Post yfw these niggers outlast the rest of the world
Post yfw these niggers outlast the rest of the world
>doesn't know there are hillbilly whites in the Us living like this off the grid in west Virginia & eastern Kentucky
one of them is dabbing on us
They'd die for an actual flu.
imagine covid19 infection right there
Los Angeles beaches are getting worse
yfw the world is a sophisticated computer and the Asian guy who went to forbidden island disturbed the delicate equilibrium of things and thus caused the virus. You can't disprove this and it will keep you awake all night
Their immunity to it is the same as ours. since this thing is novel, so it would literally be a lot less than the flu to them lmao
>Their immunity to it is the same as ours. since this thing is novel,
Coronoaviruses are not new. Some common colds are coronaviruses.
They need to open their borders asap, welcome all people of color and have children with them. It's beautiful
I know what you're saying, but this one is new, there are no antibodies for it or anything like that.
Doctors and scientist shall inherent the earth
but I'm neet, I always awake at night.
You could conquer their entire island with an AK a a bunch of full magazines desu
They're philosophers, user.
And they'll continue living on that island until they go extinct because they have absolutely no idea how to build a boat nor the brains to do so.
one gun against hundred man army with bow and arrow? on their turf (the fucking jungle)?
you wouldn't get a single one before being made into a pin cushion
Stay out of range, like 300m. Fuck going into the jungle, I'd rather walk around in tiger country.
Call them nigger savages all you like, they set a good example.
Imagine if we chucked spears at invaders instead of accepting them with open arms.
would be a shame if someone coofed on them
its a jungle surrounded by a thin beach
you wouldnt see a single one
youd just die.
>300m open space
i can tell you havent scouted the terrain on google maps
Nah they’re useful, but they depend on functioning society and like farmers and shit
They’ll starve without wypipo within days.
+ they all have aids
no need to insult the Sentinelese like that dude
Stuck for thousands of years on an island, never once thought of building a boat.
theyve made it 50000 years as they are
not a joke
Stuck for thousands of years on an (paradise island) never once thought of (escape)
our lives are probably not more enjoyable
A full set of medieval knight armor and an AK and you could go Anders Breivik on their whole population.
I’ve always enjoyed these hypotheticals, like taking an M60 back to the Middle Ages. The problem is that you’re all alone and you have to sleep sometime. And that humans, even past humans or people like the sentinelese are as shrewd and crafty as we are, maybe moreso due to lack of reliance on gadgets and complex tools.
lol @ 50k years. come on. you're not that stupid.
Heavy Flamethrower. 100 meter range, hit the forest.
>Takes Adderall modulated with modanafil and anti pschotics
Now what.
Waste them from a boat
Why the fuck are we treating a bunch of dumb niggers like an endangered species again?
So... Lost?
You might like the book "Heart of Darkness"
>Adderall modulated with modanafil and anti pschotics
I legitimately have no idea but I’m hoping something awesome.
What if they run inland and hide in the trees and dense vegetation? You’d have to start defoliating the entire island and then next thing you know Americans are evacuating by helicopters and 20 years later they’ll be making our dress shirts.
no clue. If they were in America this would be considered child abuse and illegal.
Just land a tank and drive around. They would probably bow down to you. when you blow up their shaman hut in one shot.
That’s the ideal outcome. I want them to carry me around like the gay robot in the third Star Wars movie.
Someone go cough on them. Try to dodge their arrows.
Considering they tend to murder anyone who accidentally washes up on their barbaric shit hovel I think we should deal with them. When they killed that American we should have went in and taken the island.
The chinks in Wuhan disturbed the equilibrium of things. This is what's keeping me up at night. Those damn bug people...
Just pop them for a while an go home, that's what I'd do, no need for genocide, keep them managed for hunting
>tfw whites are so cucked and brainwashed that they make worse choices than island niggers
meh, they deserve the world for protecting their borders.
If you're thinking of the same American I am, then you should know he went there because he was on some Christcuck mission.
He knew exactly what was going to happen when he landed.
Why do they look like an anime villain team doing various poses
And a fine roman salute to you good sir.