Eastern europe pride thread

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Looks like East Germany.


I like it here.

A нy, чики-бpики и в дaмки!

I love Eastern Europe architecture

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I love that you didn't even had a meager lighthouse before Romans came along

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meant for

Haha coronavirus death rate in Italy go brrr

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That looks like an absolutely dreadful place to live. Absolutely lifeless architecture.

says the nigger whose house is made of cardboard

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these are commie blocks, made to be cheap, eastern europe is full of them, I live in a commie black, though in here they got painted so don't look as bad

>I live in a commie black, though in here they got painted so don't look as bad

Why do polish commie blocks wear make-up?

Is that how you cope?

Tfw when the gay pride flag is less embarrassing than your actual flag

lmao those bantz

I do I've always found a certain charm in them. Maybe it's because I grew up in one. I've lived in the West for a bit, but I've always felt an attachment to this sort of eastern brutalism. Granted, it is indeed ugly.

dont mind me just shitting up your fag EU thread

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What's the ethnic composition of the US again?

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they added styrofoam to the walls for heat insulaton then painted over with light colors, pink and yellow usualyl, also football fags painted some nationalistic pictures on them after that

>football fags painted some nationalistic pictures

This saddens me.

Yes, but at least it results in strong men who's not controlled by emotions and doesn't create 10 threads about dogs per day.

they are high quality, they're cool actually

>you won't get more deaths

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But it wasn't real communism

Actually, standards of living in Poland aren't bad at all. I've lived in many countries (France, Belgium, Japan, Vietnam, the US) so I've seen my share of living conditions and I can safely say that Poland is doing ok.

Why are Poles and Slovenes the only slavs that actually made it?

Location probably. Of course that same location usually means the good times are short lived.



>video title

no it doesnt slavshit. how about you leave my country shit eye

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I'm Bavaryan, you piece of SHIT.

The guy who yells "JUDEN" always gets me to laugh. He was one of us for sure

Whut. Poland is a shithole. The Czech Republic is an actual developed Western country.

Don’t mind, based.

This map is a meme
Bosnia & Hercegovina and Yugoslavia?
Also Slovenia and Croatia have better crime index than Denmark

Most Germans seem really cold and pessimistic but why are Bavarians always such Bros?

Mate Poland will soon have (probably does already) have a larger percentage of blondes than Greater Turkey Area

Implying being a "developed western country" is a good thing.

Because they've been SlavD by neighbors
I know a lot of Croats love Munich

they are gernally considered the most backwards people in germany. maybe the worse the region is, the more friendly you become? while the more civilized you get, the more unfriendly? i dont know.

who the fuck cares

this is not mutt central, Europeans know that only Germanics and Celts can be considered human


Cue the Russian doomer music playlist

Italians are superior to Germans.
This is the pill Hanzovich doesn't want to swallow.

Well the guy said shiteyes I say Germany has more shit eyes isn't that a valid criticism of the aforementioned argument?

Also French and English look down upon Germans as savages and barbarians at least they used to before they got cucked

which countries are worth visiting
which has cutest girls
which has tastiest food

only been to romania but I liked it
USA feels way too expensive now

Because we aren't cold, soulless, autistic G*rmans.

All to be honest why not
Top 5 I'd say:
Slovenia or Poland

poland is better than your country, and there isn't much of a difference between chech republic and poland

>which has cutest girls
Russia is overblown, visit Belarus.

>I know a lot of Croats love Munich

And I love Croatia

on average my country is pretty white. while pooland has dark hair. note: the place where the average man is white is former prussia. so non slavic.

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>Well the guy said

>stupid bitch falling for bait

>Also French and English look down upon Germans as savages and barbarians at least they used to before they got cucked

it's real in your head!

It's real because at first anglos (USA) didn't want Germans coming in
But then they got cucked
Also French definitely look down upon you as uncultured as them

>It's real because at first anglos (USA) didn't want Germans coming in
>But then they got cucked

Eastern European intellectuals everyone

anglos ARE germans you stupid fuck. they are called anglo SAXONS for a reason. they are germanics

Mate please you have no culture but working for someone and trying to conquer others and failing
Russians rekt you both when you served daddy Napoleon and when you served daddy hitler

They are Germans who got invaded by the French and therefore got cultured
Vive la France!

your country only exists because of germany, you ungrateful fuck

also, the combined force of all other germanics fucked us. not slavshits.

G*rmans BTFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>Eastern Europe

lul, i guess this is the euro version of niggers claiming they were kangz and celebrating wakanda.

i dont care about their culture i care about race. culture is something you can change, race is not.

for example, no matter how much we try to civilize you, you will always be a slavshit. you use our inventions, our supermarkets, our money, our clothes, try to simulate our culture.

yet you will ALWAYS be inferior slavshits. not your fault, you lost the coin flip. life sucks. but thats how it is. you will always be considered second grade citizens

80% of Nazis died on the eastern front

Explain bitch you again got rekt by a Slav

Do poles have their sauna culture?

You aren't using Electricity or innovations given by Chemistry
Was a German the first man in space?
I mean Slavs have much more impressive deeds than germans

yes guess who gave them the food, the money, the oil, the workers for railroads. take a fucking guess you uneducated 90 iq slavshit

Also Slavs look down upon you as some insect people with no human emotions just some robots just like chinkoids

we have this on my block

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>Was a German the first man in space?
the germans invented the rocket, so yeah, our doing.

>I mean Slavs have much more impressive deeds than germans

You have to be 18 to post here. MOOOODS

lmao cope shiteye

you are just mad, cause your whole life you looked down upon inferior races, only then to relaize that the actual master race doesnt even consider you white. shit feeling huh?

Mostly by the US who you can't say are Germanic otherwise you're calling Germans mutts
Nevertheless you got killed by Slavs almost entirely (again, 80% of Germans in the world war 2 were killed by Slavs)
Who got to Berlin first Slavs or mutts?

and this one is opposit to the psychiatry I go to.

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Yeah just a rocket
We sent a human being to space I think these are different levels of accomplishment
(Duh I made a projectile that flies and then falls even blacks are capable of that)

>Mostly by the US who you can't say are Germanic otherwise you're calling Germans mutts
? if they are white they are either angl or german. so germanic.

so indeed, all inventions by germans, anglos, americans are inventions by the germanic race.

Actually weren't Croats considered Aryan by the biggest Nazis (i.e. for instance Hitler himself)


who? your shithole?
german scientists using german inventions send a human in space, yes.

That's some basement dweller who's coping, or some JIDF shill.

What about the Irish the Italians the poles the Russians the Yugoslavs whole of Europe was going to us not just Germans mate I mean this is literally basic history

germanics are considered aryan. no matter where you live. you can live in africa for all i care. if you are germanic, you are part of the master race. but you are not.

pretty sure youre a shiteye. undereducated, self hating, coping, etc

Bump, love you all eastern brothers!

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Gagarin was German? USSR had Germans?
My shithole has ten times less crime per capita than barbaric germany

it must suck to be master race yet have to cope with virginity so deeply into adulthood