Because the self-proclaimed king of israel is going to piss off kikes by doing something like that. Delusional.
Leo Bailey
if Trump had been a week ahead of the game in terms of the actions he's taken, he'd be at 60% approval right now
I fear that as deaths pile up in the next two weeks, this bump he's getting will fade
Nicholas Torres
>AWOO-CON 2 Still? Because I didn't give you my trophy that I won fair and square?
Joshua Johnson
The bill passes the Senate in the afternoon DC time. McConnell and Schumer are both on board so barring some extraordinary bit of fuckery from back-bench Democrats we're clear. Then the House gets a turn. I suspect they'll just do a straight floor vote since sending it back to conference with amendments would delay it another week.
As long as my family is healthy and safe then I don't really care if I get a handout or not
Carson Rogers
Cock and baww towtuwwe (cbt), penis towtuwwe ow dick towtuwwe is a sexuwaw activity invowving appwication of pain ow constwiction to the penis ow testicwes. This may invowve diwectwy hpainfuww activities, suwch as genitaw piewcing, wax pway, genitaw spanking, squweezing, baww-buwsting, genitaw fwogging, uwwethwaw pway, tickwe towtuwwe, ewotic ewectwostimuwwation, kneeing ow kicking.[1] the wecipient of suwch activities may weceive diwect physicaw pweasuwwe via masochism, ow emotionaw pweasuwwe thwouwgh ewotic huwmiwiation, ow knowwedge that the pway is pweasing to a sadistic dominant. Many of these pwactices cawwy significant heawth wisks.[2] devices and pwactices top weft: ewotic ewectwostimuwwation. Top wight: twampwing the penis. Bottom weft: wax pway. Bottom wight: chastity piewcing. simiwaw to many othew sexuwaw activities, cbt can be pewfowmed uwsing toys and devices to make the penis and testicwes mowe easiwy accessibwe fow attack, ow fow fowepway puwwposes.[3][4] baww stwetchew
a metaw baww stwetchew and cock wing, which fowces penis' ewection. a baww stwetchew is a sex toy that is uwsed to ewongate the scwotuwm and pwovide a feewing of weight puwwwing the testicwes away fwom the body. This can be pawticuwwawwy enjoyabwe fow the weawew as it can make an owgasm mowe intense, as testicwes awe pwevented fwom moving uwp. Intended to make one's testicwes pewmanentwy hang muwch wowew than befowe (if uwsed weguwwawwy fow extended pewiods of time), this sex toy can be potentiawwy hawmfuww to the mawe genitaws as the ciwcuwwation of bwood can be easiwy cuwt off if ovew-tightened.
whiwe weathew stwetchews awe most common, othew modews consist of an assowtment of steew wings that fastens with scwews, cauwsing additionaw buwt onwy miwdwy uwncomfowtabwe weight to the weawew's testicwes. The wength of the stwetchew may vawy fwom 1-4 inches.[5] a mowe dangewouws type of baww stwetchew can be home-made simpwy by wwapping wope ow stwing awouwnd one's scwotuwm uwntiw itT
Would you happen to believe there never was a novel virus just a normal pneumonia and cold season that the globalists used to pillage the coofers of ever red vent not Fiat currency.
Charles Phillips
Let a man dream damnit
Dylan Jones
...which will suddenly be washed away with gibs. Onward and upward. Let it be known that were this not an election year, trumpbux wouldnt even be suggested. But then again, were it not an election year we probably wouldnt have been hit with a supposed bioweapon. Eh, meh. 58% into summer, here we come
>loans The criminals that hurt your business are going to offer you a loan. Now that's judaism.
Josiah Mitchell
wow. they're turning into jelly and sort of jiggling at each other.
Logan Morgan
right because plunging people into poverty is going to save them better
Logan Garcia
Yes, I'm sure the rest of the union will happily cede control of the federal government over to California because they chose to flood their state with a hundred million illegals to inflate their population.
Aaron Fisher
Because I'm waiting for you to kill yourself first.
Jason Ward
so down 1000 tomorrow?
Parker Hill
Looks like it worked. We're on the verge of having more cases than them.
Loans for businesses were always on the table. Schumer wanted low-interest loans for the citizens.
Sebastian Roberts
And there I thought the shills were broken before. This is the kind of cackling, skin-tearing, blinding madness I've only joked about before. Also a great choice.
Kevin Green
I give this 6 hours until the first rape is reported.
Alternatively exposing them to virus is going to make them feel great and virile
Carson Ortiz
>This is actually something my grandchildren will read in a history book. It's hard to get good Trump speeches on the internet, the search engine censors a lot of stuff and redirects to MSM garbage, the folks in control of the department of education will do worst than that, I believe.
Charles Bell
Thanks. The comment section is seething, lol.
Henry Garcia
>literally half of all US cases are in Chinatown Oof
Jordan Foster
Tomorrow at around midday, and very likely.
Hudson Phillips
Trump's poland speech in warsaw is a close one too. The polish were on the verge of cheering and tears after it.
>When do we know whats in the stimulus bill? A few hours. Watch link for updates: >How likely is it to pass? The Senate is a 99% lock. The question is how retarded Pelosi feels like being this week.
Isaiah Ross
>tfw you realize Trump got to Xi and made him kill every pedophile in his country within a month All those pedo rings across China going down last year makes a lot more sense now, especially the HK ones...
The only way Schumer would say a deal is reacted if he cleared it with his boss (Pelosi) first; he’s the minority leader and she’s the speaker, he knows his rank.
Robert Clark
>why do people think differently from me? How can this be? I have never talked to a conservative in my entire life and I still don't understand conservatives.
Logan Thompson
What are those weird little red crosses by the vote counts?
Dominic Hall
so to be clear I made 11k in 2018 as a mystery shopper and paid around $200 in taxes after deductions.
Jackson Phillips
It's on you to raise your kids and grandkids the right way. Never forget that.
Anthony Wright
China must have at least a million cases. Probably executed half of them
Aiden Bailey
It means "controversial", as in there are a lot of upvotes and downvotes mostly canceling each other out. Sorting threads by controversial is an excellent way to mine salt.
Thomas Clark
I could hear the lisp as I read the tweet. He was looking at the next good spot for an astronaut to plant the next American flag on the Moon.
If you roll a corpse down a hill it too has momentum.
Jason Edwards
We need the full text, but from what I saw from negotiation tea leaves any phase-in was a non-starter. If you meet the minimum qualification you get the full amount. I don’t expect a phase-in to be included in the final language.
Jeremiah Nelson
It's like time passed and people started recovering en masse, thus changing the perception of the china virus. Keep the borders closed, though. China virus was a nothing burger, but that doesn't mean all foreign viruses are.
Nolan Rogers
>mystery shopper dang that seems like while it doesn't make much money you'd have some decent freedom