/ptg/ President Trump General - Victory Edition

@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>TrumpAd: Democrats: Placing Politics Over People 3/24/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/24/20
>Pres Trump Interview w/Bill Hemmer 3/24/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force @FoxNews Virtual Town Hall 3/24/20
video.foxnews.com/v/6144413240001 (full)
youtu.be/wy3NrqNN9uU (Pres Trump)
>DefSec Esper/JCSChair ArmyGen Milley/SEAC Colon-Lopez @Virtual Town Hall 3/24/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 3/24/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 3/24/20
>NECDir Kudlow on CNBC 3/24/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on F&F 3/24/20
>FEMAAdm Gaynor on GMA 3/24/20
>DepCBPCommr Perez on Spicer&Co 3/24/20
>DepHHSSec Hargan on America 1st w/Gorka 3/24/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on FBN 3/24/20
>WHCorona-chanRC Amb Birx on TODAY 3/24/20
>SG Adams on Hannity 3/24/20
>SG Adams @SRNT 26th Annual Meeting on Smoking Cessation 3/24/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:


new baker needed

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>inb4 confederate chankoro


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Nice work, OP
one of the first 3 to awoo btw

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Why didn't he just say 6 million dollars?
He knew this was a meme.

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Wash your hands before shitposting!

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Let's do something about that.


It has been brought to my attention that there are chinamen here RIGHT NOW who have not been reminded in the last 30 seconds that Xi Jingping is a dum fathead who looks like Winnie The Pooh.
Lets have a quick rundown on are bear and I’ll let them decide how Xi stacks up next to him, because maybe that's unfair

1. Winnie the Pooh is a fat bear that wears no pants
2. Winnie the Pooh enjoys hunny (honey) and his most famous adventure of all is the story of his retrieving hunny at great risk to himself from bees by pretending to be a raincloud and then enjoying the fruits of his labor obtained by the sweat of his brow
3. Winnie The Pooh (who looks like Xi Jingping) is not a communist
4. Winnie The Pooh has never once lost in a fight to cute little birds that he thought were threatening his power over the Hundred Acre Wood
5. Winnie The Pooh knows what he doesn't know and isn't afraid to ask for help from his frens, which he has
6. Winnie the Pooh’s pal Gopher can innovate and knows the difference between high quality steel and pig iron
7. Winnie the pooh has never massacred citizens of the Hundred Acre wood with tanks
8. Winnie the Pooh maybe has a fat head but he’s actually a very intelligent bear
9. Winnie The Pooh (who, again, looks like Xi Jingping if you put pants on him) is a beloved figure across all of the world and you can gauge a man’s character by what he thinks of Winnie

Decide for yourself.

Can you imagine looking like Winnie The Pooh? A bear that wears no pants. Now I’m a huge fan of Poohbear, but looking like him? What kind of buffoon would allow such a Winnie The Pooh nopantswearing son of a bitch to be the leader of even a local deli, let alone be his slave? I guess what I’m trying to say here is that Xi Jingping looks like Winnie The Pooh, a fat bear that wears no pants, and if I were his subject (slave) I’d kill myself.

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Hey its 3AM, what happened?
Why is everyone up?

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In honor of the faggot spamming posts with the flag of the second place finisher in the American Civil War.
I'll take you back to the time where NYT still did news

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i really dislike that memeflag

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wew dems are total losers and tried to destroy the economy because they hate drunpf

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>not after
not gonna make it lads

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I like museums and art and all of that. I agree with him in principle, but the amount seems outrageous

Because the south will rise again!!!

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lmao these retards don’t realize when $1,200.00 checks start getting distributed Trump is 100% going to say over and over and over he cut them bigly checks to help out and he fought the Democrats who didn’t want those checks to go out.

Literally a WWE angle he already did


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Some of you faggots are not adhering to the social distancing.
15 days to stop the spread will have to reset in Chicago and whereever else these guys were already playing to packed houses.

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>You won't be getting 1.2k
>Not me or you

What did he mean by this

The Senate made a deal. Vote tomorrow afternoon on the Trumpbux bill. House vote shortly afterwards, probably a voice vote or unanimous consent. Shills are furious.

And with that, I'm going to bed.

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Insomnia is a bitch

Reminder that shills are out.
Reminder that shills may be discord transsexuals in need of dilation.

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$4 billion just to keep a bunch of shit lying around? Sure, some things need active preservation, but that would require only maybe a couple million at most.

Nothing wrong with art.
It's just not enough of a necessity when people can't pay their rent in a few days

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Money or nah?

the senate talked about the stimulus bill a little over an hour ago & the india flag was finding reddit salt

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They need this to hurt the country. Its their only chance to maybe, possibly win an election. These are very nasty people.

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Wtf does the picture even mean?
Your meme department is aweful and should be shot

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Would think they can simply be gifted cash from the rich & they get the kudos of having part of the museum named after them & named on the board.

We /MitchMafia/ now

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The amount is bullshit. How much do you need for a barebones staff and to pay utilities?

oh no no no how will china recover

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Your government is going to fall, your people are going to descend into civil war again, with rival generals seeking to establish a new dynasty in the ashes. Your dreams of a "Chinese Century" are over and your people are going to be humiliated, again, the laughing stock of the world. You cannot un-lose the face you have lost and are further losing. Your people desperate obsession with appearances is what has cost you your appearance of success. China is a dirty, disease ridden, open air slave camp/cattle pen and now the entire world knows it as fact, not just rumor.

Maybe learn from the ordeal and start acting like humans.

>While this is going on, Come, Sweet Death is playing

What a time

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If the House Democrats don't find a way to fuck it up, yes

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Illegal immigrant voting?

>*(guitar riff)*


>*(guitar riff)*

Marriage is dull

>*(guitar riff)*

Step on a bust,

>*(guitar riff)*

Intern broke your trust

When an intern comes along
You must whip it
Before you let her live too long
You must whip it
When something's goin' wrong
You must whip it

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They'll pass it, the only question is how quickly.

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straight outta the Jussie Smollett (also connected to legislation) play book with the added Pelosi wrap-up smear... 10 to 1 this case resolves in criminal charges on the wife or 2 to 1 on Heidi

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do we have the docs for what the Senate has agreed on?
Eager to look for what democrat crap came in compared to pelosi's draft, and even more eager to see what republican crap STAYED in when it should've been erased/amended (like stock buybacks)

>being on the East coast

Joe you gotta air in a few hours, wtf are you up for?

There's a literal Winnie the Pooh land in Shanghai Disneyland.

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is there anything stopping the fed reserve from sending $10,000 to everyone with a SSN?
Why not?

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Just put the Awoos in the box, no one has to get hurt

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Anyone know what's in the final bill?

nice and saved

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It’s really bad I can recognize those staffers are Scott Rabb and Stef Muchow.

I'm not worried about whether or not they'll pass it, it's a question of what they're going to add to it that will poison it. They can't help themselves.

>This is my fight song,

>Cheat on my wife song,

>Knock out lori’s lights song,

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how do we return the hand sanitizer to the people?

Night /ptg/. Sleep comfy.

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>It’s really bad I can recognize those staffers are Scott Rabb and Stef Muchow.

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