All you shit posters are getting reported to the feds for making terrorist threats

All you shit posters are getting reported to the feds for making terrorist threats.

You're on notice.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Every post I've ever made is satire. I love Israel

Retarded. They charge people with "terroristic threat" over anything these days. "Terroristic threat" is a very specific thing. You need to have a political motivation for it. Charge him with assault. That fits. Or the threat of assault, more specifically. But it's beyond retarded to call it "terrorism". They end up making me sympathetic to this guy, who is obviously a horrible human being, by dragging him through the mud like this

It's weird how seriously people take a forum for earthenware craftsmanship.

Assholes are assholes because they can get away with being assholes. Occasionally make an example out of one of them to keep the others in line. As they say in based China: "Kill one. Frighten ten thousand".

People like you are just frightened and horrified of life without your precious government to protect you. You're weak people, suffering from deep insecurity, who can't possibly think about standing on your own two feet without the aid of the state to oppress anyone who you think might potentially pose a challenge or threat to you. That is what conservatism and authoritarianism of all stripes is in a nutshell.

Nah, it's simpler than that. I don't like assholes. And it makes me smile when one of them gets a good hard fucking over.

Your flag tells me that you were born an asshole.

My post isn't ironic, it's just true.

No. It's definitely the reasons I outlined above. The typical conservative fear, insecurity and fragility.

spreading fear is enough to be charged with terroristic threats

Nope. I just like to see people like this get their ass kicked. Is that so wrong?

Report this *grabs dick*

Niggers tongue my poopy anus haha

Israeli detected

FBI and CIA tongue my anus

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The reason you like to see people get their asses kicked is because deep down you are horrifically insecure and horrified. I mean, this is human nature. You are a weak person, that is why you enjoy it. Weak people enjoy the things that you enjoy that post satire too? Do you really love Israel?

>you get arrested for coofing

Actually, i'm more selective. I don't like seeing just anybody getting their ass kicked. I like seeing jackoffs and assholes getting their asses kicked. Besides, sometimes a good ass kicking does them a world of good.


It was a nigger, wasn't it?

nah thought so too

And yet at the end of the day, when you go to bed, all by yourself, you're still the same sad, small, meaningless and insecure person you were before that person got their "ass kicked". Astounding, isn't it, small man.

Ok bring it on fags

Just about time, these types of people should be tortured and their fingers cut.

Alright, I'll flay your skin because you are an asshole in my eyes.
Gotta "Occasionally make an example out of one of them to keep the others in line." amiright?

The posts I make here are satire, obviously.

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how is this a terrorist attack?


They're just trying to discourage copycats. Now this poor dumb fuck has to walk around with a terrorist threat charge for the rest of his life.

don't you know?
everyone is a government worker of jewish descent around here

This is my least favorite part of the American legal circus.
A lawyer can play word games in court, they can call you a terrorist for things that aren't terrorism, it's stupid.
Ffs, if they can't discuss in court that the person needs a custom tailored charge based on the situation, then what the fuck is the judge's and juries job exactly?

terrorism is changed to anything someone can categorize as terrorizing...


Feds can't take a joke

*Cough Cough*

Good thing I never made a post saying I would do that nor would I ever actually do anything that stupid in real life

We're all feds here. The systems is so stored pipes that there 185 desks of agents tasked to this board just in the FBI alone. CIA another 300. DIA 25. and none of us talk to each other or share information. This is your american government.

Yep. You have to talk to people in a language that they understand. Assholes understand what can happen to them when they see another asshole getting their ass kicked.

So assault is now terrorism?
Because assault elicits fear, and fear synonymous with terror, so therefore if one commits assault (Raising a fist at someone else, or even just looking at them menacingly) one is terrorizing someone.
Don't furrow your brow, terrorist!
I fucking hate this retarded little system they've made here.

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You're literally talking "might makes right" tier enforcing of your beliefs.
That's literally terrorism.

but no one takes pol seriously

I’m would be surprised if anyone here isn’t from a alphabet agency desu senpai

I start my day by telling whoever spies on me that hes/shes a faggot and loudly moans while i loudly fap my cock into my nearest mic, especially fuck google, i fart in my mic while googling

I'm not. I am just here so i could laugh at stupid people

The government can SUCK MY FAT DICK

I don’t get why you let the government get this much power iver there, kinda un-American and against the founding fathers

somebody is paying a lot of people to post here

no one has any proof of that. and i post pretending to be a shill all the time because i think its hilarious how people get buttmad and call me a shill. i was hoping someone would tell me i forgot the slashes for pol

Yeah, sure.
Nobody takes Yas Forums seriously.

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Page 7.
>Demonstrating an understanding of board culture in a longitudinal study of Yas Forums's Yas Forums and it's influence on the internet

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Based and fart pilled

that doesnt disprove anything


Impeccably based

Okay Mr. Chang

>Every post I've ever made is satire
Isn’t this post a double-negative?

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Would you guys believe me if I told you that I love Israel?

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You said nobody takes Yas Forums seriously.
I posted that this is now hosted on a NSA server and there's been at least one longitudinal study of the board and it's influence.
And you say this doesn't disprove your point?

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