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thai food delivery

Chinese food delivery

I can’t eat beefaroni... it has to be mini ravioli.

I realize it’s the identical sauce, meat, pasta... but the different shape weirds me out.

same but mini raviolis

also been making buffalo/bleu cheese tendie sandwiches


Had this for dinner and it was shit

I even eat the spaghetti. I'm sick like that.


Why does canned food taste so disgusting? I’ve been making pasta with cut up mushrooms and mushroom sauce, also omelets with cut up mushrooms and Emmental with lots of garlic.

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Pasta. I was able to stock up on it

>tfw should be supplementing my diet with rice or pasta daily
>tfw eating everything else first

I just know I'd be stuck eating nothing but rice if shit really hit the fan..

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>Tell mommy to buy BEEFARONIS instead of shitty raviolis all the time
>>She always fucks up and buys boatloads of raviolis instead.


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Mom told me to clean my room so I socked her on the thigh hard. Fucking whore doesn't tell me what to do.

Nooooo! Not the heckin beefaroninoninos!!!!

I see the tendy boys our out in full. Stay Angry my frienz! And yes raping your mom counts as sex and you're not incels if you did!

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I work second shift out in the woods, and dont get out of work until midnight. The only thing open at that hour for about 20 miles is a single 24 hour gas station that has been feeding me for the past week. Been eating a lot of frozen pizza, ramen, canned stew. I feel like shit.

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Tacos. I make my own tortillas from masa harina. Ran out of carnitas but I've got canned chicken, canned jalapeños and salsa for a while.
I'm learning to make refried beans and Spanish rice. Kind of bland but I picked up some spices last time I was at the store.


You living my life too!

go back

Holy shit me too fren

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I ate half a cup of dry oatmeal for dinner. Fuck niggers.

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Spagetti-Os with meatballs and DEENz.

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I bought some chef boyardee for memes and curiosity a few weeks back. Oh my god is that the most disgusting slop in the world.

For me, I'm frying up my potatoes and onions and other suchlike before they go bad.

Tuna sandwiches

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>tell mommy to buy DINOSAUR chicken nugs, not shitty standard nugs
>She's all "who are you and what are you doing in my house naked?!"

womyn amiright?

I mean really. The beefy os or whatever were slightly tolerable, but then I tried the spaghetti and it's like asking yourself if your grandmother could possibly make spaghetti that horrible without setting the house on fire, let alone picking around for wherever the meatballs are supposed to be.

Made a big batch of sauerkraut last week, about to make another big one since I still have jars left over. Maybe I'll start fermenting some other vegetables as well.

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This is the best thing that Campbells makes
Prove me wrong
Pro Tip: You Can't

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Baked beans

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have to agree. pot pie and chili mac come in 2nd and 3rd

for me, it used to be campbells chunky soups with a bunch of red pepper flakes thrown in

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I'd watch that movie. Oceans 11 meets The Passion.

I had 2 cans of chef ravioli tonight and it was a mistake. Dumped that shit sauce and threw some nice Reggiano on it and it was fucking dog food.

How we ate this shit as children is beyond me.

Fuck off.

didn't know a tuna sandwich could look gay

Gotta keep morale high.

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Salted mushy peas with some chicken or sausage thrown in.
That or boiled egg on buttered toast.

I'm a simple bloke.

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The only thing you ate as a child was dick so you have no frame of reference.

I love that little bastard.
Wish someone would draw more of him.

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shin ramyun with some eggs thrown in

I'm not latino I'm just from California.

Unironically this.

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>macaroni and tuna or chickpeas, with peas and onions
>fried tuna or chickpea rice with peas and onions
Everything either has sriracha, bbq sauce, pasta sauce, or zesty italian salad dressing. Some how this has not gotten boring at all, especially when supplemented with PB&J crackers or sandwiches. I think it helps having basil, garlic powder, and oregano in big heaps.


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Rice and Beans

>Canned food
Absolutely cringe and goypilled.

so far been doing slow cooker meals, pizza from scratch, and steaks. will probably make chili tomorrow.

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if You ate your corona stash in one setting cause your fat don’t fret, you can make your own that tastes almost as good, but the bigger portion makes up for it.

>2 can (12oz) tomato soup
>1 cup water
>1 cup (plain) tomato sauce
>1/4 tsp sugar
>1 tbsp parma

Ground beef for meatballs and texture if your not too fat and lazy.

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I ended up getting this shit and now nothing tastes good. Everything tastes fake and way too salty.

I did buy some apples. They're kinda okay. fml Yas Forums fuck it hard.

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Chinese food take away egg roll veg roll chicken roll mihun

I had a bunch of Chef from a while ago, some were on clearance or had a rebate from an app.
I was happy to eat some that are expiring next month, then I realized they were 123s and ABCs with meatballs rather than ravioli

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Why is it beefaroni and not American goulash or American chop suey?

Literally nothing changed yet for me, so the usual stuff I eat. Gonna make some borscht or something like that today.

Boy I ate a can o dat las nigh cuz

>chili mac
No, was disappointed cuz I thought it'd be good too
how can you fags not put steak and potatoes #1?
Most hearty and tasty
Chicken whatever (and others) are good but could easily eat two for the same "fill"

I love the clam chowder, same with the other basics like chicken noodle and stews
Progresso is fine too

>clam chowder
I need to know user. Is the chunky or the progresso clam chowder better? I bought a can of both, but I've never had either.

Why do you call it borscht when it's бopщ in russian with no T on the end
It's just borsch
Not borscht
I could just scream

That actually sounds pretty good desu.

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