/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2510 - SWINE FLU BTFO EDITIONS

► Detected: 422,830 (+247) ► Died: 18,907 (+16)

— 3.52 billion people put under lockdown

— 458 more confirmed deaths than swine flu in all of 2009-10

Greece to be put on lockdown, 10 million

Hong Kong tries to go back to normal, "third wave" stops it

4,000 infected in Ottawa, health officials estimate

36 year old African-American female killed by infection

Heart attack main cause of death, not respiratory issues

4,000 infected in Ottawa, health officials estimate

23 year old football player dies in Iran

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

China faces shortage of testing kits

Event 201: 65 million killed by CoV with 10% CFR

Ecuador under lockdown, 16 million people

China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately


02:01: 192 new cases and 1 new death in Colorado, United States.
01:38: 248 new cases and 13 new deaths in Washington state, United States.
01:07: 50 new cases in New Zealand.
00:19: 683 new cases and 61 new deaths in New York state, United States. All of the new deaths are in New York City.
00:12: China’s National Health Commission reports 47 new cases and 1 new death across the mainland, excluding Hubei province. All of the new cases originated in a foreign country. Of those, 19 are in Shanghai and 5 in Beijing.
00:12: 3 new deaths in Hubei province, China. There were no new cases.
23:59: 211 new cases in New South Wales, Australia.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 18,993
lol, still only 18,993.
How many days has it been stuck at 18,993? Four days? Five days?

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Brazil is officially dead

Blessed thread. Stay safe, Gary!

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>$23.4 trillion US debt(2019)
>$10.5 trillion of total $ in the System (2013)
>$1.75 trillion in Cash in the whole world (2018)

total of $9 trillion NEW printed Dollar for corona

Source US debt:
Source total currency in circulation:
Total amount of Us Dollar in the system:

Do you understand what inflation is?

Everyone who is holding US Dollar or US debt
is going to lose at least 30% of worth
You just double the amount of money in the system!

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Live footage from United States hospital testing in progress:

guise I have a dry coof

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New amateur drawing

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uma delicia

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When's the next hurricane season, ameribros?

We will live

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Reminder that the american public health system is failing terribly at every level. outside major cities health departments have no fucking clue how to handle this.

here's the story of the first west virignia confirmed case:

>state health department doesn't answer the hotline for days
>go to ER, they tell you to call the hotline that doesn't work
>hospital refuses to let you in the doors
>finally get tested
>they lose the test and it expires, have to be retested

The same incompetence is playing out around the country in thousands of localities. Our system is totally unprepared to deal with this. On top of that, most states still have strict testing guideline, meaning that the true number of cases is likely much higher. We are done for.

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put some chloroquine in your butt and it'll be gone quickly

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BDS, Pilpul, USS Liberty, Protocols of Zion, Kroll Inc, Larry Silverstein, Dancing Israelis, Metzitzah B'peh, Herpes from circumcision, Eric Clopper Harvard, Bible: circumcision for Jews and slaves of Jews, Circumcision brain damage, Goyim, Kapparot, Tay-Sachs, Jesus according to Talmud, Yebhamot 11b, Simon of Trent, Blood Libel, Jews in pornography, Greg Lansky, Al Goldstein, Shiksa, Loxism, Jacob & Esau, New Haven Jewish slave markets, Black Hebrew Israelite, 70% of Jews v 1% of whites owned slaves, 109 countries, Bolshevik Revolution, Karl Marx, Moses Hess, Holodomor, Dresden Holocaust, Israeli Nukes, Samson Option, Wooden Doors, "Six Million Jews" in newspapers before Hitler, Martin H. Glynn, Dean Irebodd, Kevin MacDonald, David Cole, Anne Frank Typhus, Masturbation Machines, Bear & Eagle, Shitting Diamonds, TGSNT, David Irving, Magnus Hirschfeld, R@ygold, Epstein didn't kill himself, Sackler family, Sassoon family, Julius & Ethel Rosenberg, Bernie Madoff, גויים יודעים, אוי ואבוי, The Melting Pot: by Israel Zangweil, Poem on Statue of Liberty by Emma Lazarus, I'm not white I'm Jewish, Kalergi Plan & Prize, Frankfurt School, Barbara L. Spectre, Hart-Celler Act, Lavon Affair, Khazar Milkers נשים יהודיות אוהבות זין שחור גדול, Bilderberg Group, Henry Ford on Jews, Sabbatai Zevi, Star of Remphan, Gotthard Tunnel, Anton LaVay, Moloch, Black Cube, Red Shield, Sergeants Affair, King David Hotel, Irgun, Lehi, Nakam, Psy-Group, ADL, Mossad, AIPAC, JIDF, White Phosphorous, אסד עדיין חי, Deut 6:10, Rev 2:9 יָדַעְתִּי אֶת־מַעֲשֶׂיךָ וְאֶת־צָרָתְךָ וְאֶת־רֵישְׁךָ וְאוּלָם עָשִׁיר אָתָּה וְאֶת־גִּדּוּפֵי הָאֹמְרִים יְהוּדִים אֲנַחְנוּ וְאֵינָם כִּי אִם־כְּנֵסֶת הַשָּׂטָן, Das Judenthum in der Musik

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how do we keep New Yorkers in their containment zone?

rip in pieces

This is it, boys. Post Frogs.

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>china blames US for bioweapon
>US blames china for bioweapon

Regardless whose right ....WW3

AH gary mah man

neck yourself


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Boomers deserve this for hoarding housing.

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Reply to this post with your best case for this being a burger or nothing burger.

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How long until New Orleans falls again?

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How is Japan doing? are the animes safe?

Everything is dead. Noone at all.

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Who /comfy/ here?

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anyone with a brain knows this. We wouldn't shut down the world if there was a readily available treatment. Rich people wouldnt be hiding in bunkers if it all it took was a little hydroxychloroquine.

China wouldn't have welded hotels. Medical staff wouldn't be dying from it. It's amazing how many people run with what they are told and how hard it is to convince them otherwise.


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Always am

>they lose the test and it expires, have to be retested
I would laugh at the state of your country, but my own doctor somehow lost my kidney stone after sending it to him. Had to fucking piss through a sieve waiting for it to get out eventually.

Last time I post that because you guys all think it’s Chinese propaganda :

I really think this virus comes from the US, and it has been around since at least July of last year.

A US Army base researching biology weapons being closed for security breach in June 2019. nytimes.com/2019/08/05/health/germs-fort-detrick-biohazard.html

Unknown respiratory sickness in Virginia in July, killing 3 nbcwashington.com/news/local/health-officials-to-give-update-after-respiratory-illness-sickens-dozens-at-virginia-retirement-community/135890/

An outbreak of sickness caused by “vaping” since July-August? Yeah same symptoms, beginning in Maryland. washingtonpost.com/local/maryland-virginia-among-22-states-reporting-incidents-of-vaping-related-illness/2019/08/28/dddf1c26-c9d2-11e9-a1fe-ca46e8d573c0_story.html

“Flu” Outbreak in December cnbc.com/2019/12/06/us-flu-season-arrives-early-driven-by-an-unexpected-virus.html

2019 Military games October in... Wuhan defense.gov/Explore/Spotlight/CISM-Military-World-Games/

A lot of people recalled having the worse case of sickness in their life from September to January, with the same fucking symptoms. A lot of them were tested negative for the flu.

With the fact that Trump keep calling it “Chinese Virus”, and the fact that every post talking about this theory here keeps getting deleted, I can’t stop the feeling that the fucking US has released this shit and blame China. Maybe not intentionally. Maybe the first wave in the US was not as serious as this one.

Think one second, chinks were eating weird shit for centuries, and now a bat soup killing everyone? I don’t think so. Maybe it mutated in there and came back stronger.

So what's the catch on Hydroxchloroquine? Is the happening over? I want to get back to being a doomfag but it seems we have an effective cure now.

Does it help to leave your shoes at the entrance of your house after coming home to avoid spreading it inside the house? I'm seeing that shit being shared and I don't know if it's bullshit.

>I have a dry coof
it gets incrementally worse every day been going on for like a week. but still fairly mild. also food has started to taste bland and flavorless

China 81,218 (3,281) Italy 69,176 (6,820) United States 54,867 (782) Spain 42,058 (2,991) Germany 32,991 (159) Iran 24,811 (1,934) France 22,304 (1,100) Switzerland 9,877 (122) South Korea 9,137 (126) United Kingdom 8,077 (422) Netherlands 5,560 (276) Austria 5,283 (28) Belgium 4,269 (122) Norway 2,866 (12) Canada 2,792 (26) Portugal 2,362 (33) Australia 2,317 (8) Sweden 2,299 (40) Brazil 2,247 (46) Israel 1,930 (3) Turkey 1,872 (44) Malaysia 1,624 (16) Denmark 1,591 (32) Czech Republic 1,394 (3) Ireland 1,329 (7) Japan 1,193 (43) Luxembourg 1,099 (8) Ecuador 1,082 (27) Pakistan 972 (7) Chile 922 (2) Poland 901 (10) Thailand 827 (4) Romania 794 (12) Finland 792 (1) Saudi Arabia 767 (1) Greece 743 (20) Diamond Princess 712 (10) Indonesia 686 (55) Iceland 648 (2) India 562 (11) Singapore 558 (2) Philippines 552 (35) Russia 495 (1) Slovenia 480 (4) Panama 443 (6) Peru 416 (7) Egypt 402 (20) Bahrain 392 (3)…

China +47 (+4) United States +44 (+4) South Korea +100 (+6) India +26 (+1) Paraguay +10 (+1) Venezuela +7 Honduras +6 Bolivia +3 Jamaica +4…


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Is this Jew warding runes? Kek

3 months or less

>everyone in new orleans is fat
>just had major spread at mardi gras
>people dont want to stay off bourbon street
>chinese cargo ships all the time

Reminder that all tripfags have the coronavirus
If you reply to them, you'll catch it too

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Algerie is no where to be found. Good night. Bill Nukemfag.


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I always rooted for you in the OG Pokémon games. Sorry I named you faggggg in most of my runs

So we can agree that Alberto > Bolsonaro ou Doom right?

HHS ordering testing to slow so they can give Trump a nice big graph saying the spike is over and we can re-open

good posting with you user. hope you enjoy coronachan’s sweet thick thighs choking you out in the coming weeks. try not to have too much fun

I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague and we are the cure.

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You may as well take off all your clothes then with that argument


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Proven to do literally nothing. All it resulted in was a few deaths from people who ate fish pills.

>"H-hey that hurts!"
She draws blood and keeps etching out something.
>You take the free hand hand worm it underneath her nails, interlocking your fingers.
>Her face, still on your chest.
"How long?"
"Please, just give me a straight answer."
>You feel a wetness trail from her location on your chest and travel down your abdomen.
She says intermingled with sniffling.

>458 more confirmed deaths than swine flu in all of 2009-10
That may be, but lets wait until the final estimates to say for sure.

Remdesivir is better

Is this okay for home defense?


>yfw you almost miss the gary post

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It's almost as bad as the nigger who ran for president

sup china.

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Anyone got the sister fucker comp from a few threads ago?
Asking for a wank.

obviously something is happening. either corona-chan is a deadly virus, the gov't is using this to push in certain controls a la fast-tracking bills, and a bunch of unanswerable questions till the smoke settles.

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To say "for sure" what? The amount of --->confirmed

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>Post memsies and hazmat suit edit's.
>"Corona-chan, take me!"

*catches virus*

Medical Malpractice (mistakes) are the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States. Settle in friends

>Rifles are made to order. 3-6 month delivery on average.
gonna do you a lot of good m8

Italy is here to save the day
>Mechanical Ventilator Milano (MVM): A Novel Mechanical Ventilator Designed for Mass Scale Production in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemics

Per l'onore d'Italia!

Holy shit m8 you guys are playing with fire your entire nation will be Wuhan 2.0 with out a commie government to enforce martial law and quarantine at all cost.

I like to think of myself as Yeast. Fucking and eating and making alcohol while we all slowly poison each other. If we're lucky we're not pasteurized, but end up getting sprayed on some woman's chest.

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post baguette or you are chinese shill

nigger-who-ran-for-president-twice-and-WON, thank you very much.
he was the most based nigger to ever live, he even managed to make Foxfags seethe over Mustard because they couldn't just call him a nigger on TV like limpdicks.

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What the fuck is wrong with meditteraneans? First Italy, then Iran, Spain, and now New York as well
Why are they dying from the common cold so much?

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Trials done so far on it haven't been done using a proper methodology. A larger scale trial is being done in New York as of the 24th, so expect definitive results in 2-4 weeks.

>world war


Aw fuck it. I tried to warn you ameribros

Drumpf literally will double the amount of Dollar in the system

and you all think this going to be fine?

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Remember to stay safe out there anons.

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Of course, whenever you’re in public you get literal fecal matter on the bottoms of your shoes, which you then track into your house on your floor and furniture. Viral particles that are sneezed or coofed out stay suspended for some time then gradually fall to the floor. Same for droplets. Clothes worn in public around other people shouldn’t be worn in the house either. There are literally aerosolized poop particles everywhere in public.

That's the whole point of the methodology. Go ahead and check whichever county you feel is more representative. I chose Tampa since the whole world was shaming them for not closing their beaches to spring breakers


Entire 1st world countries dont shut down for nothing burgers

not really useful, the amount of testing and contact tracing for corona far exceeds it
its silly to use the same model
plus the chinks are lying through their grubby bat eating tooth

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>implying most of us don't have a death wish
Where do you think you are

anons do any of you have any images of patrick bateman edited into hazmat suits

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>literally every two weeks the situation becomes more intense
I'm really enjoying this です

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didn't you know? USA vs Iran back in January. unfortunately the only deaths were some Ukrainians for some reason

anyone? please, tell me if the animes are safe!

Fucking hell, for people who don’t believe the Jewish propaganda you all eat this shit up like good goys, don’t you want to explore other theories that the one we keep hearing about everywhere?

I haven't seen production top yet. But Abe wasn't testing anyone because of MUH OLYMPICS.

Literally nothing Is indicating that HCQ Is effective. There Is no cure. Not at the moment atleast

Yes, please.

look, if that was true, and we use the now very calculable rate of infection, we would have way more cases than we do now. so no. it started in china.

If you look closely you can tell it’s bio engineered.

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fuck you give me trumpbuxx

Exhibit A

Fall in line Kraut, don't make us turn that American medical base in Germany into a military one.

You're fucked.

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Some people are prone to them. Hopefully you made changes to lessen chance of a second.

About time

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They should just copy South Korea

Iran is probably pedos. NYers are crammed in subways

Was about to say the same as Our capacity to test now is much higher.

I couldn’t care less if chinks were wiped out of the surface of earth tomorrow. And I couldn’t care less if the same applies to your fucking country too.

Obey your emperor chadnaro and go die for the economy.

that was never going to turn into WW3

this is exactly why i stocked up back in january. our system is dysfunctional at every level. plus americans have more health problems than any other country. this virus is going to kill millions here

Would you rather bring corona Virus in your dirty shoes in the house or let scary bugs and other night crawlers sneak in your sneakers and they squish through your socks

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>very sick people stay home
>people with no symptoms or mild symptoms go out
>virus should quickly evolves to be very mild
There are literally hundreds of common viruses that infect humans. Even other coronaviruses. None of them have a very high fatality rate.

The deadliest diseases are the ones that aren't person to person contact. E.g. malaria is mosquito borne, and cholera water borne. HIV does kill you, but over years, not weeks.

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its not a cure its supposed to be a treatment

Anyone have the zoomer white blood cell screeching at the smug corona virus?

Ready yourselves anons, out time might come soon

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i use that kitten as my profile picture on all of my anonymous/sock accounts

It's going to be a shit show like we've never seen. i'm legitimately worried

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Fuck off.
You are all redditor faggots

lol at doomerfags. The “proof” that it doesn’t work is an statistically meaningless trial in China of all places.

The proof that it works is also anecdotal, but I we won’t know for a couple of weeks it seems.

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As far as I'm concerned, destroying 10% if the GDP is a good recipe for a burger well stuffed.

China is trying to take over the world. They infested our politicians, our companies, and we were full of spies. They stole our technology and our idiot corporate overlords sent all manufacturing over. China was in South America, Africa, Australia, Italy, Europe and more. There's a chance we could have done something to try to upset their apple cart that backfired.

tell me, user
is this hapoened or not

>only 0.3 meters above sea level

They're non white.

Friendly reminder that only one BASED country has the QUININE in its coat of arms

>the tree in the top right section is the cinchona tree (the source of quinine, a powerful anti-malarial drug and the key flavorant in tonic water), on a white background, representing the national flora

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It's great. I was thinking about necking myself a few weeks ago but now I figure I'll stick around just to see how bad things get.

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Literal nothingburger

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post kitchen counter NAO!!

You are money will lose a lot of it's worth
JUST think one secound about what is going to happen if you print and just double the amount of Dollar in the system. Just look it up. 5mins

You are all going to pay for Trumps plan and literally everybody with a diffrent currency or stocks will profit.

Why? stressing doesn't help anything. Just don't do stupid shit and you have nothing to worry about. And no, your friends and family will not listen to you so don't even bother

What? No fun allowed?

If I was deployed in Germany I'd turn heel and ask for asylum at wherever I can do that. Fucking look at the numbers of Germany vs the US. Much safer to be there than here. That medical base there will soon contain some of the last living Americans on the world.

your idea is bad.

It's like you decide to poison the gateau your mom made for dessert. You see that your sister (who is your enemy) gets the first slice, and you enjoy her pain and suffering. Then you eat your slice too and allow yourself to be sickened.

That's not the way this works. Some people have mild reactions to it. They aren't spreading a mild strain. If I have mild or no symptoms but go to a nursing home it's going to quickly turn into a mortuary.

Maybe the strain we have now is from China, but that’s too much coincidence that an outbreak of pneumonia and lung related disease was emerging in Maryland and in Virginia just after a US bio weapons research base was closed don’t you think?

I really shouldn't be disappointed by that news.

Fucking based

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Bill it's time to go to bed.

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>7% of the population has a fever
>lol it's nothing

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You're in WW3 right now.
Fuck do you think this bioweapon is?

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The only reason i'm worried is because everybody in my family is fat except me, and i have a heart condition that i was born with. i guess it doesn't matter now


okay, i thought about it. if we print more money, that means more people can have more money, that's literally it. Everyone can have 1,000,000 dollars if they printed it, we hve the economy to sustain that unlike zimbabwe

>8.0 magnitude earthquake in russia
>hawaii under massive tsunami watch
lmao what the fuck is this year

Nah, cant believe it, you faggots fell for a troll.


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Yes, hello. I would like one apocalypse gf.

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