Redpill me on Ukraine

Redpill me on Ukraine.

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It’s the most anti Semitic place in the world. But the people running it are so terrible and hated that the people elected a Jewish comedian who has a TV show about accidentally getting elected president

here's him playing a piano with his dick

Attached: It's_All_So_Tiresome.jpg (1022x731, 68.06K)

Jews, nuff said

>birth place of the european jew
>most anti semtic place
>jewish President
Mutt brain

poor, drunk, corrupt shithole of europe

That’s according to an ADL list I found.

do you have that clip where he shoots up that joint?

Peasents who live on welfare.

Will be annexed by Russia in the future.

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it was on "servant of the people". now it's deleted and I didn't save it

You mean Russia right?

He is based

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Like every other part of Eastern Europe they have a long history of being invaded and looted by Russians, who have a centuries-long tradition of raping and murdering their neighbors for shits and giggles and stealing their land, a tradition that reached its peak in the 20th Century under the (((Soviet))) government.

Russians are very nostalgic for the glory days of stacking "Hohol" ("Ukie") bodies ten million at a time and don't understand that the Ukies weren't having nearly as much fun as the were--other than the (((collaborators))), of course. This is because Russians are autistic and lack empathy.

Ukraine has a corrupt and incompetent government and is in an economic and demographic death-spiral--imagine Russia without natural gas exports or a nuclear arsenal.

They have attractive women and bad food.

Attached: HolodomorWindsor.jpg (2381x4096, 288.11K)

More like Jewkraine
Prime minister - a jew
President - a jew, supported by a Jewish oligarch

Largest Jewish diaspora population outside the US

>bad food
Amerimutt nigger kill yourself faggot

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>can afford food
pick one

Is "genocide" putting Ukrainians in all the top positions of Soviet government and military?

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Gay tranies feminism and corruption, also AIDS and abandoned factories

What? Who are you?

Is the pro-russian side more anti jew though?
that would make my job of understanding the situation much easier

>Amerimutt nigger

Says the Fu Manchu Mongorian spawn.

>10/10 white slim qt virgin women everywhere
>no Niggers or beaners
>traditional values (no feminism)
>Dirt cheap country/weak currency
>No coronavirus

Attached: ukraine_virgins.jpg (2509x2179, 761.34K)


Not one of them is a virgin.

he said redpill not blackpill


>no feminism

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Literally just Russians.

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good goy

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Aryans literally came from Ukraine you mongrel

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The women are either really beautiful or really fugly. There is no middle.

her hands are yuge

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All Indo-Europeans were killed during the Mongol invasion. Modern Eastern Slavs are Mongols

holy mutt
and some motherfuckers want this to be the future
>pic related or death

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A tranny probably

Yummy sexy

US/EU/Zionist puppets. They were respectable until Maidan happened.

tfw no slav calisthenics bf

Back to plebbit, faggot
If you're wondering about Azov then they are funded by Israel and the US glow niggers. It's pretty much a ww2 Era proxy war still going on between Russia and the US/European banking cartels. They want Ukraine because it has access to European and Turkish/ME oil supply line. Look into Genie Energy and how these lobbyist and kike politicians are using Ukraine and putting their own children (see Biden and others) into Ukrainian companies. It's a scheme to launder money.

Aryans are from Iran.

Iran = Aryan.

You saying it because you have 3% Iranian ancestry? Huh? Nigarh!?

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That ruski diaspora is a moron

what do Ukrainian feet smell like?

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mud and urine


gib qt

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la creatura...

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American women, 2044, desaturated

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Ukraine girls really knock, just like you, me out. Some seriously good breeding happened there.

1) Ukraine
2) Hungary
3) Czech Republic


Fucked by capitalism, fucked by communism

Honorable mention: Iceland

Wait, did you had sex?

Stay away Wong

Their women love big Anglo sausages.

>Redpill me on Ukraine.
Second cheapest white whores on the planet, after Moldavia, no Argentina you are not white.

Last year I dated a Ukrainian girl, not a prostitute, she was crazy without even feminism, I figured out she was fucked up in the head as soon as she got in my car and asked me right away if I had drunk something, I said: yes of course it is Friday night but I am far from drunk, she didn't want me to take her far, she was really uncomfortable, even in the pizzeria she insisted I only have a small beer, I took her home later and I didn't even try to kiss her because I realized she had more than on drunken relative abuse her in her childhood to freak out like that for beer. True story.

says gipsy from romania, why i should ur ugly gipsies whores in chaturnate?

when they call ukrainians mongloids, my eyes arent mongloid

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you're a fucking idiot

Looks west Ukrainian

>t. Slavo-Mongolian

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Honestly, you look like my school teacher of ukrainian, are you a boomer?

It's like russia, only better.

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>my eyes arent mongloid
Am I to assume we finally have a live female here on Yas Forums or.... it's 2020 and now they have traps even in the Ukraine?

eternal slaves

im not booomer, im a young girl

ukraine too poor for traps

yes, im galizien