/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2516 - SWINE FLU BTFO EDITIONS

► Detected: 423,883 (+1,330) ► Died: 18,926 (+36)

— 3.52 billion people put under lockdown

— 477 more confirmed deaths than swine flu in all of 2009-10

Spain run out of beds, puts patients on the floor

India under complete lockdown, 1.33 billion people

China denying virus tests to keep numbers down

4,000 infected in Ottawa, health officials estimate

34 year old infected nurse commits suicide

Kidney and testicular damage found in three clinical datasets

Virus travels 4.5 meters, stays in air 30 minutes

Patient tests negative four times, was infected

Cruise ship "recovered" case reinfected in Japan

Israeli "recovered" case tests positive again

Venezuela under full lockdown, 32 million people

Kuwait under lockdown, affecting 4 million

Peru under lockdown, 32 million people

Jordan under lockdown, 9 million people

UK expects up to 100,000 deaths


07:52: 155 new cases in South Africa.
07:51: 374 new cases and 2 new deaths in Israel.
06:02: 105 new cases and 2 new deaths in Texas, United States.
03:00: 100 new cases and 2 new deaths in South Korea. Two other new deaths mentioned in the source were previously added to our tracker.
02:01: 192 new cases and 1 new death in Colorado, United States.
01:38: 248 new cases and 13 new deaths in Washington state, United States.
01:07: 50 new cases in New Zealand.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 19,050
lol, still only 19,050.
How many days has it been stuck at 19,050? Four days? Five days?

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hey guys check this out

*cough* *cough*

Fuck you gary you stupid nigger


I love how burgers are not panicking here when the government said the situation isn't severe as the death toll's rising

didn't even update the table, you're getting sloppy Gary

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Don't relax fellow anons

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Need to start on a campaign to deny the vaccine on this one, lads.

>When Gary has more precise numbers than OP


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no he isn't

Indexes up 10%.
Is happening cancelled?

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It is Gary's job, he is proud soldier in CCP digital warfare division


corona does not exist

you have 1 iq if you havnt figured that out by now we have had months

i go out to every restaurant/store my life is the same

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Jack is the healthiest person I know," his mother said. "He's not overweight, he exercises weekly, an all-American lacrosse player at Bates. He continues to play lacrosse. Jack has nothing. He's not asthmatic, he's completely healthy. He's 25 years old, turning 26 in a couple of weeks.

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The image isn't synced with the text


>— 477 more confirmed deaths than swine flu in all of 2009-10

what is the next achievment Corona-chan is going for?

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China 81,218 (3,281) Italy 69,176 (6,820) United States 54,916 (784) Spain 42,058 (2,991) Germany 32,991 (159) Iran 24,811 (1,934) France 22,304 (1,100) Switzerland 9,891 (132) South Korea 9,137 (126) United Kingdom 8,077 (422) Netherlands 5,560 (276) Austria 5,368 (30) Belgium 4,269 (122) Norway 2,868 (13) Canada 2,792 (26) Australia 2,423 (8) Portugal 2,362 (33) Sweden 2,299 (40) Brazil 2,247 (46) Israel 2,030 (5) Turkey 1,872 (44) Malaysia 1,796 (17) Denmark 1,591 (32) Czech Republic 1,497 (3) Ireland 1,329 (7) Japan 1,193 (43) Luxembourg 1,099 (8) Ecuador 1,082 (27) Pakistan 1,000 (7) Thailand 934 (4) Chile 922 (2) Poland 901 (10) Romania 794 (12) Finland 792 (1) Saudi Arabia 767 (1) Greece 743 (20) Diamond Princess 712 (10) Indonesia 686 (55) Iceland 648 (2) India 562 (10) Singapore 558 (2) Philippines 552 (35) Russia 495 (1) Slovenia 480 (4) Panama 443 (6) Peru 416 (7) Mexico 405 (5) Egypt 402 (20)…

China +47 (+4) United States +35 (+4) Switzerland +14 (+10) South Korea +100 (+6) Austria +85 (+2) Norway +2 (+1) Israel +100 (+2) Malaysia +172 (+1) Mexico +38 (+1) Serbia (+1) Hungary +39 (+1) Afghanistan (+1) Bangladesh (+1) Paraguay +10 (+1) Australia +106 Czech Republic +103 Pakistan +28 Thailand +107 South Africa +155 India +26 Armenia +16 Lithuania +46 Taiwan +19 Bulgaria +2 Ukraine +11 Oman +15 Cambodia +2 Venezuela +7 Kazakhstan +7 Georgia +3 Uzbekistan +5 Montenegro +5 Nigeria +2 Honduras +6 Bolivia +3 Jamaica +4 Madagascar +2 New Caledonia +2 El Salvador +4 Fiji +1 Nepal +1…


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If this faggot was at a spring break party then I have no sympathy for him

Country is going into full lockdown for at least 4 weeks starting in 3 hours. I reckon it'll be more like 6-8 weeks though. This is depressing.


动态网自由门天安门天安门法轮功李洪志Free Tibet 六四天安门事件The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安门大屠杀The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派斗争The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大跃进政策The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人权Human Rights 民运Democratization 自由Freedom 独立Independence 多党制Multi-party system 台湾台湾Taiwan Formosa 中华民国Republic of China 西藏土伯特唐古特Tibet 达赖喇嘛Dalai Lama 法轮功Falun Dafa 新疆维吾尔自治区The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 诺贝尔和平奖Nobel Peace Prize 刘暁波Liu Xiaobo 民主言论思想反共反革命抗议运动骚乱暴乱骚扰扰乱抗暴平反维权示威游行李洪志法轮大法大法弟子强制断种强制堕胎民族净化人体实验肃清胡耀邦赵紫阳魏京生王丹还政于民和平演变激流中国北京之春大纪元时报评论共产党 独裁 专制 压制 统一 监视 镇压 迫害 侵略 掠夺 破坏 拷问 屠杀 活摘器官 诱拐 买卖人口 游进 走私 毒品 卖淫 春画 赌博 六合彩 天安门 天安门 法轮功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 刘晓波动态网自由门

They're clearly lying about something otherwise the death rate would be much higher, dipshit.

dead cat bounce as the feds desperately try to inject some life into the economy. if trumpbuxx don't work then its game over

>comon user! we’re going to go hot tubbing! all my friends just got back from spring break all over the country and we want you to come to the hot tub with us!
What do?

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more deaths than spanish flu

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Why does Bill Mitchell look like he belongs in the Max Payne engine

We know since February

IIRC, he's in a drug coma and tubed

50/50 he makes it

Zhang and Joe are two sides of the jewish coin


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>They're clearly lying about something
>the death rate

i am embarrassed for that kid's family.

>Fed says they'll buy whatever corporate securities they can get their hands on, and will spend $2 trillion to do so
>markets go up because money printer go BRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Stonks are still going to implode, this is a pump and dump

How worried should I be about ordering pizza if I take the steps to minimize risk?

I'm talking about taking the pizza, putting the box in quarantine and extracting the food out onto a safe surface


Austria (+0.00%) Hungary (0.00%) Greece (+0.07%) Switzerland (+1.70%) United States (+1.71%) Netherlands (+2.33%) United Kingdom (+2.66%) Poland (+2.17%) Australia (+2.08%) Germany (+2.64%) France (+2.92%) Italy (+2.98%) Hong Kong (+3.30%) China (+3.44%) Taiwan (+3.60%) South Africa (+4.11%) India (+4.41%) Spain (+4.47%) Russia (+4.40%) South Korea (+5.16%) Singapore (+5.58%) Japan (+5.82%) Brazil (+7.74%)

Sydney (-17%) Tokyo (-11%) Beijing (-32%) Wuhan (-27%) New Delhi (-63%) Dubai (-19%) Moscow (-44%) Rome (-57%) Milan (-52%) Berlin (-30%) Munich (-18%) Brussels (-49%) Paris (-54%) Madrid (-12%) Barcelona (-11%) London (-2%) Sao Paulo (0%) Buenos Aires (-12%) New York (-5%) Washington (-3%) Miami (0%) Toronto (0%) Chicago (-3%) Houston (-2%) Mexico City (-8%) Los Angeles (-10%) Seattle (-5%)

India (1.33b) China (760m) Pakistan (205m) Germany (82m) France (66m) United Kingdom (66m) Italy (60m) South Africa (56m) Colombia (49m) Spain (46m) Argentina (44m) Brazil (44m) Ukraine (42m) California (39m) Venezuela (32m) Peru (32m) Malaysia (31m) New York (19m) Ecuador (16m) Philippines (13m) Czech Republic (10m) Illinois (12m) Belgium (11m) Greece (10m) Jordan (9m) Austria (8m) New Jersey (8m) Serbia (7m) Washington (7m) Iraq (7m) Denmark (5m) Lebanon (6m) El Salvador (6m) Norway (5m) Finland (5m) Ireland (4m) Kuwait (4m)…


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You don't even have that many cases.

Your border closures and contact tracing should catch them all. Just force every citizen coming in into hotels with guards.

The global death rate is currently 15% Chang

Normies are stupid, he may seem healthy but he probably has the typical American junk food diet and he's vitamin deficient. Parents looking for a cure from the conventional medical are stupid.
High dose unprocessed Vit C 8000mg daily
Colloidal Silver
Vit D
a combination of these and you are not going to get sick

Yeah they're lying about the death rate. Do you know how rare it is for a person in their 20s with ANY sort of condition to be ventilated? There's practically no reason. So that story is very fucking alarming to me.

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No, the market is just stupid. It'll crash again once the corpses start piling up.

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Microwave the pizza for 2:30 minutes and you'll be fine with good box contamination awareness

underreported case numbers since not every infected is getting tested
death rate is not that high

Who the fuck are you? Get out of my face and stop using my name.

Dude, almost everyone has some kind of a condition if we are taking those into account which are hidden when you're young

What's the deal with all these non-boomer fatalities? No crazy health problems attached to them. They just go critical and die. Is this the reality of Corona-Chan?


>Medicom, a Canadian manufacturer, has three factories in China, but the Chinese government has requisitioned all production and nothing is being exported, according to the company's COO, Guillaume Laverdure.

Spanish flu seems allot more hard core
one of its latter mutations could manage to kill in less than 24 hours from time of first symptoms

>putting the box in quarantine
Just like
Set it on fire

>only 2k cases in the last 6 hours

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Godzilla wasn't attacking the city in that movie though, he's a good boy.


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>The global death rate is currently 15% Chang
No it's fucking not. They are not doing full testing and there's no way to count people that are just carrying and not sick or people that are sick but not sick enough to need doctor/hospital. The last good numbers came from S Korea with max testing .6%
So stop fucking fear mongering like the corporate whore media is doing 24-7

Cock and baww towtuwwe (cbt), penis towtuwwe ow dick towtuwwe is a sexuwaw activity invowving appwication of pain ow constwiction to the penis ow testicwes. This may invowve diwectwy hpainfuww activities, suwch as genitaw piewcing, wax pway, genitaw spanking, squweezing, baww-buwsting, genitaw fwogging, uwwethwaw pway, tickwe towtuwwe, ewotic ewectwostimuwwation, kneeing ow kicking.[1] the wecipient of suwch activities may weceive diwect physicaw pweasuwwe via masochism, ow emotionaw pweasuwwe thwouwgh ewotic huwmiwiation, ow knowwedge that the pway is pweasing to a sadistic dominant. Many of these pwactices cawwy significant heawth wisks.[2]
devices and pwactices
top weft: ewotic ewectwostimuwwation. Top wight: twampwing the penis. Bottom weft: wax pway. Bottom wight: chastity piewcing.
simiwaw to many othew sexuwaw activities, cbt can be pewfowmed uwsing toys and devices to make the penis and testicwes mowe easiwy accessibwe fow attack, ow fow fowepway puwwposes.[3][4]
baww stwetchew

a metaw baww stwetchew and cock wing, which fowces penis' ewection.
a baww stwetchew is a sex toy that is uwsed to ewongate the scwotuwm and pwovide a feewing of weight puwwwing the testicwes away fwom the body. This can be pawticuwwawwy enjoyabwe fow the weawew as it can make an owgasm mowe intense, as testicwes awe pwevented fwom moving uwp. Intended to make one's testicwes pewmanentwy hang muwch wowew than befowe (if uwsed weguwwawwy fow extended pewiods of time), this sex toy can be potentiawwy hawmfuww to the mawe genitaws as the ciwcuwwation of bwood can be easiwy cuwt off if ovew-tightened.

whiwe weathew stwetchews awe most common, othew modews consist of an assowtment of steew wings that fastens with scwews, cauwsing additionaw buwt onwy miwdwy uwncomfowtabwe weight to the weawew's testicwess. The wength of the stwetchew may vawy fwom 1-4 inches.[5] a mowe s type of baww stwetchew can be home-made simpwy by wwapping wope ow stwing awouwnd one's scwotuwm uwntiw it

>Parents looking for a cure from the conventional medical are stupid.

You forgot
>Tiger penis
>Bat soup
>Live mice

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how long do you guys anticipate the lockdowns will last?

Or is it?

In smaller islands medical workers can only use raincoats as PPD

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Ive been thinking about the whole "china faking production" and I think besides trying to report good numbers to beijing they also maybe need to keep central demand for the electricity cause they would need to turn off poweplants and potentially not have enough power for the population.
Especially if the, have nuclear powerplants there.
Any electrofag that could elaborate on that?

In awe at the size of this lad

He's most likely the unlucky young one to have Cytokine Storm. His body overreacted to a new virus it hasn't seen.

Probably because nobody has enough kits to test people with, so they're only testing people with severe symptoms and people with expensive insurance.

There's already confirmed cases of community transmission, and no doubt plenty more we don't know about yet. Hopefully this works and stops it from getting completely out of control.

>joke flew over his head

oh phew it really is just like the flu then i guess all those hospitals aren't overwhelmed within days after all

seems legit

Plenty of 25yr olds die of cancer too, despite being healthy and fit. Sometimes that's just the way the cookie crumbles.

>not learning to make your own
you could have prevented this

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Not every dead is getting tested either.

Cope in the face of facts and logic

Cover entire body, touch a dirty rag with your bare hands.

Found the source of corona.

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127 per 1 million puts the USA at the very bottom of the list. just like canada it's hard to panic when your president saved thousands of people by closing the borders to chinkland

while people movement not limited at all

thank jocovidiot for the herd immunity

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>he doesnt like doing sick flips on Tony Hawk's Underground

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Even less dead are tested because of test kit rationing

As long as the rest of the country can muster against the genius that is Operation Business as Usual President Trump wants to kickstart.

Depends if there is a second wave, and how fast a vaccine can be mass produced. I’m guessing july the earliest

The only reason their death rate is lower because all the people catching it are younger. See their older population has a brain and thinks they should refrain from seeing the light of day. Unlike our old population who are mentally deranged Trump cultists who think everything is fine until they're gasping for air like fucking retards.

Who /comfy/ here?

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>Muh corporate media always lie
>When shit hits the fan he needs to rely on his 5 digit IQ to SEE DA TRUTH

Pittsburgh sports team sent 1000 pizzas to a local hospital.... what were they thinking?

did the hospital X-ray them first?

>Depends if there is a second wave
This is pretty much guaranteed according to experts.

>and how fast a vaccine can be mass produced
Probably going to take up to a year.

What exactly is supposed to happen if a chink enters a bread with this pasta in it? Does he get the pooh execution squads of death?

3 weeks is the proposed timeline here. I can see another few weeks on top of that in honesty before London gets pop up hospitals and Boris starts doing a get back to work talk.

>there are people out there, all over the world, still thinking it's a nothingburger.
>tome of them think it's a haox used to install martial law
>these people will never get the virus and die already
Things are not going the way they are supposed to

This is an attack on the success of the Trump economy. This is a hoax. It's time to end this scam.

The media is reporting on them 24-7 but the numbers are just not there and it's only a relative few. Because the youth are not afraid

Since the first of the average flu deaths are more than the total Corona deaths. Same with auto accidents and opioid deaths.

>travel still allowed, unless you are going to a few countries so you can still bounce around flights and get to infected areas
>road travel still allowed
>nothing locked down
>expected to go to the store and buy your own goods
Does the west even have a government?

do contact-less delivery
use something to pick up pizza box
put pizza into clean container
toss box
toss whatever you used to pick up box with
heat food

anyone know what a good set time to heat the foot so it's safe to eat? Anons been saying 2 mins, is 1minute safe?

So is this virus supposed to die in the summer? Because its seams to be rapidly spreading in very warm areas.

My mom is in her late 50s. Smoker for 30+ years. Shes not overweight and she has no confirmed heart/lung problems. But she has for the past few months been clearing her throat a lot and she coughs semi regularly. She insists its allergies. I live with her. I stocked up on a ton of supplies weeks ago but she complained we didn't have enough fresh dairy/meat/eggs. Against my better judgement I ran down to the local grocery store and grabbed a bunch of stuff as soon as they opened. No PPE. I stayed away from other people and bought as much as I could as fast as I could. I left the store and washed my hands a million times and disinfected all the groceries and everything I touched.

I'm scared because its been ~36 hours and I feel slightly weird. I dont feel fevered but I feel the funny light headed feeling you get when you have a fever. It could just be anxiety. I'm really scared because there is an apartment complex a few miles away from the grocery store and they have a confirmed case of COVID19. But no one at the store was coofing or seemed sick...

How worried would you be in this situation? No meme answers please, Im insanely stressed out right now

We're all going to die aren't we?

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>all these
>Literally just 2 in italy

Who tells you this? Virus thrives in the summer because of insects

Tfw was an assistant manager at domino's in college and can make my own.

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Yeah, but no one ever suggested being quite well prevents from getting cancer. Here we have most likely a quite healthy guy (definitely at least as healthy as half of guys his age) who gets fucked due to whatever hidden problem he has (like most of us). I've always predicted this 'other health issues' to be vague and bullshit basically

Also since February


>"Newsweek" zwrócił się z pytaniami do spółki. Z odpowiedzi na nie wynika, że większość z 300 tys. maseczek trafiła do pracowników 11 firm, "z którymi łączą LPP długoletnie relacje biznesowe, a które produkują na nasze zlecenia kolekcje modowe".

Go back to Yas Forums

i’ve had adrenochrome
I had 300 microdots dropped onto my wife's deep fried placenta. Please don't judge. This has been a long held ritual in our "family". For eons we have infiltrated the 11th dimension through many practices. Humiliation, degradation, tickle torture, ghost agitation and the like. The "high" isn't a high at all but a ripping/tearing of the 4th wall between us and the inter-dimensional types. Its the giving and receiving of knowledge ancient and divine. The superior motive supersedes our worldly ends. I am neither an "elite" or "pedophile" although I do find midgets kind sexy. Anyway adrenochrome has a bad after taste and the hangover is something resembling attempting to fit a single testicle into the barrel of a shotgun while it fires. 10/10 would do again.

the test kits for some pacific islands take over a week just to be shipped to a lab

I know this feel all too well.

Some people actually believe this

Due to economic concerns, I think a vaccine could be forced out within half a year. Although it may only be given to the elderly from lack of production

I'm in for 30 days
Just starting week 2, already ran out of projects to build in minecraft.
If only I could find my C book and refresh my (terrible) programming skills...

You should have said whats the next goal post the retarded nothingburgers are going to move

No see that was the cope from two weeks ago. And the cope last week was that a drug for lupus was a miracle cure. The cope this week is that... well it doesn't fucking matter my stonks are dropping so fuck logic

Flu has officially smaller daily death rate than corona, faggot ;)

kinda related?

I am been playing some Septerra Core and it is pretty comfy so far

Unless she has aids/cancer she'll be fine

SARS viruses don't care about temperatures unless they're extreme

Just Remember meathead, the second
self-infection is worse than the first.

>3 weeks is the proposed timeline here
Hahahahaha, yeah by complete retards.

If you think shit will be back to normal in 3 weeks you are out of your fucking skull. You won't even manage 3 months. None of the western countries are taking this shit as seriously as China did, they're not as prepared, they're not on top of it like South Korea. At BEST you're looking at 6 months for US and much of Europe.

Dumbfuck politicians might try to get things back to normal early, but as soon as they lift the lockdowns the virus is going to explode through the population all over again and then they're going to go "OH SHIT NEVERMIND GO BACK INTO QUARANTINE" and it's going to be an even worse shitshow the second time because again they're going to call it too late, and some people are going to freak out a lot more the second time or they're not going to listen until the military is deployed.

Because it's true? Prior to this we were living in the greatest economy in history. I'm absolutely convinced this is another attempt by the Dems to take down Trump.


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Thank you for posting country count argiebro
Ily no homo

I don't see you researching forbidden tomes for Immortality, now do I?

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They repealed the Smith Mundt act so now they can legally propagandize on USA shores.
The news is not even news, up to now it was 24-7 Trump bashing, like 100% of the headlines usually, that's not news. Now it's 24-7 fear the virus when we've really seen no real numbers that are much more than regular flu.


It's not really a production issue as much as a question of whether we can even figure out how to make one that quickly.

Good job


>Workers at Chinese steel companies have been buying masks and protective suits abroad, including from Japan, Germany and Italy, according to the nation’s iron and steel association.

>Monica Mi, an export manager of a construction material factory in Nanjing that sells aluminum curtain walls, has even been asking her clients to buy masks for her factory workers in the past week.

me and my buddy

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tfw I can see this happening.

Been taking 4000 mg a day since January

Trump killed your mum, sorry user

Relax, it's paranoia. From now on however don't get close to anyone outside your family and you can wear a small bottle of hand desinfectant in your pocket if you go out. And don't touch your face outside.

You dumb bitch
When no more supplies will be available people will die alone in their houses


If they're around, hook a nigga up. I could use some good reading.

The elderly are getting fucked, hospitals are prioritizing the young already

Shoot your local schizos, please.

I can’t even tell if your joking or not

Happening cancelled?

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The virus has 3 main purposes
Take down Trump
Cover the overdue market crash
Attempt to institute Globalism

Doesn't it ban the site?

I’m basing it off the time taken for the swine flu

Oh wow! Have you been having Diarrhea? Nausea?

>how long do you guys anticipate the lockdowns will last?
Dunno, but Trump's Easter reopening is obviously not happening, or at least not on a national level. NYC will be a horrorshow by then and at the bare minimum force him to allow states to continue setting individual policies even if he recommends that only more affected counties remain locked down.

I personally would just keep shelter-in-place orders going but add the caveat that any non-essential business can operate as long as they either enforce mask rules inside the store or operate on a pickup-only model.

Trump death panels

How many masks did you receive so far?

Just one of hundred thousand chinese companies drained whatever supplies any county in the world had.


>Fosun first purchased more than 240,000 sets of medical protective suits from France, the United Kingdom, Germany, Portugal, Japan, India and other places while we also secured more than 200,000 medical masks.

Paella numbers when?

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How much more trillions of dollars will they need to print to stop the freefall?

We still doing meme flu threads?
There's like 682 deaths in italy?
Why do we care?

>Attempt to institute Globalism
I thought this virus was making people skeptical of globalism user-chan? They don’t want open borders because they don’t want to get sick!!

I'll happily wait until year 2 to get the vaccine to make sure they've worked out everything.

But it's ok when a republican does it because he's looking out for my 401k

It's been like that for days.

You got 1/3 right

Its three main purposes are to:
Take down Trump
Crash the economy
Institute universal healthcare (socialism) in America

by the time the positive result reached the island, everyone will be already infected

>+8000 deaths from when I last checked like 2 days ago
Oh shit

So we should nuke china then? Since they're insects?

Oh i never trusted US media. Its just funny how people think they have the capacity to read the situation when usually it comes down to wishful thinking


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Nope, nothing at all. Been feeling better than ever actually. Also been drinking alot of hot milk with honey as I heard honey is good for boosting your immune system and I drink alot of milk to fatten up as I'm pretty skelly.

at 13:00 local time, which is in 3 and half hours.

imagine if the rabies ever mutate to transmit more easily between humans
shit would be KINO

How many more buckets do you need to place under a leak to stop the water from spilling on your floor?

It's just going to keep filling up and overflowing, and on to the next, and the next, until you run out of buckets.

This cannot be stopped.


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But what if you get sick before then, user! We can’t have you being sick!!

There's no stopping it now.

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TPTB are betting that if things get bad enough, people will rally to anyone who can give them a sense of security, which they hope to be a centralized international agency to distribute medical supplies and related economic goodies.

>Why do we care
Also you forgot Zero

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How is that a response to knowing how to make a pizza?

Also, just a fun fact: I write with my right hand, but I golf. jerk off, wipe my ass, and stretch pizza dough left-handed.

More like because the spit evaporates faster. Don't spit on the street, it's your civic duty.

nope, just you and all the boomers nerd.

>asymptomatic coronafag dies from literally anything else
>counts as coronavirus caused death

Honestly you people laugh at protective mask hoarders, but you really dont have enough masks yourselves. The average person uses 1 msk per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 masks a week. Over 100 a month. Masks will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

Don’t worry user, you’ll get big boned and be all ready to fight against corona-chan with all that milk and honey. I believe in you!

>The average person uses 1 msk per day
They are done


>There's like 682 deaths in italy?
per day
in mostly one region, confined to a few hospitals

Guys I think I've beaten the plague after a 3 week battle. I'm not declaring victory yet because it has a tendency to come back as soon as you try to do anything, but I've gone from being a day or two away from ICU to breathing without issue (still coofing after a deep breath).

I had chronic ashtma/bronchitis as a kid so was at higher risk. I can't believe I might actually live to see the other side of this.

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And drink?

If it fake and purely to destabalise america, why is the rest of the world going into lockdown.

What’s that?? I want to know

The normal USA diet is complete garbage. When you are young and healthy if you are eating a normal USA diet you will be deficient in vitamins nutrients, it's just a given. This virus is highly contagious, if your immune system is compromised due to deficiencies you are probably going to catch it.

Those 3d printed face shield don't work senpai.


>What’s uncertain: There were too few studies to determine the effects of goggles, face shields and non-breathable PPE clothing on contamination. There is uncertainty about the best way to remove protective clothing after use or on training staff in the use of PPE over the long-term, but spoken instructions when PPE is being removed and face-to-face training (rather than video or folder-based training) might lead to less contamination.

Your prediction?

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We're going for #1

Are you a grill or something, why are your posts written so effeminately

Are they at least prioritizing whites first?

Oh wait, Spain.

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Im not going anywhere for a long time. Im gonna stay hunkered and hope to god I didnt actually catch corona
Do we have statistics on how hard this hits smokers?

>why do we care half the entire world population is on lockdown and the global economy is collapsing?
How the fuck is this not a happening, guys?

>well just go back to work then lol
Then you'll see the death rate go up to the numbers that would make you consider it serious. The reason it's so low right now is BECAUSE we are all under quarantine.