Why is the girl on the left considered more attractive?

Why is the girl on the left considered more attractive?

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Cuz she made for BBC

because isn't a nigger

Because she is you stupid nigger

She is white.

Natural face vs. painted on face, for one.

Because whore makeup issues beach you dumb negrophile..

I need to see their tits, hips and midriffs before making my ultimate judgement.

she is natural

fucking niggers makes more niggers.

Girl on the left is property of Jamal's bbc.

i farted and it smells like shit

on the contrary m'dude

>doesn’t look like dirty dish water
probably 99% of it

less makeup

The girl in the right is atleast 45% white but still looking like a ugly monkey

No plastic surgery and minimal makeup

Because she’s more attractive.

Based Finn

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Mutt's law you nigger

ill take the nigger.
later bois

because look at those eyebrows

Because I'm white.

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Her genes are better

not even close and you know it you dirty jew


Why is the sun bright and the night black?

The one on the left is made from BBC.

Because she's actually a human.

The eye color is more interesting. Light skin I can see more features on it, although some people view that as a negative. They seem "cleaner" to some people? There's a lot more variety, lips are nice and feminine without being so big? And in the case of these two, the one on the right has way too much make up, i don't like that drawn eye brow.

If you guys can find a dark girl without make up try posting that and we can see.

Better question is why they are even considered the same species.

>Why is the girl on the left considered more attractive?
1. She isn't wearing make up like a clown
2. She isn't African American, AKA white gene niggers
3. She isn't wearing a wig
4.She doesn't have STDs
5.She's a nigger


cause she not a Bt 2000

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My pp says so

The "girl" on the right is wearing ten pounds of makeup, and the colour range in her features is that of literal shit (also she is culturally appropriating her straight hair). The girl on the left has hardly any makeup on and looks like a fucking angel

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Left: Joy and optimism
Right: Chip on shoulder and irritated

Because she is smarter

She’s white. Just face it man, black is not beautiful. There is just a natural repulsion to things which are the same color as shit.

Left girl is literally built for bbc.

>Why do you prefer your own women.
Because I am a White Male. Are you retarded or something?

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I prefer right.

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tfw comparing a white girl with no makeup on to an ape who spent loads of time on it's appearance and the white girl still beats it by a wide margin.

Because she is less than 1% palstic, while the one on theright is above 10% easily - and would look even worse without it.

And probably has a better moral identity

Because nigger bitches are ugly.

by whom
according to what?
what makes you assume she?
why do you ask?
what difference does it make?
why must fuel be added to the fire?

(even tho she is, and by far, objective more beautiful in every way)

Left is beautiful has gorgeous freckles and very pretty green eyes and right looks like a gorilla it looks like a literal ape it is fucking disgusting it is a nigger

Because the left one is natural and the right one is caked with make up. Every black girl that wants to look white needs to cake herself up, you should see them without makeup, fucking disgusting.

+ right girl is built for section 8

makes me wanna mixrace.

because she is

Brown face has no visible emotion.

Thinner nose, lighter skin, lighter eyes, lighter features altogether. That's why the Jew pushes assimilation.

Face isn't as round and eyes aren't as chinky

Apparently your brain is telling you that your offspring will have better chances at thriving if you DON'T HAVE THEM WITH A NIGGER.
How this would make any sense is truly a mystery for the ages.

But ain't it the subtle Caucasian features that make her look attractive? Like if she were full black, would you be alright with that?

would marry over left. dont @ me homos

>Why is the girl on the left considered more attractive?

because you have shit taste. the one on the right is considerably more attractive.

I want both of them, bruh.

>no makeup
This is what incels actually believe

>she isnt smothered in makeup
>her picture isnt air brushed
>not using camera filters
>less likely to have STDs
>will still be attractive in 3 years
>far less likely to murder you
>iq above room temperature
>not a nigger
>also she is not a nigger
>most importantly she is not a nigger

bcuz her soul is pure

found another one

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The right is more attractive because she 100% has a bigger ass.
>inb4 race traitor blablabla
idgaf u fucking cucks i like big asses

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Pretty much what it boils down to.

Same reason the one on the right is. Preference. Shit bait.

Based as fuck.

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because brown is fecal color

First off you admit she's competitive without makeup while the right is caked in it.
Its not even close.

>idgaf u fucking cucks i like big asses

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everyone knows by now that mena girls rule them all.

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Whites on average have higher IQ, empathy, trust, altruism, less temper, lower criminality, less chance she has STD, will cheat on you...I could go on and on.

Her children will have the same qualities.

Why do black men pursue white women?

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>without makeup
I'm going to reply to every incel that posts ITT

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You also like big, fat cocks by the sound of you.

And... you know... an actual soul.

Because you can ride them handlebars

>cherry picking

You have to go back.

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Because white people decide what is objectively beautiful

She just reminds a monkey less and thus is higher on the evolution ladder. But it's just a guess.

How many times are you going to make this thread? 50? 100? Kill yourself

Beauty is an objective thing.

If you actually think that girl isn't wearing makeup you're guaranteed a virgin.

Use your eyes.

the one on the right has a European genetic admixture.

As said, she was made for black breeding.

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>Why is the girl on the left considered more attractive?

Can I fuck them both at the same time pls?

The answer is obvious, but I'm getting real tired of these threads where OP already knows the answer and doesn't even bother engaging. However, it is funny seeing the cucks and shills pop in and attempt to fight off the backlash.
fpbp isn't real, even if the leaf is just stale memeing
That's a bit better.

You already know the answer. Not a chance in hell. Avg. African American is 25% white. Does wonders for their appearance. Much easier on the eye than niggers stuck on the African continent. Still ugly as fuck tho

every square inch of the sheboon has more makeup than that girls entire face.

>White roast
I choose none.

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Good to see the BBC spam is being kept in check. Looks like people finally stopped getting triggered/baited. Here, I'll give you a (You).

Have a good life.

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Not remotely what was being discussed.