0 Reserve Requirements for every bank of the US Dollar Empire


Gravity Level = Intense
Happening date = March 26, 2020, 2 days
Collective action = Required
Boss level = Final
Quote level = >Reserve requirement ratios for all depository institutions will be reduced to zero effective March 26.
Math level = Lmao

Dear Yas Forums,

I hereby summon to this thread the deepest of red pilled anons, The most hardened in the body and mind, the men of fatherhood, and the men of great Leadership- the great freemen of this world. Awaken thread- the dragon that lurks beneath the memetic Parana emanating among this beautiful mosaic of words!

For I bareth this message, and desired it heard!

>Reserve requirement ratios for all depository institutions will be reduced to zero effective March 26.

2 days... Not 10%, 1 %, 0.1 ...

no, its 0


Some civilizations didn't even consider this a valid number.

I've dedicated too much time studying this very set of functions,
the api surface that makes fractional reserve banking- The mathematics that makes it tick.
I've programmed versions of it into the cuneiform tablet creators' wet dream that is blockchain smart contracts.
All from the strictest models of FRB, which take money from other people, give it to others as loans while claiming that money is still is in the vault.
Too the looser ones where its a just SQL create statement when a loan is signed and an DELETE FROM statement when the loan is paid back.., what goes in goes out,, right? lol...
a rolling loan bares no what?...

Not 0.01, not 0.001 ... Zero

Literal no limit on the supply of money for the biggest american banks in the world.

not even like 0.0000000001 ... its ,... Zero


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Other urls found in this thread:


You ever think that this is a way to give everyone unlimited money without destroying the system because money doesn't mean anything? That's been clear from the start.

>I hereby summon to this thread the deepest of red pilled anons, The most hardened in the body and mind, the men of fatherhood, and the men of great Leadership- the great freemen of this world. Awaken thread- the dragon that lurks beneath the memetic Parana emanating among this beautiful mosaic of words!
>For I bareth this message, and desired it heard!

Attached: Fancy2.png (500x667, 316.32K)

> As of Jan. 1, 2018, banks with deposits less than $16 million have no reserve requirement. Banks with between $16 million and $122.3 million in deposits have a reserve requirement of 3%, and banks with over $122.3 million in deposits have a reserve requirement of 10%.

The quote screams how to curve this policy! why not just drastically increase this but leave the BEHEMOTHS out of it?
Also, while your at it make every American also get to become a bank (just with a, really high reserve requirement) small steps, small steps)
liquidity can be sourced from ground up, not this no price hardness bronze age collapse.

Command economies can't price find!

Unbounded... every bank of the global reserve currency, 2 days from now

> US Banks Total Deposits:14.28T USD for Q3 2019

Now take this URL


at the 'num' variable in the query string set it to 0.1, move your cursor left, take a deep breath, and hold 0 until you release, call it a corona check

The amount of liquidity that this injects in the the system is positively staggering and will severely test the worlds capacity to absorb the exporting of its inflation. But I digress.

Zero m = 1 / 0 all the world ?reserve? currency, just like that.

How can i not forsee this day as a modern day Nixon shock.

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The reserve requirement determines the limit by which a bank can extend credit. So this is a bad way to give money, don't create a liability with it, just print it as per section 8 or whatever of the constitution under the powers to mint coin.

In our digital age more than ever, credit is as good as money, so it gets spent, and lands up in another bank account (or just new shell identity) and then gets loaned again. This money in the strictest form of FRB, this credit is burned upon repayment, and interest is never 0 so new loans will have to be created to pay the last

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Fuck the Feds. Nothing is going to save us from this except a Mass Revolt against the (((elite)))

So I should buy gold?

So, uh... what happens if this doesn't cause inflation to go above 1%?

American inflation seems to me about just as well regulated as our clocks,
Look to the global inflation rate, especially outliers with weak banking systems



anyhow, this is a hell of a way to "fix" the liquidity crisis.

That somewhat shields them from a bankrun.
Will actually cause more inflation than just printing money would

Buy a shovel and start digging.

I only have about $4000. Will that still be enough to buy a shovel tomorrow?

This is how you know the Coronavirus was released intentionally, and is basically just a fearmongering tool to cover up "the other shoe dropping" from the 2008 bailouts.

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This was bound to happen eventually
The day of cash is over
There are zoomers out there who have probably never even held a dollar in their hands
To them, money is a plastic card, and that's all it's ever been

Yeah. Despite the high spending, shovel inflation won't start until most people have to dig their own bunkers.
Or graves.

Infinite loans to the goyim, with interest of course!
Mazel tov!

This post was brought to you by:
Setting up holocaust narrative gang, which the jews bought hook line and sinker after it was only be supposed to be a quick payoff, a greasing of palms to milk Germany for money and relieving them from the sanctions of WW1/Weimar but without making them look like victims.



It doesn't work, it always backfires, the jew can only be exterminated by saying "NO" to all its demands, you cannot barter with them, you cannot reason with them, you cannot control them, it only makes them stronger, when in reality they're actually weak.

Here, prove it to yourself.
Do a mental walkthrough what would happen if every request for aid, no matter how minute, from turning on their ovens on shabat, to denying them national aid, were denied.
When every plea to enter a country is denied.
When every application for a job is denied.

They cannot survive, not even in israel, not without aid.
They are larping as opulent humans, sometimes even in straight up castles, because it was given to them, they didn't conquer any of it, they were bestowed these things.

That's their weakness.
They have no power, only control over people.
Just say no.
Just simply say no, and we don't have to gas any of them.

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based and redpilled monopolists. everythign that happens is never yuor problem. the second they have fallen for any false shit or lies its their fault. just setting up more robbing mechanisms all day.
>setting up robbing/controlling mechanisms
faith is the new keyword being used
>myu local church sign said have 'faith'

The major reason for it is as follows. The FED has been printing money at an alarming rate. Yet foreign entities have been snapping up every single dollar printed and holding onto it. It created a really weird situation where inflation should be much much higher, yet the demand for the dollars outstrips what the inflation should be to the point of deflation beginning to occur.

Due to this, setting the percent reserve required to zero puts ALL of the liability on the banks themselves, and those foreign entities that hold dollars.

The local church sign near me says "We base our beliefs on the Bible." It used to say "God Bless Israel" but I think too many people were leaving it.


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Pretend that I am retarded and explain this to me again.

We're on the precipice of economic paradigm change.
The US has to goto war with Russia and China to keep it's hegemony.
Otherwise, we're looking at new global reserve currencies emerging in a multi-polar world.

>Yuan-backed Oil futures
>Putin Nationalizing the money supply; banks 90% under state control - stripped 300+ banks of licences.

Far bigger than SARS2.
The USD is finished - over!
No more petro-dollar dominance.
The zeroed reserve requirement and 1.5trillion money machine go Brrrrrrrrrr was the final death knell.
What comes next is the IMF's SDRs and the US fight to stay relevant, but China already owns you.
Expect regime change America, permanently.

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Which is never going to happen.
They're literally taking away basic rights, like the right to commune right now, and nobody is doing a thing, not even the gun-toting, liberty loving nuts that always boasted about revolution.

OP can't because he can't straight, he talks like a faggot larping as a wise, grizzled old sage.

Banks can print money, as in actually print infinite money

Its convenient that it hits the same day the unemployment numbers hit.

Holy fuck! We're all gonna be rich

Answer me this ~ wouldn't that bankrupt all banks? Is that the point? Why would the privately owned Federal Reserve put the liability on banks which I imagine they own or their family/friends do?

Will there be another bailout and actual enslavement of the populace to 'pay' for it through taxes? I can't believe that.


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>giving banks the ability to make unlimited money would make them bankrupt

You are not very bright are you.

>but they have to pay it back


money is a means of control and extracting wealth first and has always been from the start;
it's rarely been used exclusively for barter;
with the exception of the glorious hidden middle ages and the tally stick;
how do you think England built those cathedrals?
Workers laboured for just 14weeks a year to provide everything for their family of ten!

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This goy actually studied the history of money! Wow, what are you doing in this shithole?

what is happening

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great question
Bail ins!!
You're going to love them

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go to bank to sign death pledge (literal meaning of the word mortgage)

bank takes money from other accounts, gives to you

>doesn't tell the other accounts

starts with pretending $1 is missing, in 2 days evolves to point where ALL the dollars are missing

Bank runs happen, depression, people get pissed and demand banks do what we think they do, hold money for us and give us access to the payments network, not give all of it to someone else and pretend its there.

whats worse, people are taking loans and depositing them in other banks, who loan them again, creating a chain reaction of everyone claiming money that only actually exists in the hands of the latest debt signer.

This is happening in the broader context of over 100 years of monetary debasement, from gold to its certificates, to its confiscation, to pure fiat, to, not even fiat...

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so they made it impossible for banks to be bankrupt.

based cypriot, I thank you for heeding this thread

Indeed. US dollar is literally 'yeah we promise to make good on our deeds, but lets attach it to these oil barrels to force the US dollar to stay upright'.

It doesnt mean what you think it does. Reserve ratios dont matter if the FED is always willing to lend to banks/buy bank assets. Solvency is what matters, liquidity is irrelevant with the FED backing.
Dont expect banks to create trillions in new credit. In scary situations they just dont lend.

>Wow, what are you doing in this shithole?
I know secrets within secrets within secrets; but I'm a nobody - a smart nobody.
Related to the markets, I created an algorithm for predicting precipitous market drops based on the Bak-Sneppen formula for predicting extinction events and avalanches.

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Well yeah, but for less nefarious reasons
mort gage (“death pledge”), after a translation of judicial Medieval Latin mortuum vadium or mortuum wadium, from mortuum + vadium or wadium, of Germanic (Frankish) origin, from a root *waddi, wadja. Compare gage and also wage. So called because the deal dies either when the debt is paid or when payment fails

I can't believe this either. The Fed doesn't want to crush and bankrupt all of its banks. This would make the banks do one of three things: make them honest, make them loan to everyone and go bankrupt, or make them complicit in the scheme to somehow win while being completely corrupt.
Can anyone actually verify any of this? China nuked their economy. The virus is real. The world is nuking their economies. I have no idea with Russia - I trust their bullshit power struggle more than most countries I know. Nationalizing banks means war with the long noses. They have to control through money. Unless their government is now most jews.

And America has always had one thing - guns. You can't make an army fight itself. You can't.
Your post is bullshit. Dollar may crumble, China is fucked, Russia may be Israeli made but the US is still the US.

I wish I were that bright. I just figured out the game 6 years ago and bought Treasuries when no one else wanted them.
I guess there are many roads to Rome.

The reserve ratio is a fake ratio. Its easy for banks to get around it, it never meant anything.

This sounds interesting. Tell us more, Uncle Chaim.

I've learned that grammar is the root of logic and rhetoric, and you sir have roots that go deep, thank you for this

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Bank runs dont happen if the FED provides liquidity. Its not a concern. Withdraw as much cash as you want, the FED will print it.
There will be no credit expansion, there never is in a depression unless a law compels banks to lend.

They are just tryinf to cut off a bank run

Simple terms:
The US economy is a giant ponzi.
The FED is trying to keep the ponzi going.
Everything else is distraction and noise.

Read Mitch Feierstein's book

or, for historical perspective Ed. Griffin Creature of Jekyll Island
available here:

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>there never is in a depression unless a law compels banks to lend
Don't you mean "stop lending"?

there's not enough actual money for everyone.

your "money" is only a number in the bank. It's not a pile of cash or gold, it's only a figure written on a computer.

If everyone went to get their cash, we would only get to have 1% of it or less.

this new law makes it so that banks don't need any cash at all. no paper money, just digital numbers.

Meanwhile, if you ARE the bank....

you can just go...

Ok, now we have a trillion dollars lol time to buy islands

Does this mean they are going to buy everything when the market crashes this year?

yes. they will own all the businesses that closed and everything will be mcwalmartbucks and you will be paid less and less of their make-believe funbucks.

I have read your words, based isreali, all of the them ring true in great practicality.

My concern here fundementally rests with principle of western society and dignity of freeman, the information you've provided here will provide great personal wealth to those you use it correctly. But from it i see it emerge a sort of neo-feudalism

So they have been operating as if there's 0 reserve requirements all along?

A solvent bank has more assets than liabilities. It can always sell the assets to pay the liabilities. The historical problem is the assets are not liquid while the liabilities are not but if the FED lends to the bank/purchases bank asssets then banks no longer have a liquidity problem. They just have to keep a small amount of cash on the branches. This is all academic because right now all banks are sitting on gigantic reserves, the required reserve ratio may be zero but banks have a gigantic ratio anyway. Massive reserves.