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Going towards new laptop

My rent you nigger

gonna buy a bitcoin

Cock and baww towtuwwe (cbt), penis towtuwwe ow dick towtuwwe is a sexuwaw activity invowving appwication of pain ow constwiction to the penis ow testicwes. This may invowve diwectwy hpainfuww activities, suwch as genitaw piewcing, wax pway, genitaw spanking, squweezing, baww-buwsting, genitaw fwogging, uwwethwaw pway, tickwe towtuwwe, ewotic ewectwostimuwwation, kneeing ow kicking.[1] the wecipient of suwch activities may weceive diwect physicaw pweasuwwe via masochism, ow emotionaw pweasuwwe thwouwgh ewotic huwmiwiation, ow knowwedge that the pway is pweasing to a sadistic dominant. Many of these pwactices cawwy significant heawth wisks.[2]
devices and pwactices
top weft: ewotic ewectwostimuwwation. Top wight: twampwing the penis. Bottom weft: wax pway. Bottom wight: chastity piewcing.
simiwaw to many othew sexuwaw activities, cbt can be pewfowmed uwsing toys and devices to make the penis and testicwes mowe easiwy accessibwe fow attack, ow fow fowepway puwwposes.[3][4]
baww stwetchew

a metaw baww stwetchew and cock wing, which fowces penis' ewection.
a baww stwetchew is a sex toy that is uwsed to ewongate the scwotuwm and pwovide a feewing of weight puwwwing the testicwes away fwom the body. This can be pawticuwwawwy enjoyabwe fow the weawew as it can make an owgasm mowe intense, as testicwes awe pwevented fwom moving uwp. Intended to make one's testicwes pewmanentwy hang muwch wowew than befowe (if uwsed weguwwawwy fow extended pewiods of time), this sex toy can be potentiawwy hawmfuww to the mawe genitaws as the ciwcuwwation of bwood can be easiwy cuwt off if ovew-tightened.

whiwe weathew stwetchews awe most common, othew modews consist of an assowtment of steew wings that fastens with scwews, cauwsing additionaw buwt onwy miwdwy uwncomfowtabwe weight to the weawew's testicwes. The wength of the stwetchew may vawy fwom 1-4 inches.[5] a mowe dangewouws type of baww stwetchew can be home-made simpwy by wwapping wope ow stwing awouwnd one's scwotuwm

Giving it to israel

Saving $1000 and going to spend $200 on food probably.Eventually going to use it for a car, mine has been fucked

New PC build

>using it for anything other than stonks

So if you did not get laid off you don’t get anything right?


Spent $7k today on invisalign

Its from my savings though.

Helping local business dentist, been thinking bout getting invisalign for awhile, thought i might as well do it now

>based on 2018 tax returns
>not eligible if your parents make over 75k

Nothing. I don't file taxes.

Pay rent, buy weed, throw a couple hundred aside for my portfolio and save the rest.

need to pay my landlord before anything else.

Try and keep up retard

where does it say how much I get?

speeding ticket and rent for a month O or 2 save rest

If I actually get something, I will just put 75% on the stock market for the long term and the rest on savings account


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How do we know what we are getting?
Ima take a month off of work and just enjoy life, partiality just to spite the “muh economy” cocksuckers.

How do I figure out how much I'm getting? I'm a student and filed my first set of taxes 2020 (before that, my parents listed me as a dependent), though I made a bit more than $9k last year

If you get a 40, buy a usp. If you get a vp buy it in 9mm

>be successful
>get punished for it

I will no longer pay any taxes.

50 AE Desert Eagle

$2400 for wife and I.
We ain't spending shit.

>didn't do taxes for 2018
>haven't done them yet
> in debt and really want a new PC

should i just do taxes asap and hope for the best?


ammunition and body armor.

I’m going to buy toilet paper.

Alcohol, because I have everything else. Maybe some sort of full body condom so I can still fuck sluts on tinder.

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I have no fucking idea, do retired people get anything or people on disablity?

Dividend stocks, and rope to hang the NEETS with

* 2 nights in Trump Las Vegas
* time with 4-5 young strippers
* a night with the one I like most

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Should be enough for 2-3 rolls

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nice, its tight but not as tight as rileys tbhwyf

How did you not do your 2018 taxes?

How do I calculate what I’m getting?

donating it to titty streamer

forgot about them

If you make less than 9k you don't have a filing requirement AFAIK.

Straight to bottle shop

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1. Were you married and did you file jointly in 2018?
>if yes to both, then 2400 total between your wife and you.
>if no, then 1200
2. Did you have children in 2018?
>if yes, then +500 per child
>if no then +0

I spent $3k with help of mom's insurance. Best choice of my life. Turned me from an insecure dweeb to a Chad. I remind myself everyday to be grateful for Invisalign.

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How much does she charge to cuddle for an hour?

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Lads... I'm a mechanical engineering student whose never filed taxes. Am I not getting shit?

Which version of the bill was passed, the corporate dicksucking republicuck version, or the the 1400 pages of idpol and climate change bullshit libtard one?

I didn't work in 2018 (I lost a lot of the year to heart surgery) so I figured I didn't need to bother with filing taxes. I get nothing. It's my own fault so I'm not exactly mad, but also it makes me realize that there have to be a lot of people like me who had weird circumstances and get fucked for it. A lot of 19 year olds got burned by using 2018 taxes as a basis I'm sure.

I wonder if fuckhead trudeau will cough up something for us. Probably just for somalians and whatever other dumb niggers he’s promoting this week.

Stonks, then a new computer.

>Which version of the bill was passed
As far as I know, the Republican bill, but everyone gets bucks if they made under $75K.

I’m going to buy Yas Forums

Are we getting one or two checks, and are they each $1200?

What a fucking cutie. Please tell me she doesn't date black guys and I'll donate to her

Going straight to my favorite twitch streamer.

Cocaine and hookers

Donating it to the Biden campaign

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Options, muh nig, gonna ride 3D printing reel providers and components manufacturers to the moon. Lambo land for anyone with the balls to get in. Don't get stuck in Subaru suck station lane, might as well be castrated. See you bitches in Vegas, not.

She's pretty hot, I would totally bang her daughter.

Pls share

gay retard