So should Trump let people go back to work or is the virus serious enough to stay home for a few months?

So should Trump let people go back to work or is the virus serious enough to stay home for a few months?

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They would have save so much money by just shutting the economy completely off and shutting down the stock market for 3 months starting back in January. Send everyone a check for 2 grand a month.

This bill theyre about to pass is already up to 10 trillion dollars.

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Yea, as someone who voted for Trump he's a dumbass. He has zero foresight and thinks people will give a shit about their jobs when they become orphans.

I am the clockmaker. Insert a hand up my anus and you may AMA

Trump should authorize prophylactic use of HCQ at national level

He wants this to be over by Easter.
It doesn't mean it will be. If it's still bad at that point something more drastic will have to be done. He's just being optimistic so that people stop panicking. He doesn't want people thinking this is going to last for months. Normies freak out about that kind of thing. That kind of freaking out also hurts the economy.

It's time to go back to work
The Trump Bux have been cancelled

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We have a cure that eradicates the disease. We should practice caution but go back to work and whenever someone catches it, eradicate it.

Once you catch it and recover, then you can go back to work. As the pool of recovered people builds up, the pool of infectable people shrinks, and the rate goes down.

You have two ways to develop immunity to this: Catch it, hope you don't get really sick and recover, or wait about 12-15 months for a vaccine.

>thinks people will give a shit about their jobs when they become orphans.
It's actually hilarious how many of the partisan nutjobs are now out there fucking talking about how they would be willing to die to restart the economy. Like what the fuck are they saying? These people are acting like the economy is some blood god in need of blood sacrifices to be appeased.

Bruh, the cure can't be worse than the virus. Let the fucking retired boomers isolate themselves.

Most of us never stopped going to work

The quarantine seems to have been just enough to fuck up the economy and not enough to stop the spread so why not? Lets just totally fuck our shit up in both directions.

Yeah bro, I too enjoy accelerating the death of my parents and grandparents so I can return to my minimum wage job and continue the eternal grind that is American life. Anyway you fucking moron, having all the boomers isolated would destroy the economy anyway. And what about when a non-corona emergency happens and I need to go the hospital, but I'm fucked because the ICU is clogged up with all boomers dying of Corona? Do just ban medical care for boomers who choose to engage with the world? Fucking ridiculous. There are no shortcuts in this world as much as you desperately want it. If the boomer cucks are so truly willing to sacrifice themselves, they should commit suicide right now and get it over with.

because red states are stupid and didnt lock things down

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user... those are mostly blue states...

who the fuck is going to go back to work when they are getting 100% unemployment for a year on top of neetbux?

yes master i want to go back to work, when i can make the same sitting home doing what i want

lol you could lay all those dots over this and see how dumb red states are

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Newsflash faggot, ALL presidencies lead to said increase

nope just republican presidencies. Also republicans are the only scum to destroy the economy every time they take office.

This is a population density map. Please cross reference it with You may notice that they're identical. That is because you are fucking retarded.

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I don’t see anybody in my area staying home from work really just the restaurants and fast food places don’t have dine in any more

looks like Wisconsin, Florida, Michigan, Ohio, and PA are some of the most dense states, huh.

wait wait are you saying that republicans are taking the virus seriously, that they locked down? HAHAHAH ok kid

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every apartment complex near me is filled with cars
my own street is filled with cars
the roads are almost empty at rush hour.
google maps all over the US show no traffic even at rush hour

Americans have needed a break, they are happy as fuck to finally be able to stay home and shitpost.

If this shit goes on for a few months I will engage in open insurrection long before then.


>You can't link blacks and crime, correlation doesn't imply causation
>Our top liberal minds have found a correlation between something against Trump that implies causation

No, I'm saying you're retarded and cant understand that the more population there is in an area, the more positive cases there will be. I know this is difficult for you to understand, but just close your mouth, breathe through your nose, and concentrate.

>cant understand that the more population there is in an area, the more positive cases there will be.
especially when republicans do nothing to stop the virus


This is why I keep spouting off about voluntary euthanasia, why it should be allowed, and why it should be unconditional. Either some gen X-er or later, or some boomer can go off themselves without red tape, donate their organs to people who need them, and remove one more mouth to feed.

BUT, nobody else EVER discusses it. I swear I'm the only person who has posted that idea here with any degree of sincerity.

I bet if we killed all the faggots like you that would be a good start at stopping the spread of viruses

or you could just kill all the republicans since they have the virus and are spreading it like niggers

I would say 50% of the US is laid off.

>Over half of all cases in the US are in California, New York, and New Jersey

man those are some red as fuck states aren't they

We should invest in euthanasia vending machines. Person steps in. Gas is emitted. Person dies. Body is burned in the vending machine. Vacuum tube removes the ashes, bones get swept into a tray and later sold as a chew toy for dogs

If everyone wasn't absolutely retarded in this country, and we still had a functioning industrial base we could just issue N95 masks to everyone, train them if necessary and then mandate mask usage in public.

I don't think the virus spreads based on party affiliation you fucking nigger faggot

Yeah sorry I'm not wearing your fucking masks.


>ignores evidence
>dodges actually engaging in conversation
Get some sleep rabbi

It spreads via stupidity, which the republicans are overflowing with.

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You suck at your job

see you have nothing to say because you know im right.

>64% of all cases are in 4 of the Blueist stats in the country
>claims Republicans are the ones causing it's spread

what did he mean by this?

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320,000 tested. 90% do not have the virus. this is all panic driven and morans who are not responsible for themselves.

it is for normies. their entire existence is driven by the need to slave away for their (((bosses))) so they can pay for a large house they are barely using when not working or sleeping and so they can consume and go into debt like addicts to buy bullshit the marketing jews brainwash them to purchase. wage niggers whole personality it built on how well they can suck their employers dick for scraps working as a junior manager at some stupid useless company that manufactures dragon dildos or some such bullshit

like you said, those are the largest population centers and trump did nothing until last week to stop the virus because hes stupid. republicans are stupid. you are stupid.

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No I have nothing to saying because you're a retarded nigger not making a lick of sense.

The real victim of the virus pandemic are the healthy people who have little to no symptoms from the coronavirus and just wants to work so they can pay for things they need.
Just practice social distancing, make masks mandatory and force good hygiene. Shutting down the economy is an insane idea that will only lead to more deaths in the long run.

He's letting the blue liberal packed states die first. Lel.

>moves goal post once more
You're terrible at converting people to your line of thinking, but you're doing a great job at turning them against it

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that was a good idea before the pandemic.... Unfortunately Trump is a terrible leader.

>You're terrible at converting people to your line of thinking, but you're doing a great job at turning them against it
This is what a loser says when they lose the argument.

"Hey fellow republicans!"

>largest population centers
>blue cities suffer more

I wasnt the one you were arguing with. You stopped responding to me after being proven wrong. It's okay though friend. At the end of the day I'm white and you never can be, and that's all that matters.

shuuuuuut uuuuuuup fucking normies

Ppl have to go back to work. (((They))) rigged the game so heavily against us most ppl won’t make it a month. Global riots incoming


Like who???
Not the neoncons...

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