

The thing your retarded mutt brain doesn't get, is that YOU are the manifestation of evil. The people who rejected you have rejected evil.

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What's your point?


Dont breed. Your parents were assholes for doing it to OP. Mixed race people are, have always been, and should always be, outcasts, theres lots of reasons why and your butthurt im gathering from OP is just one of them.

Clearly the case with OP

You are white.

That sense of no belonging

we are so horrible, maybe jews should all go to israel to be safe from evil white nazis

Get some stoicism in your life man. Best of luck.

I will entertain that idea for the sake of argument. If I am evil. Truly evil would not "goodness" as you define it include murder, rape, colonialism and genocide ?

If being opposed to a future like that makes me evil I embrace that label.

Shut up retard, op is a shame for both the european kind and the iranian kind

Hey could you kill yourself? Thanks. Nobody cares about your internal mutt struggle or your love of sucking jewish dick.

My ancestors were pure breeds who created something new and unique, both sides very similar in the fundamentals of their cultures, ideals, and most importantly genetics. If you look at traditional Canada before it became the non-country it is now, it was a white person's dream. I would describe that as evolution, rather than devolution. In OP's case his mom decided to fuck a monkey and he's the raging spawn that popped out.

>Western Asia

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You're glowing

Obviously for his situation. Not very wise this one.