Why does pol so anti Islam, as you can see her they openly embrace non Muslims in their community
Muslims are nice people
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What a baseless statement
visit mosque and see how nicely you would be treated brother
>as you can see her they openly embrace non Muslims in their community
Cuz their religion promotes rape
she should be grateful those paki bulls even touched her the fat cunt
No it does not, show me evidence where it does fucking shit for brains adultary is on of the most fucked up sins you can commit in islam
wrong again Bronstine
Try walking your dog in a muslim area.
She want fucking happens?
>We r good people
>Lucky our bulls raped her
Troll spotted , sage
Nah survivors of Al Noor mosque which got shot up by incel Tarrent with Egg boy an Australian anti racism activist
Opgekankerd, Achmed.
EN jouw ranzige familie (vooral die harige inteelt moeder van je).
wrong, it was a clear false provocation go visit AttaTurk museum or som shit greek
Looks like those blacked porn where that little slut sits on a couch and black dudes around her
been watching this on netflix, very interesting how Muslims are using sweden as a "you cant touch me here" zone while they are doing dodgy shit in the east.
So you're saying mudslimes will be nice to you if you're the kind of cuck who runs slander campaigns against those who want to hold sand niggers accountable...
I know heaps of nice Muslims who are good people and even friends.
Won't stop me from trying to convert them with Christian bantz.
Radical Islam is the issue.
And atleast you cunts believe jesus actually existed.
most muslims aren't nice people
why are muslim refugees in europe committing crimes?
Grote woordjes voor een autistje, hebben moslims je bilhaar uitgetrokken ofzo? Waarom haat je de islam wanneer het tegen ontaardheid is en mensen dichterbij god brengen? Lage iq
I get your point. The single nicest guy I've ever met was from Saudi Arabia. The problem with Muslims is that they are prone to extreme violence.
which ones are nice?
you mean the ones that are nice?
I don't really have a response to this other than the fact that is it true that islam has very strong beliefs against jews and the rest of the middle east is against israel and its jewish tyranny?
Accountable for what?
No we just respect Egg Boy because he went against hatred from racist scum, open your eyes if islam is so bad why do Christians in the middle east even exist or why do Greeks even exist ?
There is nothing wrong with salafism they follow the teachings of god
had a roomie from iraq. he got u.s. residency. permanent. was totally redpilled on jews and media and international banks. cool guy.
We only ever hear about those losers when they need gibbs really. Terrible religion too, incompatible with North America’s post-catholicism.
The religion itself is good, but people confuse the arabs that do bad shit for muslims and start hating islam because they are retarded
Omdat het niet thuis hoord in Nederland.
Reformeer tenminste nog, maar ook daar blijkt weinig uit te komen. Moslims zijn nou eenmaal een probleem geval.
Houd het buiten Europa, en ik vind 't helemaal prima.
Funny how everyone that says that islam is bad religion doesnt come up with any arguments as to why you are in fact retarded
It's their built in spy shit, Taqiyya.
Means they will fucking lie and gain confidence if it means avoid persecution. (Moderate Muslims)
Watch some Muslim rat come and try to deny this. There's like 4 different kinds of permissions for lying and pretending Islam isn't a death cult bent on world domination.
Dude most muslims I have met are pretty cool honestly. Dosent mean I want to live in their culture. Dosent mean I want to be muslim. Just means when I walk down the street and see some muslim family, I'm not worried or scared. Sad that they lost their place in the world, their home. But when I think about it they are kind of like us whites, in the way that they have been displaced from their homeland and are trying to find somewhere else to make it work. Then I get upset that the powers that be started all of this shit with WW1
Actual Muslim here, AMA because it’s 4am and I’m 12 days into quarantine with nothing else to do.
A muslim can say anything about Islam and if it something good, you can just dismiss it saying it's Taqiyya.
English, roach. Your average dutch mudslime is just a niggerloving serial gambling drugdealer, most of them drink. Go shill for your gay desert mooncult elsewhere
I worked with a guy like that. He worked directly with special forces to help fight Taliban and they gave him citizenship. Pretty much the nicest guy I ever met. He was so happy to be here with his wife and son. We would smoke cigs late and night at he would tell me how great America is and how proud he was to earn his citizenship like he did. He was based on jews so hard too. I hope Hassan is good. Miss that dude.
A Muslim can be a nice person yes, but look at what the Quran says about non believers like me. It says they should pour boiling water over our heads (acid attacks increasing in the west?!).
Islam is a mental poison, the nice Muslims just haven't been fully altered by it yet.
Sterf kanker verrader. En als je moslim tuig bent wacht maar. Er komt een dag wanneer jullie allemaal gelynched worden. Smerige pedo parasieten.
Fuck off to your shithole country shitskin.
Do you wipe your ass or use a shower?
Muslim isnt only the Cancer of europe but the whole world
Dat slaat nergens op religie kent geen ras en het christendom kwam ook van het midden oosten net zoals de islam, de moslims zijn geen probleem geval, godloze arabieren, marokkanen, etc die problemen veroorzaken en beweren dat ze moslim zijn maar daar niets van laten zien is het probleem en de reden dat mensen islam in het geheel haten, als je naar het religie zelf kijkt inplaats van naar de actie van probleemveroorzakende lage iq immigranten zie je dat de meeste het religie niet eens correct volgen en dat het religie zelf kanker based is, heb vroeger ook haat aan de islam gehad
A lot of funding for groups like ISIS come from western Muslims who send their money or even benefits to them.
Fuck Islam and fuck muslims who choose to embrace that demonic cult.
I’m gettin really sick of this
>it’s just the extreme ones
nigger bullshit.
The only good muslim is a dead muslim. The non extreme ones still treat women like objects and subject them to rape you idiots.
dilate mudslime. Hows the bomb recipe coming up?
Not anti Islam and never have been desu. Lived in UK for two years and met many kind Muslims who seemed to have no problem adapting to British culture (the good parts of it anyway). In a way, a lot of pol users share the same views as conservative Muslims:
1 - adultery should be punished
2 - degeneracy (homosexuality and promiscuity) should be punished
3 - straight edge lifestyle, no porn etc
4 - trad wife/husband is in control
I'd rather be in the presence of peaceful well meaning Muslims than football obsessed, pissed up northerners who are looking to fight you because there's ten of them and one of you
Its not so much saying good. it's the twisting of obviously horrendous aspects of the religion to be able to infiltrate other countries. which is the only way you can trick non-muslims into accepting your retarded book.
they gangrape children like catholics
Link where it says that..
Mongool, heb je de Koran gelezen. Er staat in dat Mohammed op een vliegend paard naar de maan vliegt en hem in twee hakt. Als je dat geloofd ben je nog dommer dan twee negers.
how do you feel now the coronavirus has reignited European ethnocentrism and you and your people will be ripped from you beds early one morning and expelled/publicly executed by a mob of angry white people who are sick of shit skins like yourself shitting up their countries with you dogshit culture, customs and children
Based goy detected
They rape kids and commit crime. Fuck those dumb inbreds and the cuck in the picture. Worst of all, they constantly shove that sand cult down your throat.
Except rape is not allowed in islam premerital sex isnt even allowed in islam so guess whoever does that arent muslims right? Fuck some people are retarded
>as you can see her they openly embrace non Muslims in their community
As long as you bend over and take it.
The second you even slightly "cross" them, read, not allow sharia and all the other wonderful things their death cult promotes, their innate psychosis kicks in and the slaughter begins.
There is an infopic out there that picks out loads of foul shit in the Quran. But here is your link, I'm sure you'll say it "interpretation" and it's just bants.
Dan kies ik toch liever voor Christendom, gezien onze cultuur en samenleving daar op is gebaseerd.
>in their community
There's the problem senpai. Stay in your own country and we'll be fine