New Zealand Lockdown Comfy Thread


Who else is ready for the four-week lockdown here in New Zealand? Is anyone else here /EssentialService/ and needs to continue working?

Me personally, I'm a courier driver and considered an essential service, so I have to work through the lockdown and expose myself to a massive handful of potentially infections cunts every day. I have plenty of masks, gloves, and hand sanitizer to hopefully keep coronachan at bay.

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>courier driver
courier post or post haste/nz couriers/pbt?

Courier Post

Cool. They deliver my books from Mighty Ape. Will you guys still deliver from Amazon?

I don't see why not. Freight from the US is still coming in. But everybody went crazy panic buying online goods, that basically the whole system bottlenecked. Our freight volumes this week were on par with Christmas time.

I have a completely novel joke about your flag having the virus

Stay safe I love you


Just wanna say to the boys here; chin up, get comfy- this is a 4 wk holiday for NZ; we'll see a curve flatten in a month as we hit it early.

that being said look after your loved ones and have a mean time indoors. Love and respect from AKL, dont be a dumb cunt and go outside, dont be a dumb cunt and listen to the news...everything is not all g but if everyone knows that everything will be fine



>and go outside
I'm going to go out for a walks.

yeah me too, gonna go out for some bike rides.

>tfw 2 months ago coronavirus was some funny meme and it couldn’t possibly affect me
>tfw the whole country is now in a state of emergency and can’t leave the house
Mind boggling

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Can't take precautions bro, that's racist


Who /maderedundant/ here? Gonna go and get my NEETBux from Jacinda soon.

You boys get your grog in time?

Good boy.

BASED. Cindabux will keep me going over the holiday. If you get bored NBA is giving a month of their leaguepass away for free so you can watch old games, and the current season (make sure to hide the scores to avoid spoilers).

I'm waiting for a weed drop.

I'm wondering how long it'll take for the internet to become unusably slow.

You should avoid handling cash bro.

I know, too late.

I bought a bunch of whiskey from the piss shop yesterday. Should be enough to last four weeks. I have plenty of beer too, but if I run out of that I’ll just head down to New World.
I just hope nobody shits up this mass quarantine for us

I'd be stunned if this ended in 4 weeks, honestly. Reckon there'll be at least some level of lockdown until late June.

>205 cases
>22 recovered
>0 dead (So far)

We doing pretty good boys

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Can I have masks & hand sanitizers bro

Yeah, I agree, I’m just trying to stay optimistic though bro

If you live In Palmerston North

If this turns out to be a nothingburger I'm gonna be so pissed off at Italy

I panic bought a bulk pack since it was the only one I could find, so now I have a hundred masks because I'm a fucking retard (I didn't even realize I was buying that many, the entire box is in chinese). Wanna buy some?

Lads let me come live on your island pls

Are you hot?

Youre telling me you dont want to watch the world burn?

Thanks for gallipoli mr pom, no you may not enter.

She has a cute feminine penis

You guys should be on 30 dollars at least an hour. Funny how all the so called essential services have minimum wage employees. Stay strong my racist frendo

I work for a power company so yeah, /EssentialService/ bullshit thing is I have to work tomorrow.
Scared to get pulled over by the Police, is it more suspicious to be driving to the job-site with my Bane mask and gloves,
Don't even know if saying that I work for the power company is enough.

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I got 8k jacindabux already spent half and sent 2k to the folks. Shit loads of new musical equipment and computer though. Missus is waiting on her Jacindabux now. I bought her a TV

Yo, I’m at Linton

Imma have a fucking pizza party. Thanks for the holiday spics

I'm fuckin coming anyway lad.

Going to establish new norf

Welcome to the new Empire!

Usually the first deaths happen before the first recoveries, so 22-0 is an impressive score especially early on. Even well-off places can end up with more deaths than recoveries early on simply because the deaths happen first.
Victoria, Australia has 97-0 though.

Remember to stay safe out there anons

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Only two bottles of vodka

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what's the deal with CindyBux boys? can't be fucked with the news so left a bit in the dark as to how it all works.

also my bro just left after stopping in for one last sesh, I made sure to wash my hands and burnt the shotty and rim of my bong to sterilize, how fucked am I bros

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If you have work ID you should be good. I know that you have to show ID to get on buses during the rush hour now.

Bottle shops are 'essential', we'll make it bro.

Anyone else looking forward to the stories of police crackdowns tomorrow? I know a shit load of obviously non essential businesses that are going to try and stay open around Auckland.

as long as you work youre guaranteed CindyBux my brother, order in that next fat pound. on tick

Thanks, but what the fuck is a Work ID?
some fucking training docs would be enough??

Just any proof of what your job is. And if you are essential I'm sure you have something to use.

Pretty much anything that shows you work for some place, honestly. Like, does the tag that gets you in the door have your company's name on it?

lol how bad is Dunedin going to be lads i have been posting that there was community transmission there for weeks now.

Currently have 6 bottles of hand sanitizer and 50 plastic gloves in my inventory, plus a load of other household supplies. But it doesn’t look like I’m going to end up needing all my stockpiled shit unless shit goes down and the country spirals into chaos somehow

I didn't buy enough fucking weeeeedddddd reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee why is so hard to get drugs in this country!!!!!!!

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>I know a shit load of obviously non essential businesses that are going to try and stay open around Auckland.

Really, what businesses? And how did you find out?

Kekd hard at supermarket fatties stocking up on chips n fizz.
Also fuck teachers

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I thought the only things that are allowed to be open are supermarkets and service stations?

I've been asking pretty much every shop I've been in whether they're staying open or not, and it seems like other people are asking as well. The big one is that apparently Dominos are going to try and stay open.

Has anyone bought drugs through nz dark net markets I wanna know if they safe

How long will this lockdown last for? Godspeed NZ


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why would you wanna come here?

imagine thinking this is real. Its a bad flu that the NWO is seizing on to panic boomers and establish total control.

mate its too late. The golden DNM age was about 5 years ago.

its been a while since
tor host compromised
big up tick in parcel interception
at least three people arrested
silk road down

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Ddi you get sussed bro?

Yeah, I have Training docs and one of them tag things.
Overthinking it, Bane mask + Gloves Y / N

Same here. As a courier I have a tonne of my businesses I service telling me they’re going to carry on working, but most not to the public. Doing online orders and whatnot.

My kiwisaver will go back up when stocks get good again right

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I love how they kept changing what an "essential service" is. Even fucking Mighty Ape can't do deliveries now. Ardern is a fucking idiot.

check your cabin air filter
some newer cars have HEPA
>Bane mask + Gloves
its slowly getting easer to pull of the look
but be careful with handling and storeage

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i hope nothing goes down in south auckland in the next 4 weeks

every courier driver I see is Indian...thanks to "National"

I use discord and messenger and it's pretty cozy

Courier drivers are owner operated.