American MIB here, AMA. My time is short

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Other urls found in this thread:

is time travel real?

Where are the aliens?

Is the whole damn world in on this OTO crap and are aliens actually demons?

How do I get a visit from the glowies?

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which aliens are the most fuckable and can you describe their appearance and feelings of their orface?
can you ask a hot one to make a sex tape?

Show us your tits.


Time stamp, faggot.

Where are the aliens

Is coronavirus real or is it an engineered nanobot force designed to experiment on humans?

Are you the alien-type or the spook type?

>is time travel real?
Time travel into the future is real, by virtue of extremely high velocity. This was proved by a former colleague of mine, Joseph Hafele.

Time travel into the past is real by virtue of dark energy, or mass with a negative sign, which can occur in nature. It is possible to use a micro-Kerr Black Hole to create a ring singularity through which signals may be sent into the past, altering the present.

We haven't done people yet, although there is reason to believe others may have.

What is actually going on with the Coronavirus?

Time stamp and proof

We all know you are fake and gay, but in the case you are not, post proof.

Are traps gay?

>that ID
>that question
You clearly are 16 if you have to ask for it. Want to get down THE rabbit hole, kid?

Who’s doing the lying?!?!

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what US politicians are aliens?

why are you a fucking glownigger and why do you fight for the government instead of the people

Thanks for the response, What field of study should I go into right now since you know the outcome of the future to better the future of our country?

when do i buy stonks

Bah! You just blew my pitch to impress the kid. But yeah, pretty much this.

Is the virus a cover for project zephyr or is it actually a virus and are the governments around the world scared?

What are the three-to-five most important things that people like us should know?

If op is a LARP, he sure is a well-researched one.

Does Turing's halting problem apply to people?

Do you approve your daughter for racemixing?

Are you the obligatory nigger?
>saw it in a movie, just wondering

Why do you lie on Yas Forums for attention?

Awesome, thanks for the response, What field of study should I go into right now since you know the outcome of the future. Also what is the currency of the future?

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Is your daughter built for BBC?

>What field of study should I go into right now?
Blacksmiths will have a lot of demand.

why do all crop circles resemble this structure?

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What is the final solution to the Chinese question?

>Where are the aliens?
They observe. They have deployed visual stealth (i.e. "cloaking" by virtue of electromagnetic curvature of spacetime outside the ship, and metamaterial skins).

There have been delegations to the United States ever since the Holloman AFB landing. The location of the delegation is classified beyond my ability to discuss.

>Is the whole damn world in on this OTO crap
No. A few at the top are, everywhere in the world. But I mean a VERY few.

We know who they are.

>and are aliens actually demons?
Some are what you would call "supernatural", meaning from dimensions outside the classical four you are used to, yet they may inhabit one or two of our dimensions for brief periods. These intelligences are from reference frames that are considered highly energetic, therefore "timeless" (via Time Dilation), relative to ours.

>How do I get a visit from the glowies?
Apply for a job, make terroristic threats, or engage in attempted espionage or violations of ITAR.

>which aliens are the most fuckable and can you describe their appearance and feelings of their orface?
The ones that are able to modify their appearance so as to be indistinguishable from human beings. Very rare, but they are here.

>Show us your tits.
I'm male.

I'm white.

>Where are the aliens
See >Is coronavirus real or is it an engineered nanobot force designed to experiment on humans?
Coronavirus is real. It is the result of Chimaeric research being done by Wuhan Institute of Virology and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

After the bioweapon potential was recognized, UNC was pulled by domestic powers that be, and the Chinese military absorbed the laboratory for military applications. The Chinese POC was Zhengli-Li Shi.

is earth really a globe? or is it pear shaped like Neil DeGrasse Tyson says? or has it been flat this whole time?

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>that fucking ID


Answer this white boi

Is the virus man made or natural?

>the thread just came back from the dead

Who will win? China or USA.

Thanks for the reply mister in black

What do the aliens want from us? Do different types of aliens want different things? Have the alien delegations visited other countries, too?

If you keep them where they are or even lower america WILL go into hyperinflation.
If you raise them you ll kill your joke of a fake economy, but you ll save the dollar.
Even tho you are a disgusting government employee (disgusting cause you take money stolen from the common man via inflation), you HAVE to understand how dire the situation is.
Be moral!!
Or america, and possibly the world, will be GONE.

This makes you mad white boi?

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Can ya get me a job?

wahts MIB? how are the higher ups in government responding to the virus?

how do i become a glowie?

Is it true you don't have a sense of humor?

Wait, this thread was pruned. What the fuck!?

haha you're black, nigger.

What language do they speak in the moon

Do niggers tongue your anus?

Is there a source of power strong enough to provide energy to a high enough power laser diode to kill a human being while still being man-portable?

Also, how do I get a job being an elite glownigger like yourself?

What's your favourite sandwich?

Can you post the real aayyy pic pls?

Why are niggers?

Tell me Josh, have I visited you in the past yet?

Where are the ayys and what beer do they like

haha you're black, nigger!

This please.

>Man in black

whats it like being an interacial fag?

This is the nigger poster

wtf thread got revived

If you are a true MIB, explain why Austin Steinbart hasn't been arrested yet. He has threatened leaders of countries, illegally posted a person's medical records, and keep practicing in online brigading by asking people to bother businesses.

Link to his YouTube channel:

Was John Leer mentally insane?
Was John Titor a LARP or was he lost?

how can i get a pair of the special glasses?

They used the machine on the jannie

Man made

is will smith a cool guy to work with


Lol oh he legit alright, jannies btfo

post them!
whats the deal behind pic related

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Is Austin Steinbart Q or the most convincing disinfo agent of all time?