April 12, 2020 is Easter Sunday and Trump’s goal for the end of the crisis

Easter is also the goal for the crisis end in Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland and Spain.

Is Easter the correct end timeline point?

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>Is Easter the correct end timeline point?
No, today is.

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orange nigger faggot kike lover wants to poison the nation and have people worshiping a kike on a spike all in the name of muh gdp wow imagine my surprise.

Is it worth fucking up the nations wealth to save boomers? No.

Trump is right, though. It’s a 2 week corona infection thing. 3-4 weeks of lockdown should eliminate the infection.

>Is Easter the correct end timeline point?
IMO he should restart the economy TODAY
Every day he waits is just fucking us all over.

I do not believe that for a second people can be re infected it takes 2 weeks to just show symptoms I doubt it will take 2 weeks after for it to burn itself out. Corona is going to linger around alot longer then 3-4 weeks that is how sickness works not everyone gets sick at the same time the only thing 2 weeks of shutdown does is put off the inevitable and even then alot of Americans are not following the lockdown rules especially in my fucked up state commifornia. You would be shocked at how many people are still out and about possibly spreading it and catching it. Not to mention some people might just be carriers and it will lay dormant in them for a while. No trump is not right he just worships the kike and worships the gdp he does not have what it takes to actually get this shit under control.

>Is Easter the correct end timeline point?
Yes goy, you need to go back to work by (((Easter))) so Mister Noseberg can make 2 million instead of 1 million that day

This is how we get USA to go from 330 million to about 60 million in a year.

Fuck em

>death rate of 5%
>330 million to 60 million
Math checks out

Posting that fed here.

No, mid-May is the peak....share this. Bomb drops at 25:00


>. 3-4 weeks of lockdown should eliminate the infection.

It would but Trump would never do it. It would mean putting martial law in place. Most of the Shelter in place statues aren't being enforced and people are openly disregarding it. We as a people do not like being told what to do. Martial law would mean some chuckle fuck(s) is going to think the NWO and ZOG are making their move and WILL open fire on soldiers. Just look at the conspiracy threads right now, any one of those autists is more than capable of doing that.

>fed wants to expose the leader of the fed for being a retard through anonymous twitter accounts
I think the demented boomers who think everyone is a russian bot are smarter than you.

If people are mad at Trump now, can't wait to hear what they think when he's forced to implement martial law cause no one is listening.

based on the rate it's going at now it'll start to end the week after easter with ~5 million confirmed cases and 70k deaths, based on 50 million total untested cases but assuming 90% of people are asymptomatic or get nothingburger symptoms

After the docility of the virginia """"protests"""" I don't think a single bullet would be fired if they took everyone's guns.

This is fundamentally retarded. You don’t just “restart” the economy. Half the population will remain under restrictive directives from state government that dampened economic productivity, problems will still persist with stock market growth. If anything he’s just going to cause more confusion. Seriously needs to stop doing this shit or he’s going to lose massively in November.

But what if we release all the flu's and bacteria's all at once.

Then we might even achieve 30 million

It's desperate Trump cultists in the bargaining stage of grief. It's fucking pathetic. They refuse to admit that they blew a 30 year economic bubble through their own selfish behavior and now it's popping.

>He thinks Trump isn't planning to destroy the FED and end FIAT currency once and for all

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Same here. Their is a strict lockout but ppl take advantage of the fact you can still walk in your neighborhood or do grocery shopping. The problem is that when you go to the supermarket, most people act like there is nothing, especially the workers, they have no protections and take no precautions. What I notice is that they are young and healthy, therefore feel like they're invincible and they're also selfish, they don't fucking care if grandma gets it.

Spaniard here. I dont think this is true. We might open up by 15th May or 1st June.

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Yeah if they really wanted to end this shit everyone would be mandated to stay inside and shelter in place if they did not they would be shot and anyone who has symptoms would be shot and have their bodies burned but everyone is too much of a pussy for real measures.

>I do not believe that for a second people can be re infected
I'll guarantee you that the "reinfections" were just artifacts of the garbage tests that the chinks were using.

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Death and resurrection? It's fitting, at least.

>is also the goal for the crisis end in Germany, Austria
we've already pushed the date back, they're ralking about end of may now

Wow nice high-effort GIF there user! Totally authentic meme a definitely real user would make for fun! Doesn't look like the excessive level of production consistent with Mossad niggers at all!

>2 week corona infection thing
up to 24 days of incubation period


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Ofc it’s going to end magically. The entire event was orchestrated by (((them)))

Funny how Ive heard:
>"Its only 2% bro".
>"Death rate of 5%".
>"It's only a 4.5 mortality rate".
>"Only a 3% Chance to die".
But the fucking numbers don't match that. Especially China.
I'm convinced you lazy fucks can't do math and figure it out for yourself.

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At USA's current reproduction rate (cases increasing ~10-fold per week) USA will have 34 million infected persons (10% of population) by Easter Sunday 12 April (and 1 million dead).
Holding Easter Sunday service will ensure that most of the rest of the population become infected.
Then Trump's economic miracle can bring the 4.5 million who will be dead soon after back to life.

Sorry I meant to say I do not believe that for a second. People can be re infected the punctuation makes it much more clear what I was trying to convey.
Keep trusting the plan goyim I am sure your orange kike lover will totally do all the things that your stupid fucking kike larp has said. The thing about you idiot Q cards is you are just sitting around having hope in something that will never come. The kikes have pacified you as you sit around trusting a none existent plan. How long will you keep waiting and sitting on your ass retard?

It takes longer to recover than to die from the infection. You're comparing different cohorts there.

What do you think where you are?

No but we just threw whatever chance millennials and zoomers had out the window. Boomers do get the last laugh after all.

Listen you fucking faggots, Trump already has the vaccine and is commencing a nationwide chemtrail-delivery system to inoculate the whole nation. And if you happen to be indoors when the chem-planes fly overhead, you can be cured with fucking tonic water.

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Cringe and idiotism. Quarantine should end when the desease is defeated

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>Implying US would give away the vaccine without charging $3000

>mfw Trump just forced millions of unwilling atheists to observe Lent

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and you're assuming this has absolutely no long term effects on health or risks of flaring up again

That's not overall rather hospitalisations. Basically if the hospital has deemed it worthwhile for you to go to hospital you're 50/50 at best.
There are 100s of thousands untested with China flu. Those that make up the positive tests are just those tested in a region with symptoms and ambulance staff deemed fit enough to stay at home.
The recovered rate is just those recovered from hospital.

>Case fatality is mortality
Baby's first pandemic

A million won't die globally, chink

Unfortunately, we will have to wait until Easter 2021.

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you tell me user, is it the best day to end it, or are we just beginning?

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>desease is defeated
it is a pandemic, there is not 'erradication' possible
all this efforts were supposed to be to mitigate the effects and retard them
apparently they have retarded everyone

Do Americans even know what "Easter" is?

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I am not really sure what you are trying to tell me with this russian fren.

Theuy would actually give it for free, but only after buying it from Kushner and co with their tax money.

>atheism and TDS
That's tough, bud.
Get well soon

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>The Messiah will rise.

4 weeks would be sufficient if there was an actual nationwide lockdown where no one left their homes and international travel stayed shut down until other nations cooled off, but that's not the case.
Lots of places with corona cases don't have a lockdown order, and the places with orders are not enforcing them. Even if the lockdown order were enforced, the list of exemptions is massive. Fucking pool cleaners are listed as essential workers.

>putting martial law in place

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To add, with the current form of very loose lockdown no amount of time would get rid of the virus. The only goal now is to slow it down enough that hospitals can keep up.

The opportunity for containment is already lost, until we develop an effective vaccine this virus is just going to become a common thing that we have to deal with like the flu.

My cities got cases but very few deaths. Everything is shut down. If I'm driving during the day i can't even find a place to take a shit. Yet the markets are stocked and full of people. Wal-Mart is fucking packed. Costco is a zoo. They need to either go full martial law or just end it and tell old people to stay the fuck home. What they're doing now is meaningless and putting every small business out of business.

Who is Mommy Milkers?

It's when the bunny gets rid of the abominations he created with a cuck

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something tells me I am just fine now. Keep worshiping your jewish cock sucking faggot tho I am sure that will work out just fine for you.

You will be wrong.
USA is merely showing what can happen in a third world country. Deaths in the millions.
Buy shares in funeral industries.