Deal reached on $2 trillion coronavirus stimulus bill

>The bill will give a one-time check of $1,200 to Americans who make up to $75,000. Individuals with no or little tax liability would receive the same amount, unlike the initial GOP proposal that would have given them a minimum of $600.

>The amounts of the one time payments, which officials hope could go out to Americans as soon as early April, will be based on income reported in 2018 taxes, declining gradually beginning with individuals who made $75,000 or married couples filed jointly who made $150,000. Individuals making $99,000 or above, or married couples making $198,000 or more would receive no check. People would also receive an additional $500 per child.

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Yeah you're not kidding.
The machine is gonna need some maintenance after this one.

>more money to welfare niggers
They gotta keep their pet voters happy, can't let them think Trump is the good guy here.

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You mad whitey?

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How will this plummet the value of the dollar?

So people that don't make 75k a year
>whopping 60% of the american workforce.
Are we getting fucked?

They are in session at this time?
It's 1:32 AM in D.C.

Those old people must really want to go home since they passed the bill.

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fuck this shit.

ty free monies

Adding to this, are there rules or do they just stay until they get the bill passed, even if it takes over 24 hours?
Where are they exactly talking? Are they all in a round table or what?

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>socialism is good when Trump does it

>Individuals with no or little tax liability would receive the same amount
>based on income reported in 2018
So if I didn't file taxes in 2018 I don't get any TrumpBux?

You can still file up to 3 years late.

No nigger, it says up to 75k.

Only $2 trillion?
What happened to $6 trillion?
Fucking republicans thats what.

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Apparently you just file a zero income tax return retroactively. I have no fucking idea how tax bullshit works but there will have to been some streamlined, hand holding approach to doing this en masse or there will be massive chimpouts.

>Individuals making $99,000 or above get no check
REEEEEE Muh Trupbux. I need gibs too. Making in the low 6 figures isn't rich.

>60% of US makes 75k year
you really live in a white people suburb bubble dont you?

How drunk are you

>a shot in the arm to a flailing economy due to a pandemic is socialism
real big brain hours

>government spending is socialism

What if no income in 2018 but filed in 2019 under $35k?

He implying the opposite, genius

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>mfw i have enough sheckles for a 3080ti when it eventually comes out
Still majority of us pay more than that in taxes a month.

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Nothing champ

2 trillion is $6,000 dollars worth per person, according to official united states numbers. This means it includes children.

So where is the other $4,800 going?

Sweet I’ll blow mine on a 10/10 escort so I can lose my virginity

Businesses to keep your ass on the payroll.

Trumpbux saved! Yeeeehaaa!!

>illegals all collect $1200 of your taxes each


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Whites are the most broke fucks on earth atm due to black oppressors and jewish masters

to the Jews as is necessary otherwise it won't happen

You fucking niggers have literally printed 10 trillion dollars this year. Who is really gonna pay for this? You guys are not sticking with any agenda at this point, because of a little chaos.

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I wonder if my American fiancee will give me some! I'm a fuckin leaf and Trudeau don't give nothin like this! Have to fill out a 20 page form! Why can't we have Trudeau bucks too!!!

Dead nigger storage Dept

Fuck Republicans? Had the nigger loving democrats agreed to the first deal we’d be fucking A ok and getting double.

Sick Man of Asia

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This. Middle class is the most squeezed

Government are the ones who shut down the businesses, they should be the ones to foot the bill.

So how much of the insane bullshit did the dems force through this time? All of it? Some of it? If any of it went through this country is heading for SA tier racial violence against whites.

Cause he only give leaf bucks to trans and immigrants

Does it involve digital dollar USA crypto???

do i get trump bux if i didnt work in 2018?

I guess you get absolutely fucking nothing.
This is a very flawed bill.

NICE now how do I claim my neetbux?

how much did they give for climate change (agenda 2030)?

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i just started working in december and was let go because corona, am i fucked?

Make China pay for it like Mexico pays for our wall.

hehe money printer go brrrrr

Only one payment? Fuckers.

Just wait until this one mysteriously spreads everywhere too


You didn't file taxes in 2018? How so?

>yfw its a happening, but you have no happening feels
i thought i'd have more internal reactions to stuff like that but i just dont care anymore so much that even happening feel like nothing

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What fucking version of the bill was this? Is this the democrate wishlist bill?

>one-time check
What the fuck are Democrats even good for ffs?

>weed money
Nice. Thanks wagies.

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that terrible scheme
you just know some corrupt congressman threw that in there because his cousin owns the software for this 'digital wallet' and will get transaction fees.

The hole is close to their anus

You retroactively file 0 income for 2018. This has been said 1000 times already. Still seems like a sneaky way of cheating those too dumb to do this out of their gibs.

>$1200 right now for a 20% increase in taxes until the end of time

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You need to have worked in 2018 apparently.

Yes thos guys are trying to replace the globe with crypto currency this fucking ripple block chain bullshit is retarded. Also talk (you) me you pussy bitch nigger

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So $1200 will be removed from filing status credits next tax year?

>conservacucks complaining they're not getting enough socialism neetbux

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crashing the economy so the brown people can get more gibs BASED

Because 2019 taxes aren't due yet and as such not everyone has filed them.

OK but when do I get my trumpbux? I hope soon. I've been without work for 2 weeks now.

>mfw you just found out this is the real illness that killing everybody and not covid 19.
It was hentai Chan all along

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Wait so just one payment?

Can I get the gibs as an expat?

Hrm I wonder why it got reduced to only one check.

Can I get a link to the carameldansen brrr?

unironic retard

>based off of 2018 tax filings
No tax filing no trumpbux.

That’s so goddamn stupid. Getting money based on if you worked 2 years ago. I did, but my fiancée didn’t start working till 2019.


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don't you have a bit of savings from working?

>20% tax increase

LMAO see you niggas on planet bitcoin

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So do we have to pay our NEET Bux back in taxes or what?

It's to weed out the fucking zoomers like your fiance, faggot

I'm so glad I filed my taxes every year even though I owed nothing on my VA and SSD.
Honesty has its rewards, haha

Supposedly early April.

I didn't file for taxes in 2018 either. You don't have to if you have zero income or make $12,200 or less

Now do I feel disenfranchised, malleable, violent? Nah. I'll just suicide.

What your feeling is similar to a coomers regret. A doomers self disgust. You got your happening, and it keeps on giving, and now you are just over it. You been blueballing before corona, now corona is here and wont go away but your balls are empty. Now you want to go back to your old life, imagine that, you got what you wished for but didn't know you just as well needed what you wanted gone.

>tfw too rich for handouts

if I had to guess it's not the fucking wishlist, that garbage would have been way more than $2 trillion. probably just a slightly augmented version of the gop but now democrats get to pretend like they actually did something

Zoomers are the future, you heard that old hag on the covid team!

Yea i acknowledge that white people are the actual welfare queens and alsonhave the poorest and dumbest people alive just look at west virginia

How about 1,200 bucks to every citizen with a social security number and reachable address over the age of 18.
You can even disclude those who are already on benefits like disability or ssi.
But no, they had to fuck it up somehow.