Why are they such degenerates?

Why are they such degenerates?

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Why are you such a nigger?

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it was mostly cultural and genetic dead ends that escaped to the US
then the federal powers became really strong
jews subverted everything
everything is exported everywhere
glassing it is probably the best choice
they're also the by far most wasteful people as a large group
>needs almost 1/4 of all energy
>produces almost 1/5 of all trash, not counting what they utilize outside

they are also the by far fattest people
sure there's a dozen countries before them but they're all island states and only one has more than 17.000 citizen, barely enough to be considered a city anywhere else
they're the perfect, docile jewish' slave race

Catalonia will always be a part of Spain.

You all need to begin speaking proper, Castilian Spanish.

So your flag you faggot, christcuck.

seething nigger lover
why not try to answer OP's simple question instead of all this deflection? is there something wrong? is it indefensible?

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KeK. You're from fuckin' Mexico. Faggot.

>why not try to answer OP's simple question

Because it's a retarded, loaded question:

>Why are you so stupid
>Why are you such a degenerate
>Why are you such a bad person
>Why are you such a poo poo head

etc etc. This is a bait thread, not to be taken seriously in any form.

Oh look. More seething faggots.

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Probably just psycho butthurt and a need to validate after muh independence.

It's like every American is still hiding guns in the hay bales waiting for the red coats to come.They are truly inbred and desperate to prove their clout at whatever the cost.

An Americans whole life is the pursuit of clout and fear and respect in the eyes of others. Unfortunately through centuries of inbreeding and thus mental deficiency and lack of subtlety; everyone outside of the U.S sees right through this and both ridicules and condemns it. The typical American response is butthurt over how they actually have no idea what contemporary liberty is outside of their own warped and shit economy, so they'll either declare war on themselves or another country and inevitably get raped.

Americas a joke and always was. The Etats Uni's should have stayed in the hands of the French and the English before it got fobbed off to the pleb candy wrappers for a few quick trump bux...I'll admit they fucked up there.

We should just breed them out of existance

Took most of the dumbest britbongers from bongerland and colonized a big field, rewarding families sociopathic enough to collect native pelts by the millions.

What did you expect OP? A bunch of fucking buddhists?

go to bed

but you just summed up 95% of Yas Forums

>noooo you cant ask loaded questions on Yas Forums

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He has asked you a question. Now answer.

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half jew half negro

It’s just the way things evolved. They made a radical, revolutionary break with thier history and culture and kin to embark on an experiment. It got weird.

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There really is no greater virus than the American degeneracy.

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>Why are you such a nigger?
Why are you so butthurt billy joe bob

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>"Rainbow dash is my God"

Retarded thread full of retards.. Surprise.

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Go dig through some garbage you fuckin' white nigger.

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I get that we're mutts. And I take that from any Euro posters, but I won't take that shit from a commie meme flag. Glad you guys got butt fucked in the Spanish Civil War. Viva Franco nig.

why are you such goddamn incels?

>89 elected government officials have Dual Israeli-American citizenship.
Israel manipulates every vote we have in this nation. Every.Single.VOTE. can be manipulated or influenced via 89 dual Israeli-American government members who's FIRST ALLEGIENCE IS TO ISRAEL. A full list of the individuals can be found through a Google search. It is VERY easy to look up who has this dual citizenship and then see a record of how they voted on key decisions. Senate bill (S.720) is one example. THERE ARE MANY Here is a selection, please google the full list your self.
Now ask yourself
>"how many Dual Citizens serve in Israel's Government....?"
The answer is "ZERO"
Israelis consider dual citizens to be a security risk

The Jew is over-represented in all places except Arlington Cemetary.

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No one gives a shit about drunk and poor boomers. Now again, answer his question.

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Go suck your boyfriend's dick, you fuckin' faggot.

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mongolia obviously wants to go to spain for a vacation

why did they invent incels?
or all the other degen bullshit for men and women
probably jews
easiest way to demolish a movement is by subverting it's goals and ideologies to divisive nothingburgerness
occupy wallstreet ended because of progressive stacking and the oppressive male mansplainer

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Stop deflecting and explain picrel

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We need to dumb down their population in order to maintain our domination.

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Answer the question Mutt or have you reached the limit of your vocabulary?


Why must your kind display your degeneracy before all to see? why cant you just keep it in private?

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KeK. A Pajeet calling someone else an incel.

Fuck off you dirty, stinking, curry-munching, micro-penis Pajeet. Your own women despise you.

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aw how cute, she's playing with dogs
where in shitlardistan is that?

Don't forget to cull their numbers ocasionally. If you allow the helots to grow too much in numbers they get a bit uppity.

You can all him a pajeet all you want but it does nothing to remedy the blatant degneracy in burgerstan

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KeK. Stop projecting you worthless, cocksucking, sodomite. Canada is the faggot-parade capital of the world.

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good answer fellow nigger

Those are some big words. Did you learn them at drag queen story hour?

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If you have your "interests" thats your business but please don't force it upon the world

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Jews from New York are loud

I’m pretty sure they learned them by being better than you

Show your flag you fuckin' faggot.


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>Those are some big words. Did you learn them at drag queen story hour?

A leaf spouting simplistic, one-liner, low-effort clichés while accusing someone else of everything he himself is guilty of. So very typical. You fuckin' mindless, faggot. Just stop typing. You're embarrassing yourself.

I've taken over this fuckin' thread. 5 or 6 of you faggots have tried to check me but I've taken a shit on all of you. There's no strength in numbers for the weak.

Double KeK.

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Go suck some dirty nigger toes you weak, pathetic, christfaggot. That's the only thing you cowards know how to do.

Show flag, cocksucker.

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Again I will ask one more time
Why are you so mad
Even the chinks aren't this mad when they post
Even the japs and gooks don't get this mad at each other

Control your emotions burgerstani, breath in and breath out.

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why the obsession by calvin klein?

i'm not christian
desu vult

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oops thumbnail img
But my point still stands
calm down

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>1 Post by this ID

I think I hurt OP's feelings.

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oh wow bathing with nude with beer, meanwhile you brown pajeets, and I know you are most likely one leaf, are bathing in literal rivers of shit

>Gets buttmad on all his previous posts
>h-heh, OP must be mad

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I'm not mad. I just have a lot of Testosterone in my blood. Something you could never understand.

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>defends fornication
your anger is affecting your ability to think, like I said before calm down

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Euros still obsessed. I dont know how you people do it.

>Has absolutely no control of his emotions, gets butthurt over a simple question as to making a dozen replies filled with profanities
>I-its the testostrone
Very aryan qualities

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You're talking to a different poster you retarded, newfag.

Again, stop typing. You're just embarrassing yourself.

This thread is mine now.

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just out of curiosity are you circumcised?

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