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Other urls found in this thread:

since when was corona real?


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Fake and gay

The pale horse rides niggers. Spread them cheeks

Le check

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Check the logarithm, Satan, it's a better indicator


The sooner people die, the sooner the earth can heal itself.

We are the disease and the cure has started

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we did it everyone


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Well, duh, Satan.
Because you planted seeds of doubt and nothingburgers into the empty-air minds of idiots who go out despite lockdowns and get themselves and others contaminated as well as the minds of idiot world leaders who didn't see the writing on the wall until it was too late.

So kudos to you, red guy.

Am I the only one who immediately thought of a certain other website upon seeing the color palette of this chart?

Let it happen dumb nigger, think about who it will kill: shitskins and niggets bcoz they have worse hygeine and arent as strong as the whiteys. Also freaky digits oonga boonga

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Wrong. The virus is real but no deadlier than the common flu.

I'm blaming the vaccines for the death tolls

Really though, this shit takes a bit to kick in and testing has been slow, a lot of the people popping positive now probably got it before the quarantines, or caught it from somebody close to them (a younger family member who didn't show symptoms or whatever) who did, or people who've already recovered but just had their test results come back. I actually know one guy the latter happened to.

Wrong it’s not and has already been proven

Would throwing jews in an oven work?


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Only you coomer filth, go lick a black mans anus


So uh how long they keep us locked down? It's clearly that this is useless

>Omg, 500k people infected, in a world of almost 8 billion. We're dooooooooooooomed!!!

The nonexistant vaccine?


Hello Team 666
wow those numbers.

Well, I have a good friend and I were chatting. His numbers were 7 million dead in usa with in ninty days. that's about 2.5% of our population.

My numbers with none of his awesome math are 30% that's just my guess. If 7 million die, thats much worse then 9/11. Which was 4000 souls.

I really want to stress to everybody, everything in my body tells me this is the end. I took the money I have and bought now about 12K in stuff for the apackofLips.

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T-thanks, satan

Mass executions is the only way to stop 9/11 .. I mean climate change , I mean ww2 I mean depression I mean overpopulation sorry I mean corona

>since when was corona real?
They will make it real by giving it to people in the vaccination, which is really the inoculation. They are devious individuals.

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The quaranties haven't been in effect for long enough to work.
And people are still allowed to go shopping for food in most countries anyway. A shit tier quarantine like that won't do much.

What's up Satan?
Afraid to get dethroned by a chink slut?

>T-thanks, satan
missed upsidedownsatan by 9.

faggot globalist niggers trying to hype this virus in order to crash the world economy will get the rope soon enough

kill yourself op


>The virus is real but no deadlier than the common flu.
>I'm blaming the vaccines for the death tolls
Incorrect old people and people with preexisting conditions get seriously done in not that any of those people deserve to fucking live really.
The thing we all should be worried about is the government s reaction to this.
They are using this to force in more NWO type policies into the world as well as use the virus as an excuse to crash the market.
They need to make people scared to accept their bullshit and a market crash can do just that as well as shut shit down to the extreme as they are, they are trying to worry people not protect people.


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It had a delay of 12 days in China. Expect more in burgerland, cause China immediately started with extreme lock downs and other measures. The western world is too arrogant to learn from China, the western world will be doomed - checked your digits.

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Bullshit, Satan, you faggot. Here in WA ain't jack fuck going on. This virus is overblown kikeness.

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December of last year?

How would you know what website I was referencing unless you're also a coomer?

LOL I havent worked in years but the government still counts me as "not unemployed"

Very Soon Mankind's Arrogance Will Be His Undoing, AND YOU WILL BOW BEFORE ME!!

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You mean the vaccine that isn't going to happen because they can't figure out how to stop the body from nuking itself testing with the seasonal coronaviruses?

Come on, get up, messenger of God.
Stopping is not an option:

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Quarantine effects won't be seen for at least two weeks retard.

>global cases
>its not stopping
>quarantine failed

usa once more proving that money cant buy common sense
literally third worlders

>not even 1 million recorded cases worldwide

fixed the loop Wayne.

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Thanks Satanon

suck uncut dick slomo

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shit is fucked. young will die in the second wave from what i have seen. government is probably keeping it quiet because we would run out of supplies in a week or two if even the essential services got shut down and everyone closed into their apartments. there would be chaos, medical staff overwhelmed, also law enforcement. because they dont take it seriously enough, i have been telling some normies on facebook, but lot of them are in disbelief, they dont want to face the facts. already had a few 20ish kids get it in my district, they had no apparent or underlying problems, but they had corona before.

t. paramedic

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Just put in another quarter, maybe it'll work better.

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>I ate half a salad yesterday but I didn't get six-pack abs today. Eating healthy is overrated!
That low IQ and wanting instant gratification really shining through.

The swine flu jus flew over my house.

the simple fact is people aren't quarantined going out to get groceries every couple of days isn't a fucking real quarantine

20ish kids die*

>implement quarantine 5 minutes ago
>omg why no results yet
take your meds

>quarantine not working
OK everybody, back in the pile

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Yes I believe time is up. We all need to help flatten the curve.

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Greta has the cure!
Greta will save the world!
Oh shit...666

That was two weeks ago!!!


The virus has been detected on surfaces in a cruise ship for over 2 weeks and still infectious. The virus is incredibly durable and highly infectious. It cannot be contained. China is laughing at the west destroying their economy trying to contain a mild virus. Economic warfare fully engaged and China profiting bigly.

Chill out Lucifer, also stop spreading lies you faggot!

Each day spent in quarantine gives more life to the earth. And Cher.