why don't you have indian gf?
Why don't you have indian gf?
who the fuck would want one
Poos need to be potty trained. I dont want her shitting all over my house.
because i don't want one
I was born with a sense of smell
They smell like shit, have bad attitudes, and are more hairy than white women. Literally dumpster tier.
I'd rather marry a negress desu senpai
>why don't you have indian gf?
They're mostly whores. They are probably the easiest women in the world. They are stink brown sluts touching themselves while watching white men.
I'm a virgin so I would take anything at this point. Except for nigger.
Because only a large one or one that most would consider ugly would be my GF
>Except for nigger
There's some cute indian girls
I still haven't fucked an Indian chick, so I supposed I'd date one for awhile to get that under my belt, but I'm more attracted to east asian and white chicks.
>Imagine the smell
Because I'm white. We only do people.
If she cooks, you'll be shitting all over the house.
Indian may be poo but nigger is lower than poo. I wouldn't be able to look my ancestors in the face if I lost my virginity to a nigger.
smell like shit
usually pretty ugly
They're probably down there with sheboons. There's some good looking ones from whatever the Aryan elite is remaining but the rest look like a mix between goblinas and negresses.
Because I value my heritage, their hygiene standards are terrible and they smell like burnt hair and unwashed asshole.
they do have a smell. that isn't racism. it's all the spices they eat and that i am not acclimatized to that diet so indian people literally smell like poop even when they are clean. i like indian people, their food tastes good though i rarely eat it, its healthy food, i have nothing against them. i like indian people. but they do stink. sorry.
i dont know why the food smells good but then the smells coming out of the skin after eating it are so bad
Everyone has a scent if you don't use deodorant. It mainly ties into diet. I hate to say it, but a lot of whites do have a scent too that was hard for me to acclimate to when younger.
I, myself, smell more alfalfa if I don't put enough deodorant on.
>mfw lost virginity to a negress
i would take even a negresses. I'm so thirsty...
Me with abbo
how was it?
Imagine the smell
Did she switch the fosters with a gas can beforehand?
You win Aussie
Didn't say it was a she
Holy fuck, twice as degenerate
Disgusting. I hate niggers too much to have sex with one. If I stooped that low I'd be so disgusted that I'd immediately cave her skull in before shooting myself.
I dont like poop
The smell.
I do
Why would they want me?
I have an indoor toilet.
Literally every brown girl’s dream
Not enough poo for dowry
I'd rather take a 27 inch cock up the ass than fuck a pajeeta.
1.) I've got a white man's stomach. I like my food super bland. I can't stand Indian Food, among others.
but more importantly,
2.) I have absolutely no desire to race mix. Let indian girls be with indian guys; let whites be with whites, asians with asians, blacks with blacks, etc. No need to have kids in whatever country fucked in the head b/c of their fucked up identity crises... or else, you'll end up with crazy ass hapas obsessively posting jewish produced nigger cuck porn on a mongolian basket weaving forum. And that's a damn shit way to go through life.
Can you imagine having to potty train your gf?
Me with a mexican
Brown skin is so repulsive. Looks like dirty bronze antiques.
No. Even the good looking ones are some of the most materialistic, status-obsessed people I have ever met.
The middle class ones in Britain are the worst. They have property due to mummy and daddy coming here in the 60s, then they get into degrees such as medicine and law with the diversity points, complain constantly about racism, but have nothing but disdain for the working class. They can honestly be pretty awful people.
>ohhhhh that smelll
I was dating a 4’11, 75lb 22yo Indian girl for a while. She had super thick hair all over her body, and it felt like I was fucking a little monkey thing. NGL, the dark coomer side of me thought it was really hot and savage. Then I found tall thin Mexican princess with crazy long legs, tiny waist and a beautiful face, so I switched over to that. The Indian bitch was nice as novelty, but I could literally never make a kid with something that is half monkey like that.
Because it’s illegal to fuck animals where I liv.. oh wait.
Well, I’d bang an Indian broad again. Some of them are hot, but most age like milk and are stringent SJW’s or otherwise annoying.
smelly curry pussy
and I have standards
I heard Indian girls are like white girls with tan skin. lol so I guess they will treat me bad. But I am not interested in Indian girls. so there is no problem. I'll stick to my own race girls.
Do these count?
White man here. I dated a Korean woman for 2 years, you can fucking keep those psychotic bitches np
I dated a native chick on and off for almost 15 years also. The craziest, cringiest weirdo of the bunch. Would always try and use sex as a vice but she had loose pussy and wasn’t a true princess (Hot face and body but scummy slut attitude) so the nut wasn’t as intense
Korean girls are the Shaneequas of Asia. Why would you do that to yourself?
you flip chinks are ugly as fuck, you dont have a leg to stand on in this conversation.
I was 18 and she had a super tight, squeaky sideways pussy and gave it up all the time and let me do weird hyper perverse stuff to her... took me a long time to learn to think with the big head, not the little.
>The middle class ones in Britain are the worst. They have property due to mummy and daddy coming here in the 60s, then they get into degrees such as medicine and law with the diversity points, complain constantly about racism, but have nothing but disdain for the working class. They can honestly be pretty awful people.
It sounds completely like Chinese and Taiwanese immigrants in South Korea. 99% of them work here in restaurant, pharmacist, oriental medicine or construction industry. They are easily admitted to higher-ranking colleges with "minority point". But they always shout South Koreans are the most racist people in Asia. But the funniest thing is that they always violate human rights in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore, and severely discriminate against Southeast Asian residents there. Most of them moved to South Korea in the late 19th century though.