India Bans Exports of Trump-Backed Drug as Demand Surges

I hope you got your supply by now faggots. Indian companies are the biggest manufacturers of Hydroxychloroquine and they aren't exporting anymore.

Cadila Healthcare Ltd., the Indian company which is world’s largest maker of the drug, has said it plans to boost capacity more than 10-fold to meet the surging global demand.

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China will bathe in flame by year’s end.

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Fug fug fug fug fug......Where can I get some now. I am running out of toilet paper fast.

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They don't want shortages in local market s. To save their own citizens. Like every sane Govt would do. Fugggg

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Is this drug for real? I think it's a meme.

its real. Can you ship me some?

It's some anti-malarial shit. Yeah it's real.

Globalism is dead now.

America needs to be producing its own shit to survive. Especially medicine and medical supplies.

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Graduate chemist students could make the drug if given the instructions.
The reason for all the shortage is so big pharma can make some money.

hope patriots see this, french physician discovers it, trump's idea to push it through with passion then with massive resistance, and then india turs on america, the country that gave them microsoft university, H1B visas and some of the highest paying jobs in the world, and they disrespect us this way? Unbelievable, really hope this is fake news.

The Indian gov't is probably paying them to dump their toxic waste to combat the smell. We'll remember that Modhi.

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it was just shown that 2 persons have died in africa from poison like symptons from taking the chloroquine vax, wtf

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Someone's sending them the aquarium cleaner.

I can send you some cowdung if you want, it’s even more effective

We can't ramp up just because you snap your fingers. We'll have an oversupply in a few months.

Relax. Production is amping up in the US

India is going on lock down in couple of days. 1.3 billion for 21 days.

Nuke India

So, war it is then... I'm sure Pakistan is thrilled.
Good luck poo's.

The over dose is 310 mg, lethal dose is 2g.
People get Corona, think this is some sort of miracle cure and take lots of it, eat them like sweets and die.
Just stop being retarded and follow the dosage instructions. It's literally spelled out for you on the box and it won't kill you.

ah i see, didn't look into to it too much just saw that it was killing people

Doesn't RedBull and tonic water also have quinine?

This virus revealed how shady globalism is on multiple levels.

We can make our own.


Real tonic water maybe, so many tonic waters now are fucking crap.

So what your saying is we need to bomb India after china?

Sorry bros. We should've at least left a % of production open to the world

To be fair India has been pretty good about coronavirus on the world stage, them keeping this drug at home is probably due to fear of having a coronavirus holocaust in India. They also had people self isolating that were infected even without laws, which I think says a good thing about their culture in respect for other life.

China kept their doors open for months and have to threaten to blow your head off if you walk around infected and they still had people doing it.

Trump fucking created a shitshow these past few days.
>just the flu
>it's bad 15 day social distancing plan
>foudn an approved cure, yeah, it saves lives
>Uh, let's go back to work soon
Drug not available
NYC cases deaths rising
Under 50 year olds dying now

Yes, this is actually an Indian virus. Indians have very strong immune systems. While the rest of the world burns and economies crumble India will rise as the sole superpower.

Its a generic drug, anyone can make the pill machines go brrrrr.

Sure bud just send me your address. It's only ten cents for the whole course of drugs, so I'll put this one on the house.

>not exporting
>boost capacity to meet global demand

let's hope

Infuriating. Not reasonable at all. Not understandable at all.
Through the WTO we force countries including China, Japan, Europe to enforce patents. America funds the bulk of worldwide drug research this way. India is allowed to "not enforce" drug patents, basically they can make whatever they want and unlike everyone else they pay nothing for the r&d. We do this because the stupid motherfuckers have ignored 90 years of international support getting their population under control. Unlike china. We do this because we feel sorry for these incompetent motherfuckers. Unlike china.
This isn't normal. This isn't ok just because everyone is desperate and even the EU can't keep its borders open. This is a horrific betrayal of a longstanding agreement between India and the west to give them trillions of dollars worth of knowledge for free - even Africa doesn't get that - as long as they don't disrupt global supply.
I for one will never forget.

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Superpower 2020

Don't think other countries won't try saving their own people first instead of catering to your nation's need.

Louis XVI almost sold out France for you Amerimutts, it only got him executed. And now you call him a fool in your textbooks and always disrespect frogs, the people you owe your independence.

Elon claims it saved his life. Now he had malaria but the drug is definitely real

As any retard can see this goes far beyond >saving their own people first instead
As my post made clear the magnitude of this offense goes so far beyond "[not] catering to your nation's need"
Your response is without substance, it is shameless. Today you made China look like paragons of humanity. Truly it was a mistake to include you in the brotherhood of nations.

t. USA

Isn't it terrible what gabidulism does to a country?

Can you imagine telling an American in the 1930s or 40s that one day his country won't be able to supply itself with medicine, and what's more, that not being able to supply itself with medicine will be an ideological goal under the tenets of globalist gabidulism?

>tfw you bought stock in domestic manufacturers of hydroxychloroquine

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As a nationalist, I see nothing wrong here

not a vaccine, not helpful in any way as prophylaxis

probably already out of stock at all pharmacies across India

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a bunch of idiots killing themselves with a highly toxic drug
cool beans

>offshore your own manufacturing needs
>complain when this happens
Americans are idiots.

Ban exports of all lifesaving medicine to India, as well as equipment

>b-but muh economy!

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>doesn't want to offshore manufacturing needs
>doesn't complain when this happens
you're an idiot


IPCA labs, one of the largest supplier of anti malarial drug Chloroquine and the Rheumatoid Artharitis drug Hydroxychloroquine has got its import alert suspended as the USFDA by the USFDA made an exception to the company because of the possible rise in demand of these drugs arising out of the Covid-19 pandemic.

"We wish to inform you that due to the shortage implications and/or medical necessity of certain drugs and finished products, the United States Food and Drug Administrati ..

Read more at:

Highly toxic according to who?
Where did you get your medical or pharmaceutical training if you dont mind my asking?

It should be pretty easy to make actually

IPCA labs, one of the largest supplier of anti malarial drug Chloroquine and the Rheumatoid Artharitis drug Hydroxychloroquine has got its import alert suspended as the USFDA by the USFDA made an exception to the company because of the possible rise in demand of these drugs arising out of the Covid-19 pandemic.

"We wish to inform you that due to the shortage implications and/or medical necessity of certain drugs and finished products, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) vide its e-mails dated 20th March, 2020 has made exception to the import alert for the Company's following Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APls) and finished products (Formulations)", IPCA said to stock exchanges.

IPCA's shares on Friday's trade had closed 9% up at Rs 1371.

According to the Centre for Disease Control USA, a study in China reported that chloroquine treatment of COVID-19 patients had clinical and virologic benefit versus a comparison group, and chloroquine was added as a recommended antiviral for treatment of COVID-19 in China. Based on these limited trial numbers, these drugs are getting recommended for treatment for patients who are hospitalised for Covid-19. The high toxicity of the drug has also been an worrying factor.

IPCA has a market share of nearly 70% of these drugs, as it is one of the largest suppliers of the active pharmaceutical ingredient of these medicines to several large multinational drug companies. Since the Covid-19 outbreak the company has supplied nearly 5 lakh tablets across the world.

if you want to prevent offshoring of manufacturing, you should be among the "idiot" americans who are complaining

That’s the point of all of this.
Yes. Americans are fucking stupid. They need to be shown that 60 years of liberal policies have destroyed their manufacturing base and sold them up the river to the Chinese. The only way to show them is to put them in a life or death situation.

Real Patriots don't support globalization in the first place.

You keep acting like this is the same as exporting masks.
We freed you from patent enforcement. China complies with the WTO. Motherfucking Iran complies with the WTO. Africa complies with the WTO. The entire 1st, 2nd, and 3rd world got together and decided that of all the countries in the world, you and North Korea are just incapable of pitching a few cents a pill to develop the world's entire body of medical knowledge so you get that knowledge for free.
I am disappointed at your excuses. It's not like anyone cares, there's no wrath coming, people will think exactly what you said. "It's fine, even Switzerland closed its borders! It's fine, everyone serves their own needs first!"
But I'll know.

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Imagine the smell

sanction them, simple

Believe it or not it smells great. I am hearing and seeing birds I hadn't seen since 99

>NYC cases deaths rising

Won't the customs stop it

and conjure up the component materials out of thin air?
Most chemical production comes from India and China, you don't even know how dependent you are on them.