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Why Is Italy getting wrecked so hard?
Henry Edwards
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Carter Harris
italians are dirty people
Cameron Watson
it was wrecked before corona
Jaxson Hernandez
old niggas and theyre really social
Eli Gutierrez
They're non white.
Also this, dirtier than Indians.
Brody Russell
they're always spinning pizzas on their fingers and grabbing spaghetti by the handful
Henry Cook
>They're non white.
and that's a good thing. Britain was a shithole full of barbarian niggers having cholera outbreaks well into the 1800s.
Mason Lee
they live in 2 generation family units vectoring to vulnerable elderly
they kiss-greet each other
EU are complete fuckups
Benjamin Peterson
they touch eachother often.
Jackson Perry
older population, they are very social people too. Also this bullshit. their own local governments backed this.
Christopher Collins
Vatican. Duh.
Angel Brooks
Because we were hit first. You'll be wrecked on the same level in a week or two. See Spain and UK.
Leo Bell
they get what they deserve-
Blake Morgan
5G, old people, obesity, low DHA and low vitamin D
Benjamin Jones
Because the EU only reacted after 3 months of doing nothing.
Soon everyone will be fucked. Just have to wait 2 more weeks.
Nicholas Reyes
Lack of BBC
Owen Ward
Cock and baww towtuwwe (cbt), penis towtuwwe ow dick towtuwwe is a sexuwaw activity invowving appwication of pain ow constwiction to the penis ow testicwes. This may invowve diwectwy hpainfuww activities, suwch as genitaw piewcing, wax pway, genitaw spanking, squweezing, baww-buwsting, genitaw fwogging, uwwethwaw pway, tickwe towtuwwe, ewotic ewectwostimuwwation, kneeing ow kicking.[1] the wecipient of suwch activities may weceive diwect physicaw pweasuwwe via masochism, ow emotionaw pweasuwwe thwouwgh ewotic huwmiwiation, ow knowwedge that the pway is pweasing to a sadistic dominant. Many of these pwactices cawwy significant heawth wisks.[2]
devices and pwactices
top weft: ewotic ewectwostimuwwation. Top wight: twampwing the penis. Bottom weft: wax pway. Bottom wight: chastity piewcing.
simiwaw to many othew sexuwaw activities, cbt can be pewfowmed uwsing toys and devices to make the penis and testicwes mowe easiwy accessibwe fow attack, ow fow fowepway puwwposes.[3][4]
baww stwetchew
a metaw baww stwetchew and cock wing, which fowces penis' ewection.
a baww stwetchew is a sex toy that is uwsed to ewongate the scwotuwm and pwovide a feewing of weight puwwwing the testicwes away fwom the body. This can be pawticuwwawwy enjoyabwe fow the weawew as it can make an owgasm mowe intense, as testicwes awe pwevented fwom moving uwp. Intended to make one's testicwes pewmanentwy hang muwch wowew than befowe (if uwsed weguwwawwy fow extended pewiods of time), this sex toy can be potentiawwy hawmfuww to the mawe genitaws as the ciwcuwwation of bwood can be easiwy cuwt off if ovew-tightened.
whiwe weathew stwetchews awe most common, othew modews consist of an assowtment of steew wings that fastens with scwews, cauwsing additionaw buwt onwy miwdwy uwncomfowtabwe weight to the weawew's testicwess. The wength of the stwetchew may vawy fwom 1-4 inches.[5] a mowe dangewouws type of baww stwetchew can be home-made simpwy by wwapping wope ow stwing awouwnd one's scwotuwm uwntiw it
Eli Jones
because they are the world centre of the winter tourism
Jonathan Lee
the terranos are doing ok. see, all that overpriced "made in italy by the milanese and other sophisticates in the north is actually chink slave labor.
when they went home for chink new year, they not only weren't quaratined (that's racist) but ppl were told to "hug"them.
Now, the old terranos who used to burn out gypsies and then when firemen came chant
'don't bother, we'll just set it again" have been cucked, but not even they will accept the bat aids.
Isaiah Thompson
Jackson Foster
Wash your dirty mouth before talking about Italy you mutt and fish&chipnigger. I have seen houses in US and UK that made me almost puke. How can you live with the carpet in your bathrooms? Did you know that the kitchen hood is something to be cleaned at least every 6 months, not every 15 years? Why the walls of your houses smell of mold even in summer? Eat shit and die subhumans.
Camden Clark
1. Very social so it spread fast
2. Socialized medicine
3. They used antibiotics which weakened immune system and wrecked them harder
Aaron Howard
Luke Ross
rome left the true church of god and made a sect called catholic with two popes, one in reserve
Cameron Turner
>wrecked so hard
I don't know if they're really any worse than any one else. They are testing a lot more, so they are finding a lot more. Other countries aren't testing as much, so their cases are staying hidden.
Asher Kelly
Shut up Boludo, las Falklands son Inglesas.
Luke White
how has nobody posted about there being 2 strains yet
one strain kills like 5% of people over the age of 60
one strain kills about 10% of everybody
Isaiah Price
>sharing ass juices.
Jaxon Stewart
Catholicism is true church. Lutheranism is )))amalekite((( invention.
Andrew Cook
i was reading a doctor saying milan has worst air pollution in europe. I am in Milan and i have felt somehting in chest for 2 weeks now. has this thing come at a time when air is terrible and created perfect storm for old timers??
Caleb Peterson
im interested. elaborate on all those points
Lucas Lewis
I checked statistics, in 2014 in italy a total of 9400 cases died of pneumonia. In the last weeks we had around 600 cases per day. Any questions?
Joshua Cook
kys, our bidets are still cleaner than your filthy gene pool.
Jose Hughes
>coming from a bong
in fairness it is probably a muslim, and in terms of cleanliness, they are a big improvement on the native
Benjamin Jackson
>elaborate on all those points
the north has the League, but they also have commies and scum and hate the south. you find all the liberal scum in the north. the south is cosa nostra and now nigger beggers but not much bat aids. malta is fine too. if it was tourists malta would be wrecked.
Elijah Bell
and yet they're the most powerful race of man that has ever existed on the face of Earth, gave the world more than any other collective ever has from the electricity you're using to the combustion engine, flight, planes, trains, industrialisation; and they built the country you're living in in only a few hundred years when other races have been trying to built countries worth a single shit for literally tens of thousands of years and still live in mud huts
if there's any sign of a master race it's one where you can dump its literal rapists, bread thieves and convicts into a fucking desert island in the middle of nowhere and in less than 200 years they build a 1st world country envied by every shit skin that has ever existed in all recorded human history including the ones rolling in their graves. shit skins would literally kill their own mothers to live in my country
Samuel Ramirez
There was an Atalanta Bergamo - FC Valencia match that's the origin of a major spread in Italy in Spain.
Brayden Lewis
While they have some very good ski stations, they are not the world center. This is either France or Austria. BTW, the Dolomites are wonderful.
Ryan Nelson
Italy is counting any death with corona as a death from corona, which is not at all helpful
also, no word i have seen yet of how many of the hospitalized/dead in Italy are actually Italian citizens and now many are Chinese workers that brought it in direct from Wuhan
Parker Cox
Retard Liberal mayor of Florence told everyone to hug a bug to fight racism
Jack Robinson
did someone piss in your pasta mario?
Cooper Thomas
>Clinton foundation
Evan White
They had a tuberculosis outbreak just before this Corona thing nobody talks about
Gabriel Green
>so hard
What do you mean? Italy's situation is our future. You really believed the WHO and China, user?
Adam Carter
>rome left the true church of god
Rome IS THE CHURCH until we take back constantinople and reconsecrate hagia sophia.
Caleb Hernandez
Hug a plague ridden chinese
Jose White
Samuel Hernandez
Nope, because pasta disappeared from the shelves 2 weeks ago.
>muhu UK superior! US superior! but I prefer to stock up delicious Italian food than shitty americoburgers or stinky bonglandfishes
Please kys
Adrian Jackson
Chinese workers (cheap)
u racist if you stop cheap workers..
China should hand out free MASKS for 20 years.
Fuck Chinese Winnie The Poop Communist Party.
Nathan Harris
Wops btfo
Colton Ramirez
Bergamo, not Italy
Wyatt Russell
weak genes
Christopher Bell
>Britain was a shithole full of barbarian niggers having cholera outbreaks well into the 1800s.
Says America who still have the bubonic plague. -
Kayden Roberts
>pot calling kettle black
Brayden Gomez
It always amuses me how these remarks come from Americans and Anglos
You idiots know absolutely nothing about being clean
Jaxson Adams
Only an american can Say that socialised medicine is a bad thing
Justin Gray
Josiah King
Economically things were already very bad.
Italians are bad at organizing things, it is in their nature.
Noah Evans
it seems like they are, but they really aren't. there's a reason you don't see social media posts all over the place about what's going on over there. unless, of course, italy improved on china's methods. even then, the social media posts coming out from china aren't what you think they are. you can't even fucking speak chinese, you burger nigger.
Wyatt Sanders
Too much polution in the air
Landon Parker
Wrong image
Ayden Ward
They aren't.
“The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus.
“On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 per cent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 per cent of patients who have died have at least one pre-morbidity - many had two or three,” he says.
Elijah Brooks
because this is stupid hoax is a communist general strike and Italians are a bunch of idiot communists
Jeremiah Wood
>Why Is Italy getting wrecked so hard?
you know why...
Angel Gray
Christian Thomas
Carter Nelson
You should post this because I bet some retards think this is a joke
Xavier James
Isaac Ross
>muh blue eyes magic will protect me!!
Alexander Turner
exactly, the dude wasnt germanic, and never claimed to be.
Sebastian Wood
11 ICU beds per 100,000 people.
USA 20.
Dominic Harris
Just wait till it hits Russia.