Stop calling them that, Yas Forums

Stop calling them that, Yas Forums

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Other urls found in this thread:

the thumbnail looks like a bunch of dreidels.

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>The irony of beggars wanting to mooch free stuff from other people calling those other people 'parasites'

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Cool it with the anti-semitism

Go the fuck back to China.

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The catalog did a funny thing. There are a lot of anti-land lord threads recently.

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Its 1 guy who never saved money in his life and spent it all on BLACKED porn and now he's in a predicament with his landlord, seething on Yas Forums.

Alright, I'll call them what they are, bloodsucking child fucking bitch jews.

oh no, stop calling jews, jews!!

stop calling water wet!!!!

Call them by their real names: Jews.

wew lads, looks like they SHUT IT DOWN

it was 100 jew bastards over and over if anyone can dig up the original link, post it.

FUCK YOU KIKE BASTARDS. oy very shut it down... even in the wayback machine WHERE YOU ALL ARE NAMED.

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fuckin bums, if you dont like it then move the fuck out

In reality it's the people who want to live rent free who are the parasites.


Yas Forums is always right

that's the landlord effect, thinking about landlords makes reality manifest as more Jewish then it would otherwise. Same with thinking about compound interest.

FYI, all jokes and trolling aside, in NYC there is a MORATORIUM on evictions until further notice.

evictions are on hold until further notice. you are invincible right now.

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I rented out some property for a while. I spent a lot of money making sure that the place was comfortable and well maintained. I tried to be on top of repairs, etc.

Two separate unrelated groups of renters trashed my building. Both did damage to my property. One left filthy, rotting garbage in the house and rotting food laying around, leading to a rat infestation.

I had to evict them both for non-payment. Ultimately I lost money on what was supposed to be an investment.

Thankless job and good riddance.

>have no problem with chinks buying up real estate everywhere for years
>bitch when the rent comes due
Stop the problem where is started
>end foreign real estate purchases
>increase taxes on unoccupied homes
>limit rental properties per family, not person

Aren't the renters the parasites

Reminder that defending landlords is an exclusive feature of cryptokike ideologies. Lolbergs and boomercons defend them. Nobody else.

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cool it with your massive faggotry


>Want to use a product someone owns
>How dare they charge me for it!
>I'm entitled to their investment for free!

Turn them into nigger hate threads. Shills can't deal with dead niggers.

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Just pull up your bootstraps. Have you tried being an uber?

kek probably. I think it's a bunch of people around the country right now in a predicament with their landlords over them not being able to work but still having to pay rent somehow.

I agree. It is a highly regulated line of work often interacting with the scourge of the earth (morons like OP).

The service that a landlord provides is risk management. Bills like mortgage payments and taxes and insurance are guaranteed so they’ve got to keep other costs down and vacancies low. It is an efficient system that is largely fair.

this tenants are entitled fucks that think because their parents put up with their shit and let them live like undisciplined animals they can go out in the world and treat others property like trash

Good luck with buying a house or finding rentals if a shitload of landlords divest.

Serves you right for trying to make money for nothing

Found the kike.

Have you maybe thought about taking out a loan to cover your expenses? How about getting a second job? It isn't my problem you don't have at least 12 months cash runway, you should have thought about that before entering into a contract.

Kikes and neo conservatives are shitting up pol

if you live in the inner city like a nigger or faggot hipster

And /ptg/ seems to suddenly attack every one of them.

Found the nigger.

Poor kikes getting called bad names on Yas Forums :((((

>It isn't my problem
It is if you want to use said product.

>[Jewish sweating intensifies]

t. Increasingly nervous Chang in downtown Sydney getting ever closer to being lynched

Everyone who works should own their own home.
As in, they should be supplied with their own home that they own, if they want one.
There is literally no excuse not to. If they're not worth a house then they're not worth employing. If they're worth employing then they're worth housing.

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they say kike they of course mean property owners the only, hey about the state owns it huh guys huh?

(((landlords))) on suicide watch
imagine being so financially irresponsible that you spend all your money on floating grease buffet cruises and useless shit.
imagine believing that house prices and rent can only go up because some banker said it.
imagine not having 3-6 months of expenses saved so you have to have your tenants come rescue you from the consequences of your irresponsible lifestyle.
imagine actually believing that you're a "lord" of anything at this point!

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Get a real job and do fiverr gigs in your off hours. Find a service you’re good at, up your prices and start branching out.

Your income will be high enough to get into a house with a FHA or USDA loan. Then rent a room (or buy a duplex) do you have some cash flow. Refinance after a bit so you’re not paying PMI.

t. 23 and just got under contract on a duplex as of Friday. (Also had half a dozen other deals fall thru prior to this). Keep your eyes open and you’ll make it work it man.

Choose between
>paying mortgage, property tax, homeowner's insurance, and any repair that may be needed
>paying mortgage, property tax, homeowner's insurance, and any repair that may be needed, plus extra money for some faggot middleman

It's a pretty easy choice, and yet now that houses are an (((investment vehicle))) and speculators are driving up prices, people are being forced into the latter simply because they can't afford the artificially high barrier of entry to the former.

rather shoot you in the face and say you attacked me while trying to evict me. Only one version of the story is going to get told.

more likely they are pajeets paid by the CCP to shill the same threads given their english level

Want to know a secret, Yas Forums? All the people supporting landlords seem to come from /ptg/ and tend to live in Florida.

found the poor faggot

so.. kikes?

What's wrong with owning a rental? Like if you save money to buy a second house as an investment, then you have people sign a legally binding contract,
But landlords are bad?

I wouldn't be surprised considering /ptg/ seems like a boomer den at this point.

all queries are failing with that same error

Landlords are unproductive niggers that happen to own property. Their "job" is literally just collecting money and not letting their buildings collapse. They are the biggest welfare queens in existence.

Yes. More specifically, Okaloosa county.

There should be a set low price and easy ways to get finance on bottom tier housing. Abolish social housing altogether. Just more middle class bureaucrats to grovel to. Create a new class of dwelling made in a modular fashion. Landlords are pigs.

Do you have the webpage for that pic?

>t. negro

So what's the alternative?

So not social housing but some other type of social housing.
How about we eat the poor instead.

>being surprised someone's worried about being evicted and thinking the situation they find themselves in is bullshit

Okay, cockroaches then.

yah mine, you limp wristed noodly armed commie faggot, what are you going to do hit me with your apple computer your parents bought you, you entitled brat

>So what's the alternative?
Doing productive labor.

Your analysis is relevant with single family homes but not multi family. Even condos which you own, you still pay a fee to professional property amangenent companies. Housing at scale (not single family homes) requires professional management

20 shekels have been deposited into your account. Mr. Goldberg thanks you for your hard work at shilling on Yas Forums.

So you want your job to be worth less and everything to cost more, since renting literally anything is no longer possible?

nothing is owed to you for existing,
pieces of shit like you upset the natural order of things, you need to go extinct

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It's not antisemitism, it's judaic criticism.

nah just let them die, nature will take it's course

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>natural order of things
yes a 30 year mortgage on a $300k cardboard shitbox is very natural

No more private property goyim!

I am a landlord, your refusal to become financially solvent is a lucrative, and low effort investment opportunity. It doesn't bother me that you refuse to understand basic economics.
Yes, on account of them shutting down a huge number of businesses. Just because something got delayed doesn't mean it'll go away forever.

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hope you dont mind going out of business when half your tenants dont pay

>AnCap flag
This poster is Jewish. Guarantee it.

make more money commiefuck
you are weak stupid and lack vision you are a drain and a burden on society, the natural order needs to take place, you shouldn't have even been allowed to be born

id trust a kike over a commiefuck anyday

"Yas Forums" doesn't call them that.
You do not become Yas Forums just because you post here, commie.

>So what's the alternative?
* Outlaw foreigners from owning residential property in the U.S. Give them 90 days to sell or the property is civil asset forfeited to the gov.
* Strictly limit the amount of residential property a single U.S. citizen or U.S. corporation can own to prevent (((investments))). Give them 120 days to sell or civil asset forfeit their property.
* Watch housing prices tumble.
* Oh look, the average American can afford a house again!

>inb4 what about muh legal aliens / visa workers where will they live?
Their home countries.

Yeah, for large apartment complexes or for certain situations like a neighborhood full of itinerant workers an ownership model isn't really viable, but for low-density or even most medium-density housing there is no excuse for allowing this.

>spent it all on BLACKED porn
Nah. He spent it all on furry porn. Landlord didn't allow pets.
>inb4 "Flag. Checks out"

The NY state senate will be voting on a bill this week to freeze rents for tenants and small businesses affected by the corona quarantine for 90 days. The rent payments for april-june are about to be written out of existence. Unless the economy makes some sort of miraculous recovery in the next 90 days good luck convincing people to start paying again.

I support all that (except for limiting investments), but rentals will always be a thing thanks to supply and demand. Housing is cheap in many parts of the US, but people just don't want it.

The government makes more and more moves to halt rent payments and it is a welcome change top provide relief to people. Cry more and get a real job if it snaps your bra so much.

>Strictly limit the amount of residential property a single U.S. citizen or U.S. corporation can own to prevent (((investments))). Give them 120 days to sell
Who are they going to sell *to*? Unless you want to do land reform Ireland style where you force the land barons to sell to their former tenants at an incredible discount, the only way this works is with eminent domain and some sort of fixed compensatory payment directly out of the treasury. Not that I consider that to be a bad thing at all.

I've talked to you yesterday. Daddies money

its kind of sad how most people rent now. everyone use to buy houses/apartments back in the day and its completely changed to this scummy pay to live shit. That and they gouge the fuck out of you on rent just because they can. rent prices are ridiculous and its the reason why theres so many homeless people and people living with their parents/relatives.

what the fuck went wrong?

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It's the /ptg/ Leaf!

Due to high government intervention in virtually every aspect of everyday life along with excessive taxes and mass immigration housing is in short supply throughout the entire Western world. Single family homes that are affordable aren't profitable because of the self created housing bubble and couple that with onerous government regulations that make house building slow and difficult.

Landlords simply compound the problem by buying up what is usually affordable housing then charging rent which ergo in the Western tradition is essentially indistinguishable from feudalism. While some things have changed since 2008 as far as landlord liquidity goes, there is still a sizeable majority of landowners are simply mortgage holders who bought these buildings with a loan and repeated this process ad infinitum to amass properties while essentially making their tenants pay their mortgage.

It's not really an effective or good rental system.

This I do agree with. Foreign capital parks their money over here bc the USA is a SAFE investment (aka they cannot imagine that we’d ever nationalize their investment or kick them out).

Your idea needs to happen, if someone is going to own it should be an american.

If foreigners want exposure to the asset class they can issue mortgages.

There are benefits to renting as well if you plan on moving to higher paying careers etc but that’s a different crowd.

This obvious jew has a very defined way of looking at the world. Its cold. Everyone is his enemy. He only cares about himself. He does not mind suffering, especially if he profits from it. The things he would do if they werent illegal. This is how white men need to see everyone who is not white, with cold, stark uncaring. Hes literally given us a template on how to treat him and his family. This is exactly bow we need to treat the jew and the brown hordes. Thanks for the advice, you absolute retard.

These kikes do it for free

>Who are they going to sell *to*?
Buyers. At the right price there's always a buyer. And no I don't care if some fucking boomer with vacation homes has to sell most of them for only 2x what he invested instead of 5x what he invested. If you either have to sell OR lose the damn thing, you will drop the price until it sells.

This has got to be bait

>what the fuck went wrong?
Immigration, offshoring, strict land use regulations, housing as an investment, Fed funny money...

So basically Jews.

A parasite is an organism that lives off it's host without providing any benefit. Squatters are parasites, which is technically what a lot of people are planning on becoming.

Niggers have no self-awareness.

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I wonder how many landlords are gonna catch a bullet. You can complain about fair is fair and yadda yadda yadda but at the end of the day, there's a metric people have for getting screwed and evicting someone during a pandemic is on the 'good way to get killed' side of the scale. That's just the way it is.

Maybe someone else. What did I say? (I think I was asleep all yesterday)

Not disagreeing tho, my family def has $$$ but you could get into this deal with a FHA loan and still make money (cash flow positive)

The majority of working class people cannot afford the pricetag for a home at 200% markup from 2009 values, for example. It would simply lead to most properties being seized under asset forfeiture, at which point the state would sell the property at a marked down price. Again, I would support such a move, but lets be realistic about what it is we are proposing here.

Lmao, based. NazBol Gang rise up

Jews and and proto jews

White landlords are traitors, just like our grandparents who spent our college savings on a cruise

This works, but I'd consider adding a fifth point
>rental properties are permitted only in areas specifically zoned for it

This would keep us from ending up in the exact same position as we are now except there are 300 guys owning 3 or 4 houses each instead of 1 (((property management firm))) owning 1,000. That might create other problems though. It'd be tempting for city planners to rezone residential areas in exchange for kickbacks, and especially in larger cities they'd need to be careful to make sure those neighborhoods don't turn into gilded age tier tenement blocks. Probably more I'm not thinking of. bears thinking about at least.