What are you buying with your trumpbux?

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I'm getting a tent and a baseball glove and a Major Matt Mason and a spaceship and a bicycle.

prolly gonna pay rent desu

Buying gold and silver if I can even find it anywhere....everyplace is out

Buy a casket.

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Use it toward my new computer fund

based polysyndeton

Silver is a must buy right now, it might be our last chance.

Gonna save it up to buy some cheap land. Hopefully there will be multiple installments of TrumpBux.


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SPY puts

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paying denbts

Going to buy aquarium cleaner and sell it as medicine to boomers

So if I filed for taxes in 2019 and got my return already but I didn't do shit in 2018 what is my status? Is this shit automatic?

This. Metals or crypto with a second thought.

Yeah I need those Y̶a̶n̶g̶Trumpbux for my Half Life Alyx pc build.

Funny how racists and miscellaneous subhumans on this board complain about imaginary tax money being spent by illegals

...yet, all the trumpanzees ITT are spending their shit on electronics/entertainment or gambling it on the Jew markets

Really makes you think, huh? Turns out Yas Forums isn't that different from the so called nigger socialist welfare babies it criticizes

Beretta 92 elite LTT

i bought my 10 oz of silver, that is exactly my plan when i get the bux.

based Amoxicillin chad

A new fishing rod and tackle

I don't even care anymore, go chop somebody up with machetes or something

Gotta file my 2018 taxes, and then i'm golden.

You realize the difference is its their 9wn money, right?


Payment amount and how many payments?

paying off my student loan

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>tfw expatfags living abroad get their TRUMPBUCKS and exchange them to local currency

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So did the bill pass without all that New Green Deal bullshit?

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That's surprisingly aesthetic

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Gonna buy my first gun any suggestions?

Trump is a fucking saint. I want trumpbux, too!

Reminds me of high school/college years
Those were the days

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You know people hate you because you take every opportunity to attack whites to further your in group preferences and then you have the audacity to lecture us for having a couple internet forms to freely express ourselves when you guys have taken over the country, use violence to suppress whites and you think it is funny when we suffer.

>illegals use up American tax dollars by using public resources for their own benefit
>vs taxpayers stimulating the economy by purchasing and investing

My rent and some cocaine.

Shotty and pistol

One time payment? I'll just save it. I want a chance to retire one day.

Yep. Render rig is gonna be just that much closer to being a dream build.

>their own money

By money what do you mean?

The money they conjured out of thin air to give away just now?

Or the welfare 'money' that gets converted into a debt that will never be paid?

In either of those, it looks like attaching the quality of property is meaningless

It sounded to me like they’re going to give (((loans))) to small businesses and send a fuckton of cash to hospitals that squandered their riches on yachts and private jets instead of on respirators and masks. Is any text of yhis bill available anywhere? I’d like to see the fine print.

I'm gonna be one of those suicides.

Springfield 1911 RONIN™ OPERATOR® – 9MM

Don't save, invest or put in a retirement fund with a decent return. Inflation kills savings.

FN 57
Rest in litecoin

This is so true

Paying off my massive medical debt. Thanks trump

you know what you have to do

so what do we get? if i can get like $10,000 of my student loans forgiven and at least $1000 every month for like four months i will be so happy

Yeah Pedro, because we actually paid the taxes that will be funding the stimulus package. I understand if that's difficult for your cockroach brain to process.

this house would be $40 million in europe LMAO. imagine being a disgusting europoor living like a rat.


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he just bankrupted america with a socialism bailout


Good call user thanks for the advice.

is it really just one time?

Meh I still ain't getting shit, I didn't file a tax return in 2018 enjoy your Bux fuckers I'm just gonna sit over here and eat my beans and deenz, all the Same ol' shit to me, but I feel like I got paid too watching Pelosi and the rest of the dumbocrats eat cock

someone tell me how much I'm going to get?

yeah buy a death basket, a 40, and some Morpheus makeup

Are we really getting $1,200??

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>ruined a 3rd world country
>and I got my gibs

>Beretta 92 elite LTT
based taste.
going to be kitting out my AR personally.

I hope not, I need more gibs.


Tranny surgery

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Oh snap!

same here, it's bullshit only single mother fuck ups get gibs and white males get NOTHING

lol, imagine killing yourself because you dont get to work for shlomo.

If i ever ended up homeless i woul go to LA, and NYC and take a dump every morning on some homes on Mullholland Drive and some on the upper east side then hang out and enjoy the city.

Fucking KEK. Make sure you stack the body parts neatly in the street and write some dumbfuck gibberish about your retarded cartel as well.

Why not just wait until your insurance covers it? Probably only a few year wait. What a world we live in.

Does this bill apply to the illegals?

That’s nice, I’ll be looking you straight in the eyes and shaking my head no when you beg for change.

hahahahaha neets dont get shit, eternally btfo'd

I made a promise to someone that I won't commit suicide even in the hardest of times. It's time to put that promise to the test.

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i'm gonna be pretty disappointed if it's just one payment of $1000

gaming PC. Upgraydding my prebuild from 2017

or valve index so I can play VR

I'm donating it to Bernie Sanders.

1200 and it comes with vastly expanded unemployment benefits to the tune of ~$12k over 4 months! Yang x3

Good luck user

Wrong. We’re citizens. We’re legal. We’d paid taxes. If not for the virus, we would be carrying on with our wagie lives. Just think of it as an extended tax return that we earned. So we get to do whatever the fuck we want with it and doesn’t compare to the parasites suckling endlessly off OUR tax money.


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I’ll blow it in a trip to Vegas when I opens back up. Maybe I’ll add guac at chipotle next time

Still need the House to pass it. Not sure how they can't at this point.

I will buy nothing as I have everything I need.

>you think it is funny when we suffer.
Aww, poor thing. Always making fun of drug war violence in Mexico incited by his beloved Obama, posting rekt pics of narco violence, but when it comes to kung flu you suddenly have feelings. How cute. Poor little mutt is sad the brownie is making fun of him. Aww!

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That shit is going straight into my savings bros. After I've bought a playstation 4 though... I only want a few games for that shitty system anyway, so most of it will go to my savings.

he's lying mate. Everyones getting a cut

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this bill is dogshit.
>jump through all these hoops and you'll get a one time payment of $1200
im unemployed now and was making $3000 a month and these people now can just wash their hands and say "oh but we gave you $1000 once for the duration of the 6 month quarantine :^)"

No but most illegals use a ITIN to file their taxes so they’ll get this check too

only going out to taxpayers lolOLOLOLOlolol

>Democrats had argued they wanted to see more safeguards for American workers in the deal and oversight for how funding would be doled out. Schumer and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi both signaled on Tuesday that they had won concessions in the emerging deal to that end.

>Pelosi said in an interview with CNN's Dana Bash on Tuesday that "many of the provisions in there have been greatly improved because of negotiation," while Schumer said the legislation will have "unemployment insurance on steroids."

Weren't the Republicans giving the number of $1200? Nancy better get us at least $2000.

My first shotgun

Btw if you don't buy a gun with your Trumpbux you are not a true American.

A ticket out of this shithole country before the Demonshits are able to funnel all their money to foreign invaders and take over this year at the election