Tfw burgers are begging their president to let them suffer and die for big business's Q2 profits

>tfw burgers are begging their president to let them suffer and die for big business's Q2 profits

Why do you freaks like cucknald so much?

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Twitter screenshots should be fucking banned from this board

Don’t worry about us Muhhamed.

The mask is already slipping. Corona was a nothing burger cooked up by the Hong Kong protesters.

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Eh, Honestly. I don't know what's worse.

All of us dying from a potential disease, or the feds keep printing money to steal from us and causing inflation by proxy of corona virus.

Would i rather everything be 3-4xs more expensive and be neeting it up so i can stay alive...

Or would I rather die from the wuflu while working.

Tough choice.

You mean cooked up for not by.

Please let us die for our Jewish masters.

No because it was designed to make China look bad.

Nobody healthy aged 50 or younger dies from corona, 99.9% mild cases that you don’t even notice.

So you know how many people suffer economicslly from the shutdowns? We could wreck people’s lives for a generation. We never did this for the flu or cancer or car accidents!

Because they unveil how much of an abject retard cucknald is?

What a fool! He's lost my support!

t. former Trump supporter

The only question you should be asking is: What is Israel doing? Are they under lockdown? Are they going back to work. When the all clear is sounded in Israel, and the 130+ IQ chosen people decide to start going back to work, then I will.

trump said it: they are winning. they already beat corona in the US.

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Trump ruined this board.

Looks like he ruined this britniggers brain too.

Cancer and car accidents aren't infectious you stupid little prick. Unfortunately being a jelly brained mong evidently is, so you should stop repeating your favourite "contrarian" straplines.
It's not trivial for under 50s mate, there's a healthy nurse in her mid 30s in critical condition from Corona here

he did. the shift at 2016 was obvious. pol even was funny from time to time but now it is a trump circlejerk. bots and shills + r/The_Donald are now the jewish overlords here.

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I genuinely feel so sorry for these guys. Most trump supporters I see are incredibly fat and weak, which puts them at huge risk of dying from coronavirus. It'll be lambs to the slaughter, and I just wonder whether they'll still be wearing MAGA hats while doctors struggle to put them on respirstors.

Im not a trump supporter but he's right. You cant shutdown for 18 months (best case scenario). If you're vulnerable take extra precautions and isolate. If you are the younger workforce then time to get back to work but practice proper social distancing. Kids have to get back in school as well. More children die from the flu than coronavirus. People are so irrational

No countries are going to shut down for 18 months matey, the concept is hammer and dance. Look into it.
Coronavirus is relatively trivial for young kids. Once you hit ~25 or have preexisting health issues it becomes very dangerous

The hell they putting in your water over there Bong? You can't be this this stupid.

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I'm a chef and restaurant owner. I have twenty people in my staff. Now, I have plenty of money for myself, I will be fine for a long time, even if I have to shut down permanently (not likely, it's a successful place but it can't be shut down for too long), I can always start again. My staff, though, have bills to pay and mouths to feed. I'll be honest, the wages I pay are competitive for the area and fairly high, but we're still talking food service, these people aren't making fat salaries and getting a shit ton of benefits and severance and shit. That's twenty people who will need to file for unemployment, twenty people re entering the workforce and let's assume that the restaurant industry collapses, that is twenty people who only know how to cook or how to serve food (it's fine dining, I've only hired experienced folks). Twelve of these people have been with me for years. I'll be fine, but I feel like I have a responsibility to them. I'm not worried about my profits, I'm worried that twenty people lost their livelihood and have an uncertain future, all because of a minor cold. It's a trade you need to be passionate about, and my sous reminds me of me when I was young and hungry. The fuck is he going to do?
That's just my restaurant. Thousands of people in my state lost their jobs over night, and for what? To protect old people who refuse to protect themselves? They didn't give a fuck about future generations, and now we're supposed to all be fucked over because they can't keep their old asses inside? They need to sacrifice for us, for fucking once, not the other way around.
>But muh granny!
Life sucks, and then you die. She lived her life, now it's her time to die and get the fuck out of the way of the next generation.
Like I said, I can do whatever I want by now, I worked hard to be able to do so. My staff works hard, as well, and now their dreams are in limbo.

Yet another "ha retarded brit" reply. Either make an argument, criticise my argument or bugger off.

Um triggered much Libcuck? Israel is our greatest ally, Trump is our greatest president, and racism is cringe. 4 MORE YEARS OF THE GOD EMPEROR MAGA PEDES!

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Brutal Trumptard pwnage.

>She lived her life, now it's her time to die and get the fuck out of the way of the next generation.
You my friend are utterly mental if you think that it's only elderly people at risk from this disease. When the American healthcare system gets overwhelmed with cases and it becomes survival of the fittest/richest, you'll realise just how wrong you are.


Good luck Patriot Chef

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I'm not trying to banter matey, it's a simple fact that if you're working class and think any politician has your best interests at heart, never mind a billionaire who has been known for fucking workers over his entire life, you are an idiot and very easily led.

Italy has free healthcare and has been on lockdown from the get go so why are they are collapsing? Britbongs need to go back to sucking american cock like you belong

Where’s your restaurant? I am cook.

Compared to the NHS they have a far more uncoordinated healthcare system, and they don't triage aggressively enough so their hospitals are now full of people hanging by a thread who should have been turned away, who can't have care withdrawn without a lengthy legal battle. Also, isolation did work for them; almost exactly 2 weeks after their isolation measures, their daily death rates began to drop. Learn the basics, retard.

Literally all of us caught the chink flu. Literally all of us had a nasty cough and nothing else.
Literally all of us are back to 100% a week later.
This overwhelmingly only kills boomers and the infirm. Immunocompromised folks are staying home, and yet I see old people everywhere still, because they just don't give a fuck about anything at all. Fuck these boomer pieces of shit, and you better believe that I'm including my parents, who are still driving around in their rv without a care in the world. It's only a matter of time before they coof themselves to death, but they just don't give a shit. They won't even coof into their elbows for Christ sake. If I were over 60, I'd be scared, but I'm a healthy 32 year old white man. Oh fucking well, should we just lay down and go destitute for these fucking retards?

In Montana. Fuck off, we're full.


absolutely, also anything to do with plebbit and posts with once sentence plus an irrelevant picture of some whore

Americans are born to work. Europeans are born to suck cocks and let Arabs fuck their women.
Pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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The American machine will get back to it, sooner than later hopefully, but we're going to hang tight. Good luck, brother, I hope you find a way to keep the lights on while the state locks us all down for a bad fucking cold that's likely fucking endemic.

>I'm a healthy 32 year old white man.

Ban Twitter screenshots from Yas Forums

No it isn't you lying cunt
The hospitalization rate is around 30%.

>That throat
Face fucking is second only to pussy fucking, she's a 10/10 to me too.
You're right, though, we want to work. I want to work. I went from a fast paced and tense work environment to being stuck in the house, venturing once a week for groceries. I dedicated my life to this shit, to an autistic degree. I put off having a family just so I could get this far. Now I'm stuck making coq au vin for me and my cat. I've already lost passion because I don't cook for my enjoyment, I do it for the enjoyment of others. Already given up and living on frozen dinners, because I just don't give a shit if I'm the only one eating.
I get calls from people in my staff every day, wondering about coming back to work. We were all joking about how it'd be nice to take a quarantine vacation until it actually happened, and seven days later we're all desperate to get back to work.

We should be completely (and by that I mean forcibly quarantined) for at least a month 2 max in high risk areas, until this gets a little under control, things will still not be the same until a vaccine is developed (if it’s developed and even works). I’ve heard it could be a seasonal thing, which might change the world forever

Oh nice, an anomaly! That completely changed my opinion, you're totally right, we ought to hunker down in abject terror, because of a less than one percent chance that a healthy young person could get really sick! Fuck it, why stop at this virus? There's a shit ton of diseases that'll kill the fuck out of you! Let's all just sit inside for the rest of our lives! I know that's how you tea sucking faggots like to live, but that's not what we're about here.

>The hospitalization rate is around 30%.
Wrong, we have 30k infected and 879 in hospitals, 90%+ of them old people.

The hospitalization rate for healthy people below 50 is like 0.1% here.

>people want to return to work for soulless corporations ripping them off and pushing globohomo

You don’t know the reality of those 50 million in precarious jobs or self-employed. They rather work with the potential to have a mild virus infection..
then lose their home, family and job.

You realize the cases are growing exponentially with no signs of slowdown, hospitals are being overwhelmed, supplies are running short and people that otherwise could have been saved will begin dying just as what’s going on in Italy and other places. The healthcare workers are also becoming infected and falling ill, making it even worse. Even with self quarantining the cases are still rising and if people are told to come out of their houses right now with no plan or cure the same chaos will happen again, except even worse the second time.

Yea id rather wait in breadlines for my 1 meal a day and cower inside my gov provided studio shed for the next 18 months...sounds wonderful

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>tfw burgers know that economic collapse threatens the rule of law and the primacy of America on the world stage
>tfw the lockdown, not the virus, is the lone cause of collapse
>tfw the virus only kills the weak and it's literally better to unleash it
>tfw everyone on 4chinz this week is a braindead turbonigger

>the virus only kills the weak and it's literally better to unleash it
Got to love how the burger conservative belief in family and community falls apart when profit margins are threatened.
“A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit”

yes!!!! and the nigger word also!

I don't even believe in this fake happening.

Guess what faggot, your friends who work in restaurants, schools, and mothballed factories hear you saying
>I don't want to die for big business's Q2 profits
They're very happy that you and 80% of workers get to flaunt distancing guidelines and kill their grandparents through noncompliance because you're "critical infrastructure" or some shit but for the next few weeks your I-got-mine attitude isn't helping them.
They notice your ability to keep eating and paying rent, they notice that you're making the shutdown fail with your ignorance and apathy, and they are growing to hate you.
This is how the right grows. Time and open eyes.

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how long does it take to perform an autopsy to establish caude of death?
if someone is dead and you swab them for cov19 (80%) false positive can you legally say cov19 is the cause of death with no autopsy performed?

Tell that to my brother you piece of shit.

My thought is, why contain it?


>>I don't want to die for big business's Q2 profits
Tell me how a 25yr old waitress dies of corona. It ain’t happening.

Just heard a dude on Sky News saying all of the NHS staff who got infected in 7 hospitals are mild cases and at home. All. Not a single hospitalization out of over 100 NHS personnel who tested positive for corona.

>implying i don't want two weeks off especially now that gibs are incoming
Some of us have real jobs that impact your daily life user
>inb4 stocking shelves
Try again giga nigger

Rent costs money, and parents rely on the school system to babysit their kids. Our economy literally can't shut down, too many debts to collect and bills to pay.

>Priti Patel, Sadiq Khan, Rishi Sunak, Sajid Javid
>the USA is cucked

Whatever he does or says will be turned against him. This game is so predictable and boring at this point.

>Just heard a dude on Sky News saying all of the NHS staff who got infected in 7 hospitals are mild cases and at home. All. Not a single hospitalization out of over 100 NHS personnel who tested positive for corona.
Do you just accept everything that random people say?



Only autistic social rejects who live on the fringes of society and overweight uneducated white Americans support this guy. The actual smart white people who work in laboratories, Silicon Valley, universities and hospitals hate him.

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This may surprise you Nigel, but the US is fucking huge. Most of the country could return to work, and it would be mostly the liberal dens of iniquity (i.e the east coast and west coast urban centers) would still be locked down.

someone mentioned the way the US flag is hanging at the Trump press conferences as in symbol of distress and that the pressers are all pre-recorded and they`ve already phucked off to Antartica

It's a good thought. This thing is apparently highly contagious. From what I've gathered, it only takes literally one infected person to get the ball rolling all over again. Mexico isn't even taking the virus seriously. Now think about that, and realize that our borders are severely unguarded and essentially open. Some infected paco will inevitably hop over here and start the thing all over again.

Video related:

That's why this whole quarantine thing is completely fucking useless and fuck anyone who says otherwise. We're going half-assed on this. Might as well just stop trying if that's the case.

Yes only big brains suffer from TDS. It's all us smol brains that are helpless and can't see the truth. Thank you big brains for enlightening us dum dums