What am I in for boys?
Just tested positive for Corona virus
Other urls found in this thread:
Infertility. Hope you already have kids desu
Possible death, permanent lung damage, permanent death, infertility. Having said that you'll probably make a full recovery.
its just a flu bro
A cold and rough voice for a week
You sound fat. How fat are you?
Sniffles or smelly farts.
Weakness and a cold for a week, then you'll be fine for a week, then you'll feel like you got hit by a bus.
It takes three weeks from the onset of symptoms to death. Goodbye, fren.
Find a bunch of liberals to hug while you have the chance, user.
fuck you kookaburra cunt
You’ll be ok bro
The common cold
>permanent death
dude you're gunna have millenials throwing pussy at you. Getting the Covid is MASSIVE for victimhood clout.
Post it to instagram and you'll get like 500 offers of marriage from these instafamewhoretwats
Wow. Just wow.
>but I said liberals
So what are you implying there, Bobo?
After everyone you know mourns after your death, you will forgotten throughout history.
Hopefully your soul will lay peacefully with your 500 neighbors in the mass grave.
the only asshole here is a jew. go figure.
>permanent lung damage
no source for this faggot
I think i might've caught corona 3 weeks ago, but i think it was just a combination of chain smoking, a three day long malt-liquor bender which ended with me eating expired bologna and tripping over my lawn-mower and possibly breaking my wrists... would explain the 2 days of gut wrenching nausea and muscle aches in my arms, who knows. i feel fine now though.
I'm implying tomorrows headline
that's not true if you aren't a piece of shit. my best friend died in 2011 and i still think about him everyday
look into vitamin c and d, take probiotics, drink a shit ton of water. prob will suck for a few days but that will minimize it. also don't take ibuprofen or tylenol. if you're not an 80 year old cancer patient or asian you'll be fine.
rough location?
A bad cold and high fever. Unless you're geriatric or have chronic health issues you will be fine.
holy fuck, i miss my friend old car dude...
>no source for this
Literally every google search brings it up. Please fucking don't down play.
bit of a sniffle m8, if you get pneumonia at the same time you might die though glhf
Depending on how bad your case is it can range from kidney and heart damage. And some sources from data sheets even state pulmonary permanently being fucked. But these cases are getting rarer on recovery. One that isn't though, your immune system is permanently comped no matter what. So be clean after all this.
So all liberal are now non-white? I KNEW IT!
Only thing you tested positive for is being a stupid faggot
I thought this got debunked by now.
What's your blood type? Are you Asian?
Sore throat, slightly runny nose and a light headache for a week if you go by the medical establishment, governments, WHO and all the other establishmentfags.
Death, infertility, death, complete lung damage, death, AIDS and death if you go by happeningfag CIA niggers.
if you get lucky then the death will only be temporary
>permanent death
could be a worse kind of death
Counterpoint : they didn't have scans of these people's organs or data on their oxygen uptake before they were stuck with covid-19. There's nothing to say these people weren't just fucked beforehand and simply didn't know it
Make a trip to your local mosque before you go
>light headache for a week
Wait shit are you serious I've had a headache since 7 or 8 days ago, the australian health website doesn't mention shit about headaches so I thought I was just sleeping with my neck in an odd position or something.
i told this to sci and they called me a retard
Shits real, take it if you want to die.
You sound like you've been taken in by the hysteria, so probably a stress headache.
>he hasn't heard about the new mutation
Here's a scary statistic, 100% of people that get coronavirus WILL die.
I recovered in 36 hours. Bodyaches, headache, nasea. The works. Many people get a mild or slightly agressive flu. Not full blown pnumonia
Shit bait... and you are a fucking faggot for posting a Nissan Pulsar instead of a Corona.
I want to get THIS.
F off turk
Can someone please provide me with a link regarding covid-19 and infertility? I can't find anything.
Nah I also eat shit food, never exercise and sit at my computer a lot it could be a million different things man
Oh shit! I have AIDS and death. Maybe I have the kung flu?
I took 400 mG of ibuprofen and I felt better in an hour. I didn't have any acetomitiphan
It was a short media blurb in a Thai medical magazine, with a quite from a Japanese doctor that speculated that perhaps the coronavirus might bond to cells in reproductive systems. He meant it as something that should be studied, but happeningfags took the whole thing out of context and implemented it into their complex mythology about this flu being very, very dangerous and totalitarian measures are certainly justified.
Common cold symptoms and death and permanent lungs damage.
>permanent death
Eat better and get some exercise? Never too late.
It will turn you gay.
>1 post by this ID
These "i have the virus" threads are always like this. You know what that means, right?
pull yourself together user holy shit
Most likely you're just gay.
Mild but persistent cough; high fever; suffocation; dying; death.
I did a little googling
>For Elizabeth Schneider, her bout with the coronavirus began with a scratchy throat, exhaustion and a headache
>On Tuesday I felt ill, but I felt the usual ill I feel when my body is run down from dietary troubles: headaches, body ache, fatigue. No sore throat, no coughing.
>Diaz-Belart, 58, recalled the symptoms he said “hit him like a ton of bricks” last Saturday after he voted on a coronavirus response bill on the House floor, describing a headache that quickly developed into a fever and cough.
Headache is an early symptom but it seems like if it were coronavirus it would've gone into more than headaches by now, but maybe not who knows
Thanks mate, I thought it seemed dubious
Who knows. As far as I know most people who get coromavibus experiences no to few symptoms. You might have had it, might have been some other flu. You wouldn't really notice the difference unless you're 85+ with severe comorbidities.
Not a fucking argument lol plus the censors have been lifted so you can google whatever uncensored now.
3 different data sheets from the CDC confirm permanent immunocompromised systems. Facts. And they prove the infertility and several organ damages. However not everyone gets these effects.
Legit tranny board.
Our northern friends have cabin fever worse than they do. It doesn't excuse their homosexual posting though.
coof, fever crazy chills turn heat up past 80deg, fatigue, shits, dehydration, hard as fuck to breathe, i also had blood clots in my nose, lasts about five days and then you start feeling better. this happened on March 7th. Today still hard to breathe and food is awful. I absolutely hate salt right now. Everything tastes fake and weird.
good luck user. god speed
>Legit tranny board.
and this isn't?
bermanent death :DDD
Diagnosis papers or it didn't happen
>3 different data sheets from the CDC confirm permanent immunocompromised systems. Facts
Post them please.
Fuck your corona! Wtf is wrong with that cat?! Kill that goddam thing before it feasts on your soul
It's only been a couple of months so there's no way of telling if anything is permanent or not
my experience was to call hospital in Bend, Oregon and I was told to NOT come in unless symptoms became severe and to stay where I was at.
no test. even if it was available, you think having your name on that list is a good idea? fack no.
sources now or you're a faggot making shit up
Ibuprofen bad Tylenol ok
Thanks, if you didn’t split it like this, I wouldn’t understand.
>It's only been a couple of months so there's no way of telling if anything is permanent or not
Obviously, but basic reason doesn't stop the happeningfag CIA nigger in his tracks. It's fear propaganda to justify the totalitarian shit that's going down in our societies.