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5G is slow anyway
can confirm
just saw them putting up another one in my neighborhood a few days ago,they just keep going up
This is freakin me out a bit. Buy Orgone and Shungite
Gangster Computer God worldwide SECRET CONTAINMENT POLICY, made possible SOLY by worldwide Computer God Frankenstein Controls, especially LIFELONG CONSTANT THRESHOLD BRAIN WASH RADIO ( quiet and motionless, I can slightly hear it; repeatedly this has saved my life on the streets ). FOUR BILLION worldwide population ALL living have a Computer God CONTAINMENT POLICY BRAIN BANK BRAIN, A REAL BRAIN, in the Brain Bank Cities on the far side of the Moon, we never see. Primarily, based on your lifelong Frankenstein radio controls, especially, your Eyesight T.V. (sight, and sound) recorded by your brain. YOUR Moon BRAIN of the Computer God, activates your Frankenstein Threshold Brain Wash Radio LIFELONG, inculcating conformist propaganda, even frightening you andmixing you up and the USUAL "DON’T WORRY ABOUT IT." for your set backs, mistakes even when you receive deadly injuries. THIS IS THE WORLDWIDE COMPUTER GOD SECRET CONTAINMENT POLICY.
It's just radio waves you schizo. You're exposed to more of the new millimeter wave frequencies when you stand in full sunlight. Voodoo magic doesn't exist.
It's called the Information Superhighway. It's where you go surfin' cyber-style while drinking Java and slinging Netbeans to get yourself the dopest gopher domains.
Based and computergodpilled
I’ve literally never heard any controversy over 5g until this week, specifically here on Yas Forums. What’s the deal schizos?
schizos have been posting about it for a while but not as often.. i don't buy into it but i'm not convinced its harmless either. a bunch of cities banned it.
Uh oh you shouldn't have done that. Jumping to schizo tells me I'm on the right track. This shit is popping up everywhere during lock down and its not being promoted...why is that? I've already done enough research to know the EMF is magnitudes stronger than what we have now and its cell phone use is already proven to cause higher rates of cancer and other problems among users. If 5G were harmless companies would be shilling this shit ad nauseum as its much faster than 4G.
The amount of shill newfags saying "there is no conspiracy" in every other thread is amazing. I am new enough and have seen countless threads about 5g here, faggot. Same thing on threads about chipping people as if the mark of the beast hasn't been talked about for ages. Get the fuck out is just retarded noise you're all making. Anyone who has been here for even a couple fucking months knows there is always all kinds of fucking conspiracy. Fuck off.
Its popping up everywhere during the quarantine. Its sketchy as fuck plus ID2020 RFID chip coupled with the move to cashless society. Order out of Chaos/Problem, reaction, solution
It's there to mind control you via the chips from the corona vaccine. Also the radiation makes you sick or a tranny or whatev.
ya because its actually fucking retarded and people are tired of seeing this shit!
Yeah, and it'll probably kill even more people when it goes up like Wuhan 5G.
(((Sneaky fucks)))
Leave newfag
We all know 5g is bad.
That shit don't work you have to use geo paint.
You have no idea what you're talking about lmfao.
they installed this shit next to my house last month and now i have covid-19
Oh no! Better technology! The horror!
Great news, now my network will have enough speed to interconnect my neural nanites with the deepmind AI. Oh shoot! Just had a nasty thought, my biometrics are sending an alert to the aid drones...bummer! now I have to wait for them to scan my body. BRB guys!
Corona delvery system, ayyye lmfao
Remember Monsanto faggot? Is all the same. People die and a decade later they admit it if ever. MK ultra. Tuskegee syphilis. You go ahead and keep thinking there's not clear campaigns of desinfo and eve phisical harm against the population. If they did it in the fucking 60s imagine how complex and easily implemented they are now when they have convinced you brainless flouridated retard conspiracies don't happen. Go back to your upvotes faggot.
Not sure what geo paint is but the 2 stones I mentioned will relign the EMF waves into something more palatable for the human body. Why doesn't it work? I"m about to go around my neighborhood and look for small towers on powerlines etc.
LOL, you are going to see work done on the networks in the next few weeks, as many more people are stuck at home, using the net for work & entertainment. Expect dropouts & slowdowns until it is fixed.
holy shit a coronavirus lockdown just flew over my house
>Oh no! Better technology! The horror!
Can someone clue me on on this 5g conspiracy theory.
How does one destroy them? Asking for a friend.
Yep, happening in Sydney too.
look how hard the shills go in on this!
stay the course op!
is "schizo" the new brainwashed liberal zoomer phrase of the month?
some sya its precursor to bluebeam(alien invasion false flag using holograms), some say its for masss depop making people sick
Here's a total (((coincidence)))
No, there are just dozens of schizos who regularly post outlandish conspiracies on this board.
And you all eat it up. Take your meds
Dont forget about the massive network of interconnected devices and "background" AI's. Devices including neural receptors in your body. Long story shorts: android hivemind; AI's can detect when you feel guilt, and send drones to check why are you being subversive. GPS always on because it's embedded up your ass.
CDC hiring quarantine specialists last year in november.
My god a 5G tower just went up in my pants.
wifi hypochondria quackery has been debunked more than astrology+homeopathy
it is not ionizing
Icke, is that you?
Welcome to pol, geezer!
Suck a runny shit, memeflag faggotniggermutt.
Jew here, what 5g infrastructure companies should I invest in to capitalise on this? Thinking Nokia, Ericsson, and Cisco
Hmmm wait guys, it's almost as if I were seeing a pattern here...
You're a fucking idiot.
Here's another one
Stupid fucking bugmen subhumans. We have to legalise killing them.
learn 2 physics
be serious
> Jumping to schizo tells me I'm on the right track.
what more need be said?
learn 2 physics
see>. Its sketchy as fuck
>plus ID2020 RFID chip coupled with the move to cashless society
consider just how in the hell you jump to that from this
i loled
learn 2 physics
>MK ultra. Tuskegee syphilis.
>a vomiting of random scandals means something
if you prattle off enough, then your point is proven
yeah, on Yas Forums
im sure you wont need thorazine afterward
i chuckled
also i had tacos last night
(x files theme)
look up:
cognitive bias list (anywhere)
>Devices including neural receptors in your body.
yes, put there by transdimensional reptilian jews
anger because.....
someone understands the science and you cant
ah yes, i see it now
various things listed together by someone, somewhere anonymously online that more than unstable folks have latched on to as meaning "something" clearly demonstrates....
people will believe anything
sorry but the "OH NOES TEH INVISIBLE SATANIC DATA WAVES" hysteria was conclusively shot down 25+ years ago, and many times since
feel free to be the first human ever to substantiate ANY harm from wiki
>We have to legalise killing them.
this is how far psychosis can easily go
>believe, or else!
Be the change you want to see and fuck off Rusty.
I caught this the other day. Wonder what they could be installing in the big castle during this time?? Hmmm...
You do realize that 5G will affect the elites and other assholes right? Pretty dumb to install cancer ray weapon that would hurt you as well.
sorry to poke your bubble but the sooner you actually learn to properly discern reality from not-reality the better
your filter is quite broken
you will accept as reality anything you find "intriguing"
maintenance, upgrades, modifications should be done during visitor hours?
you think these folks brains care about reason?
only goyim get aluminum vaccines look it up
Worldwide, as a Frankenstein slave, usually, at nite, you go to nearby hospital, or camouflaged miniture hospital van trucks. You strip naked, lay on the operating table, which slides into the SEALED COMPUTER GOD ROBOT OPERATING CABINET. Intravenous tubes are connected. The slimy, vicious JEW duktur simply pushes the starting button. Based upon upon your Computer God Brain on the Moon, which records progress in your systematic butchery, your butchery is continued, EXACTLY, systematically. The Computer God operating cabinet has many robot arms, with electrical and LASER BEAM knife robot arms, with Fly eye T.V. cameras watching your whole body. Every part of you is monitored, even through your Frankenstein Controls. Synthetic blood; synthetic instant sealing flesh and skin, even synthetic electrical heart beat to keep you alive, are some of the unbeleivable Computer God INSTANT PLASTIC SURGERY SECRETS. YOU ARE THE HIGHEST MOST INTELLIGENT ELECTRICAL MACHINE IN THE UNIVERSE.
you have to go back retarded redditor
Do we really need faster internet?
Oof, the shilling is hard in this thread. Even normies have to admit 5g is shady af
lmao i randomly clicked on the second one just to see what this shit is all about, and holy shit! that is fucking hilarious. "is that 5G? omg they're installing 5G. WOW. omg WOWWW, WOW. WOW i can't believe this, they're doing it openly, this is how brainwashing works, they don't ask questions, they just do their job. wow. omg WOW. WOWW, i'm going to film this for my retarded conspiracy theorist friends, WOW.. WOW"
what the fuck is this shit? i mean, i follow the conspiracy theory shit because i find it fucking hilarious, so i know all of them and have heard about this 5G shit. blah blah blah alex jones gay frog chicom 5G directed energy weapon to fry your brains and mind-control you and activate the microprocessors that were implanted inside of you using chemtrail clouds of fluoro nano robots.. okay, i get it. they get a kick out of discussing this retarded shit with each other online. but in real life? i don't get it, are they genuinely freaking out, or did they just stumble upon some random dudes installing an antenna in their area and decide that it would be funny to film themselves freaking out in order to get some attention among their little conspiracy theorist societies?
seriously, what the fuck? are they for real, or are they just fucking around? it's hard to believe that they go out there and get all outraged whenever a new cellphone antenna gets installed in their neighborhood... god damn lunatics..
good luck
double newfag reddit basedhomo
Fuck off glowstick.
>I am new enough and have seen countless threads
Stop browsing this cesspit so often then. You're better off filtering your world view through a tumblr BBC hypno blog.
Wait until OP learns that newer cars are equipped with millimeter wave radar.
everything is shady AF if you try hard enough and need it to be
preach it on the mountain bud
but..... exactly how is it shady????
because you cant or wont understand the science?
do you think science is black magic voodoo?
or the satellites using millimeter wave radio communication
it's francis dec esquire's rants
Just china here to steal your data
cant imagine why you would be
.... mad
yes the greys are going to turn you tranny with the invisible fag waves
Way to ruin it killjoy
Dear diary, today Canada was a pretty cool guy
so yeah
anyone here, or anywhere ever
have any evidence of any biological harm by wireless?
you're smarter than everyone right? And you're a status quo guy?
Let the experts handle it (appeal to authority)
Dissenters are schizo (ad hominem)and think reptilian jews are to blame (strawman)
Why would anyone be suspicious of you or question your conclusions?
Every time i see one i wonder just how hard they would be to disable (in minecraft)
They put them up every 400m or so... breddy target rich environment if you ask me anons