Real White/European Religion is Roman and Greek Mythology

Change my mind.

Pro-tip: you can't.

The true religions of Europe are the politheistic religions of Rome and Greek. (((Christianity))) is jewish garbage.

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Christianity was written by Greeks in Greek, it's more Greek than anything

It was written by roman jews, brainlet.

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it was translated by greeks from jews.

Who compiled everything? In what language? Who created the actual religion and church? Fucking moron

Why do pagans always make threads like this like anyone gives a fuck what some fag literalwho user somewhere does? It always seems to me that you have a real self-importance complex, like you think the world revolves around you and I should give a fuck that the great you has decided to convert to "meme religion of the week" because you're a materialistic post-modern whore of wall street totally detached from Portugal's 1000 years of history attempting to replace your emptiness with a special identity you invented yourself.

>bumping a shit thread

>Change my mind
You are weak so I don't have to, we'll just simply bend you, and if you won't bend we'll get rid of you like we did previously, it's not like you can do anything about it anyway
The time for arguments has passed

The original religion of mankind was monotheism.
The original religion of muh Evropa isn't Indo-European paganism, which came from India, but bear-worship in the north and some kind of snake or bull cult in the south. No one knows because they were too retarded to write and their weak-ass demon "gods" got BTFO by the Christ, powerless in the face of the true God.
See: vikangs unable to match the miracles of the missionaries, St. Boniface, St. Patrick, etc.

The religion of ancient Europe was completely wiped out and modern attempts to recreate it based on "(((scholarship)))," based on no or incomplete data, are a complete embarrasment.
One day soon you're going to remember this phase in your life and cringe.

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You’re a fucking retard. European paganism did not come from India.

religion isn't belief. mythology was mostly part of the folk tales and not an actual religion. european religion in ancient times were the mystery cults that have long been lost. any pagan is just a larper who doesn't know what constitutes a religion. the most primitive religions in all cultures start off as monotheistic.

read mircea eliade.

>too retarded to write

Vinca script hasn't been translated, assuming it's a writing system and probably can't be translated as the language is extinct.

See pic

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wrong. see georges dumezil

Nope, this was imposed by some greek retards later on. Romans, germans, celts, ... all had their own religions most of them destroy by the church.

>inb4 muh Odinism jewish LARP

Christianity is a combination of Hellenistic Judaism, Greek Mythology, and Egyptian Mythology. The early Christians were Sadducee converts, while the remaining Pharisees became the Jews with their Babylonian religion. I've posted this in 3 threads already and so far nobody can prove me wrong.

non sense

I'm sorry, how many crusades out of 9 did you win?


We didn't give a fuck about most of them, when we actually sent a dedicated force to the holy land we fucked you up badly.

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"It speaks of "Hellenists" and "Hebrews." The existence of these two distinct groups characterizes the earliest Christian community in Jerusalem. The Hebrews were Jewish Christians who spoke almost exclusively Aramaic, and the Hellenists were also Jewish Christians whose mother tongue was Greek. They were Greek-speaking Jews of the Diaspora, who returned to settle in Jerusalem. To identify them, Luke uses the term Hellenistai. When he had in mind Greeks, gentiles, non-Jews who spoke Greek and lived according to the Greek fashion,then he used the word Hellenes (Acts 21.28). As the very context of Acts 6 makes clear, the Hellenistai are not Hellenes."

The Sadducees were mostly aristocrats with Hellenistic tendancies who received Roman support. I wonder wonder where we see that later in Christianity?

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This is where we see it.

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bs from massey that gets promoted in zeitgeist and other new age type of stuff. yeah, no thanks. point any other source other than massey's delusions.

i suggested 2 good sources of compartive religion in this thread and you came with massey. no one in comparative religion devotes any time in that matter since it doesn't have any ground. massey was simply deluded

Who is Massey

>referring to your crusading ancestors as though they're foreigners

What level of zogbrain is this?

You're fucking retarded, favela monkey

guy who promoted that false parallel between egyptian mythology and christian history

sup angry boy. how about opening a fucking book


Based. Fuck the jew-worshippers.

Alright, take something you need and burn it as a sacrifice to Apollo.

Finally a p*gan that makes some sense and chooses a legit pantheon over the n*rdic LARP. You're still a faggot, though.

Hinduism is the one true Aryan religion.

Don't forget Celtic and Norse.

I’m Greek

There are Celts and Anglos who claim we’re not true Greeks haha

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Most of Europe never had those gods
Greece and Rome were not Europe

Crucify the secularists!!!

Roman's and Greeks are shitskin manlets.
Saxons and Goths are the white haplo group. you know the ones that chased off Atilla and Burned Rome. you will feel our steel again.

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Funny how many of the anti-christian threads are started by rabbis. Wonder why Jews hate Jesus so much?

mircea eliadea very good, i agree

It does make a bit of sense. Large portion of Slavic pagan customs were incorporated into Orthodox Christianity. Similar thing happened in the west among Germanic tribes.
But user above is wrong about Greek mythology, it was parts of Greek philosophy that was incorporated into Christianity.

What about northerners?

Yes but it's not a religion

those jews were greek they originally didn't want gentiles messing with their new religion

Rome worshiped Saturn which is the Demiurge and the other Archons.

Greeks just called Saturn by another name, Cronus.

The bible doesn't claim other people are wrong about things concerning facts or technological advancements, the only thing the bible claims is that their narrative over historical events and the involvement of supernatural beings is incomplete. Christians quite often claim, especially among conventionally protestant groups, that "mainstream" religions are wrong for various reasons. They aren't wrong. Protestant groups are frequently themselves wrong about things, but we're all human and have flaws. Protestant christians just don't see the point in persecuting people for things people believing about what happens AFTER you die, so much as we are particular about beliefs that influence behavior which most people consider crime/criminal.

I don't want to kill people because of their beliefs, but I do believe in self defense. Don't understand why other religions insist on evangelism through force, but that hasn't ever been the christian way. Violence happens regardless it seems.

It depends on the denomination. A protestant can interpret the bible as he wants, pope interprets the bible for a catholic, while for the orthodox the new testament is a dogma("truth" you are not allowed to prove, yes it's that stupid).
2000 years of arguing about some jewish hippies, and we're still at it

European Polytheism has the same roots

>Most of Europe never had those gods
>Greece and Rome were not Europe

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>Roman's and Greeks are shitskin manlets.
>Saxons and Goths are the white haplo group.

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You mean the story where Zeus had relations with a Middle Eastern Phoenician woman and the child was named Europa and that's how Meds were made?
Literally Founded by race mixing with Middle Eastern people.

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He means that Europe wasn't comprised of just Rome

Europa was the woman he stole by becoming a bull. Minos their grandson was the ruler of Crete. Europa was supposed to be from a port along the coast of the middle East, usually Tyre is being mentioned

>It depends on the denomination. A protestant can interpret the bible as he wants.
Yes and no, depends on the topic too. Protestantism is based on the "open source" principal, as per:
>1st Corinthians 3:10
>According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.

peasant detected
favete linguis, fucking profanum volgus

>(((Christianity))) is jewish garbage
Jews rejected Christ. It's the complete opposite

Why stop there? The Christian world literally conquered and colonized the entire world in the name of God.

How am I wrong?

You’re right, ignore the spiritual semite peddlers in here.

>kill those who don’t accept my jewish religion!11
Ahhh very christcuck of you, very nice.

Germanic heathenry, ancestor worship and remembrance and reincarnation as the ancestor is the true way.

It's done even today, only fractured.

We still have "in memory ofs", we still name children after ancestors/relatives, and we even have the "21" as an age milestone here and there.

18 means chaim, aka life in hebrew and is not a western age milestone.

It used to be like this:
0-6, you were too weak to live on your own and needed 'life support' outside of the womb, despite being cut off the cord, so it was called the second pregnancy.
7-13 your permanent teeth are starting to come in and your milk teeth are falling out, this was seen as the beginning of the manifestation of your ancestor , which you will become, along with all their possessions, notoriety and honor, etc.
14-20: same as above but with more and more rights and more and more legitimacy, etc.
21: fully adult , fully reformed ancestor, etc

even in the christianized middle ages, these milestones were used, at least in some circles.
21 used to be the final year of knight training, etc.

So yeah, the first time your forebears changed names from whatever place you were, to foreign hebrew names, was the time where your ancestry feedback loop was broken, for there was no Michael, Jacob and co before the adoption of christianity, aka the shomrim branch of judaism.

So it's not even guaranteed that you have a soul (you get that bestowed after age 6, see the milk teeth etc), only consciousness (hence before birth being all blackness/nothingness).

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Enforcing standards is the opposite of cucking, retard.
If christians enforce things even under penalty of death, how is that cucking?
>It isn't.
If you have no standards, you'd let anyone fuck your wife; cuck.