Do you realize how badly Americans are getting scammed tomorrow?

Tomorrow the US government will pass a $2 Trillion dollar spending bill to "rescue" the economy.

There are 350 million people in the United States.

That works out to spending $5714 per person.
You will only get $1200.
Where is the other $4514 going?
It's going to politically-connected wealthy people who want their corporations bailed out.

Each of you is getting ripped off for $4514.
$1200 is how much (little) they thought they could get away with giving to the nobodies.

It doesn't matter who you vote for. All politicians are crooks.

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*a lot of the amount is loans, the government prints money and gets it back, so it's even
*a lot of it ends up with working people who keep their jobs

This is what i was saying in another thread. Everybody is happy to get a one time payment of 1200 trumpbux, but illegals on welfare get more every month. Pure madness!

Kys cracka we takin yo shit and ant shit U kan do cuz ya pussy as fuk

calm down irrational libcuck
it's going to trickle down

OP you are so wrong on this (unless you are a politically connected democrat)

So each user gets $1,200 out of $5,000 spent???

That's ten trillion percentage more than we ever got from any president ever. Normally, billions go to insider connected businesses and welfare blacks while we huwhites get FUCKING NOTHING.

I still have my doubts I'll get anything. I did get raped on state taxes if that counts.

Chuck Shoomer pockets the difference.

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is $1200 confirmed?

Whatever accelerates the economic collapse. My body is ready

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You dont remember the bush stimulus check? ok zoomer

Lol I bet they kept the Republican provision in there to shield the companies names who recieve bailout funds for 6 months

That's assuming everyone will get 1,200.

It's only 1,200 WHO QUALIFY. Also it's 500 dollars per kid rather than 1,200.

So, it's a lot worse of a scam than previously imagined.

Then that's only considering this stimulus, in the end the government printed basically 10 trillion and is only giving us 200 billion worth.

Around 2% of the total of 10 trillion is going to citizens. Disgraceful, but let's all party for our neet bucks woo!

Do you know how bad you are at math?

Why are brainwashed liberals always so low IQ?

The people don't have to pay it back. The corporations do.

The rest is going to get siphoned off to help build the Sino-Soviet belt & road initiative

>like shit trickling down your inner thigh
Didn't work in the Reagan years eaither

But not everyone will qualify for it

It is more than I've ever gotten, usually I just pay in while nogs and beans pull out. Glad to get a piece of the pie for a change.

That's not actually a bad deal desu. It could be 2000 though

$1,200. 12. Majestic 12. It won't even matter soon enough.

and how will the corporations pay it back?
A) out of thier own accounts
B) raise prices on their goods
C) lay more Americans off and send jobs overseas

choose two.

so, who qualifies?

how is this determined, and how will it be paid out?

Answer is without a doubt B. The U.S dollar is worth less due to massive inflation..

Shill, kill yourself.

Maybe you should join Majestic 12

In a body bag!

* What is inflation
* What is banks charging interest rate for money that is printed from thin air.

If anything, the banks just get more money both ways. While the dollar earns less money.

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Another shill.

Bruh if you think they aren’t taking it back out of your taxes next year you are dreaming.

I thought the same thing but he’s correct. 20% is 200mil/1trillion
2% is 200mil/10 trillion

It was only a matter of time before democrats and neocons tried to stuff pork into the bill.

>trickle down
Are corporate shills literal boomers? Jesus.

Tip top kek

Yes I do, and wrote the President days ago I as a taxpayer don't agree with it, but I understand the motivation behind it.

The answer is so simple. Mass tax strike, nobody files their taxes this year til people, not banks, not landlords, not Boeing, get a check. Fuck these vampires. I'm old enough to remember getting dryfucked in 08 with the last big throbbing "relief" package. This time we have some fun

i've seen it reported a few different places, but taking this all with a grain of salt until more official venues release anything.

Coronavirus Hype is a scam

Does the virus exist? Yes
Are you likely to get sick from it? No, If your immune system is strong

Shits already blowing up in the (((elites'))) face for realizing this tragedy onto the world.

>paying taxes

White males are not allowed to have jobs in the cities in America because they are pussies. Don't nobody want no pussies around.

Until the President signs the bill, none of it is confirmed.

I do, i got 250 bushbux

>Average age of the 116th Congress is 49
until theres a vaccine the elite do have a concern about this

Seeth harder Libcuck, Trump for ever

Any provisions about student loans forgiveness?

>Fuck this bill I wannna see the world burn
It'd be worth the $1200 loss if I saw him do this

>The people don't have to pay it back.
Wrong, we all pay because the buying power of the fiat currency is eroded even further.

Big corporations are more valuable than NPCs

Prove me wrong

those are called congressional "riders"

Why do you hate national socialism?


>It's only 1,200 WHO QUALIFY

"The bill will give a one-time check of $1,200 to Americans who make up to $75,000. Individuals with no or little tax liability would receive the same amount, unlike the initial GOP proposal that would have given them a minimum of $600."

hopefully there will be hyperinflation so that the decadent f*cks can finally be torn down

man someone let an m80 off inside your skull

we're still fucked. Last I heard it was $10000 debt relief. Maybe.

did you come from an anti-white family or did you learn to hate white people at school ?


I never hear you shills crying about muh inflation when corporations or banks get bailed out.

we WANT inflation. That's the entire point of the bailout.

Dollar is currently deflated/deflating

Who cares. All money is monopoly money. It's propped on the illusion of trust and optimistic. Numbers have to keep going up and up and up to maintain this illusion. We all take part in it, because just like bitcoin, we get what we want out of it via the transaction of value, which only has value because we believe it has value, and because the USD is the reserve currency of the world and if we allow that to fail then we are royally fucked, if getting robbed of almost 5 grand is enough to keep USD the reserve currency you should be happy to give it up because the alternative is the game ending and shit everywhere going very badly. Just remember, it's funny money, get yours, and enjoy the decline.

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Nigga please trump is a pussy that nigga all he do is cuck out Melania probally gettin BBC as we speak

Obviously each person gets less money because its taxed. Like winning a million dollars in the lottery, you only receive a couple hundred thousand.

I'll file to get anything I can. I applied for SNAP today. And heat assistance. Tired of being a sucker.

Does this have to do with a past tax filing?


>Also it's 500 dollars per kid rather than 1,200.
People with kids mooch enough school funding. Also their kids aren't out of work due to lockdown and failing to bring home paychecks

>shit everywhere going very badly.
lol bad for whom ? the establishment's genocidal status quo ? get f***ed

Why don't we just charge 0 interest and loan directly from the government to small businesses
Why do I have to give Shlomo free money to make interest on


Inflation means countries need to buy more petrodollars for oil. More USD demand devalues their own currency.

>Where is the other $4514 going?

Goldman Sachs

I don't agree with bailing out anyone, and have written my representatives in the government the last 30 years voicing my viewpoint.

$1,200 is your share of the $6 trillion stimulus. Maybe CEO Shlomo Goldstein will trickle down some crumbs from the other $5.8 trillion that's not going to the people.

i also hate businesses
i want them to all burn. burn down to the gwound

>Didn't work in the Reagan years eaither
Yeah it did.
