We need to bring this back

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So that your country collapses instantly because you don't produce your own goods?

Also, Bring Back Labor Based Currency & Jubilee while we're at it.

Thank You

there would be total war

hell yes

how will the boomer middlemen survive?

A transition is necessary. Their habits are too deadly to risk just for cheaper cell phones.

>No more Doctors
>No more scientists
>No more Engineers
>No more affordable goods
>No more tools
>No more electronics
>No more General Tso's

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China is the Jewish crown jewel, they will never let communism fail.....again.

we'll get by, like we always have


>Jared Kushner's goyslave plantation will collapse
Good. Then Canada will collapse and you can go back to Qingdao.

chink consoomer

It’s people, not goods. China is suffering from brain drain anyways so they wouldn’t mind

China would immediately sanction you, idiot.
Okay enjoy eating from trash cans in the ruins of neomerica I guess.
Yeah, it will collapse, after America does, because its economy depends on America.
Then you will live in hell and I will live in China. Good plan.

The people bringing the virus to the U.S. are U.S. citizens dumbass. In other words they travelled to China and came back without quarantine. This does literally nothing.

>t. boomer who can't even cut his own grass, let alone fix his car.

>Chinks actually believe this

as a chink you have no conception of self reliance and liberty. Certain populations in inner cities will riot and loot and even though they'll kill each other, they'll first go after you. Real America is nowhere near any China Town. You guys live in the most Jewish controlled cities and you'll deal with the consequences of it. There are places where the Jews won't protect you where we have these things called "militias." You step out of the city and stat trying to immigrate to the country you'll get fucked. You will get shot, and the police will not investigate it. So you have to stay with the Jews. But you know who's there? All those blacks and spics that want your head and have low impulse control. And if you kill them we'll have justification to go to war with you. You're in a desperate situation wang.

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>we're going to balkanise in a massive civil war while you go back to your functioning country so there

Die chink

>no more poisoned pet food
>no more cheap plastic crap that falls apart after one use
>no more crap clothes that fall apart after one wash
>no more housing bubble
>no more smelly vats of dried fish lining Spadina
>no more CCP-funded anti-white propaganda infesting media

You're not welcome here either goblin. I've been boycotting chinese products for 10 years. You have to go back. I don't think you understand how the world will change because of what your people back in China did.

you guys seriously just act like jews. they taught you communism perfectly. you don't use arguments you attempt detraction and sophistry. your excellent liars and consistent tactical nihilists. You even deceive yourselves into thinking your human.

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You actually think Canada would survive if America didn't? No, I'm going to go back to China while you eat each other.
That's nice. Did I mention I'm rich and you're not?

>You actually think Canada would survive if America didn't?

Why wouldn't it?

Probably because its economy and defense is entirely dependent on America as well as its currency being backed by the dollar?

>white people didn't have goods, doctors, scientists, engineers, tools, or electronics before chink rats made their nests here

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prove it

Canada has natural resources and a capacity to make them into finished goods for export with which it could reinvest that money to grow the economy. It is also comprised mostly of whites who are intelligent enough to create, sustain, and grow the economy. If the U.S. didn't exist we'd find another market.

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>I'm going to go back to China
>while you eat each other.
We'll have more and better to eat than you, goblinkin. We always have. Why did you come here in the first place?

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prove that's canada and not some city in china and you're just using a vpn for the Canadian flag. prove you own the place. show us how you made that money. was it legitimate? Or did you bring your culture with you. Are you funded by the Chinese government? How much money do you have exactly? and prove that.

>lives in a highrise termite nest

Glad you get this.
Yeah, you'd definitely do that as your economy falls quickly into a Great Depression.
Lol China could literally just invade you if America fell though.

Fuck off gook.

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>an endless supply of mongrelized unthinking slave-labor
>Jewish crown jewel

checks out

>China could literally just invade you if America fell though.
Oh, I'm so scared. Hah, I dare you to try.

glad you wear my people's clothing and speak our language. do you have a white name (slave name)?

chew on pic related too while you're at it, subhuman. we used to force niggers to do shit for us, now we use your cucked slave race.

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>owns a multimillion dollar piece of real estate
Oh no no no how could this be happening bros
>prove that's canada and not some city in china
The fact that you can see the CN tower in the background you retarded mutt?
No, leave our new continent.

>produce your own goods
>domestic chinese
I thought over seas chinese were doing the labor

Go the fuck away chinese scum. You are the niggers of the earth.

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Street shitters make better doctors, all chinks are good at is organized crime and laying down railroad track which we should have done ourselves.

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lol all these reactionary canadian flags.

we literally did it once before and nothing happen, chang

>Yeah, you'd definitely do that...

Why wouldn't we? We're white and therefore resourceful. We're not Chinese.

>as your economy falls quickly into a Great Depression.

No it wouldn't.

>>owns a multimillion dollar piece of real estate
You mean an undersized luxury cabinet. An apartment in a highrise is not actual real estate, idiot.

>Lol China could literally just invade you if America fell though.
chink, you realize trident subs do 9 month patrols with enough nukes to sterilize you for just such a reason right? chinks out.

i'm not funded by the chinese government to spy on Canadians.

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There is literally a whole continent of people ready to work south of the border, will create jobs that will incentivize those same people to stay in their country, will leverage power against communist heathen shit hole probably starve it to death (who cares death to all chinksect spying gooks)
Will lower production cost
Will lower green gas
Will bring prosperity
Will lower threats
And most importantly
Will keep the yerow menace away.

You're people are not the only ones that can solder a fucking electric board chink anyone can make a phone

I say we go step forward, we ban all migration from Asia for the next 20 years yellow fever faggots can move to wu han with their chinksect wife

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All the Chinks I know run takeaways and shut themselves into their little enclaves once they're old enough to not attend school.

That's cool, maybe I'll buy a house next and rent this out to gweilo.
You first.
Still Chinese.
>all chinks are good at is organized crime
Where will you get your drugs from if the triads leave, whitey?
>if America fell
I know Americans can't read but damn

They wouldnt eat eachother because they are humans, unlike your kind that would engage in cannibalism just for an exciting food adventure. Fuck you, and fuck Winnie the Pooh.

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We produce plenty, especially critical goods. The chinks mostly produce cheap, disposable consumer goods. We'll do just fine, Wang.

>all chinks are good at is organized crime...

That part is true. In Canada the majority of fraud cases are committed by Asians.

>and laying down railroad track

Not even that.

In Canada they were employed out west to carry dynamite into the mountains yet they go on about how they built the railroads because they have no history in this country and need to exaggerate any history they may have in Canada no matter how insignificant to pathetically lay a claim to it.

They're scoundrels like that but Chink's gonna Chink.

>maybe I'll buy a house next
The fact that you don't already live in a house proves how much of a disconnected slave insect you are. You prefer hives, like a bug.

Most of the camps are still there, right? And we can always build more.

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Good. A war with few restrictions? We would crush the insectoids like a giant sprayer full of insecticide

China couldn't even invade Vietnam
your precious mongrelized human termite mound doesn't even have a blue-water navy

If that's what I do then when the fuck am I getting my yuans for shitting on gweilos
>joke's on you we'll import everyone in Mexico
Amerifats would eat their own limbs after 12 hours without high fructose corn syrup.
Lol okay whatever you say.
Turns out most people live in hives now, so we're just ahead of the curve.

Please return to China and when you get there please tell your cousins to stop moving here.

This. Have fun starving with out our basedbeans.