Why does the south vote conservative?


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Coffee is good

Because retarded rednecks are afraid to give up they’re guns

because the dems that run there are also republicans. So which one is more honest?

Guns ’n’ titties

The non south dont realize what fags they sound and look like. Down here the men are men.

Because we want to conserve your pic.

They don't need or want handouts and value work ethic and personal responsibility.

Its the midwest that votes conservative dummy

>they're guns
>calling other people retarded

Midwest and high desert/mountain west are hetero.

Cause nobody likes you. Now stop datamining and gtfo.

Because it's not filled with gay ass leftists who assuage their guilt by voting for faggots.

>Down here, men let billionaires openly fuck them in the ass.

Southerners don't vote "conservative" -- they vote Republican.
Not. The. Same.


We have our own culture and do not want to be like you. It aint broke.

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Evangelicals and welfare rednecks that leach.

>Down here we're literally cucks (it's even our favorite porn category)

You do not determine what my interests are, damn yankee.

because theyre conservative?

>Down here, we're we're insecure with our masculinity and overcompensate (we also don't know what "overcompensate" means without googling it)

Lack of good education

Thats the yankee TRANSplants, go home.

>Down here we fantasize about black penises

Because they're conservative, good people. Fuck Yankees, fuck city faggots, fuck pseudo intellectual leftist pieces of shit.

That is you all introducing those topics.

Because they are smarter than you.

Salty milk and coins

Because they've been dwelling in poverty ever since they rebelled in order to keep slavery as their main method of labor.
Then the United states proceeded to kick their teeth in so hard the region didn't start to recover until 2014.
After the US gave up on rebuilding the south the Daughters of The Confederacy and other groups promoted the lost cause myth looking back to a time when dixie wasn't shit as if it was a golden era.
It's where we got all those cheap ass confederate monuments, mass censorship of history books, and jim crow.
The D.O.C. grabbed the south by the balls and shackled it to a conservative agenda. Which is why it remained poor for so long while making it's senators incredibly rich.
Their cultural grip has been weakening since 2010-2012, which has lead to growing wealth in many parts of the south for the first time in a century.

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Just like us all

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The north has determined everything you do since 1865. You lost. Move on.

Bro. You're the ones who brought all the black benis to this country. Clearly y'all have a fetish.

like a flaccid dick except heavier and more spherical

Alaska is the Northernmost, Westernmost, and Easternmost state. We vote Republican so It's not just the south and to be fair Hawaii is the Southernmost state. .

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I am not OP, dont start shit, wont be no shit.

They see what you asses did to the north lol

My last name does not end with stein, witz or mann.

Damn, this hit me deep.

>republicans are conservative
>christianity is conservative

Scotts irish

Yeah I agree. I think the way they look at Europe and see the men as pussies is the exact same way we look at them.

Does it end with Berg?

they are so fucking soft its great, like really really soft. sort of like fat but the shape is different

FDR got some of them with the New Deal coalition, It was over when Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act, and Nixon's Southern Strategy was the final nail in the coffin.

Bags of sand

Looks like you triggered a faggot. Well done, son.

Because poor southern settler colonialists would rather vote for welfare cuts knowing full well half their family is on welfare just to spite black people.

Short answer: they're bigots.

Long answer: Nixon exploited the discontent that Southern Democrats had with the Civil Right movement and Reagan solidified that at a time American morale was low. The resulting wedding of evangelical protestantism with the Republican party pushed the socially liberal corporate wing out of power and alienated voters on the coasts. Southrons being what they are, have engaged in yet another a culture war against the rest of the country and have enlisted the (slightly more) moderate Midwest and libertarian mountains into fighting their war.

They'll tell you they're not racist because they stopped wearing hoods or that the North is just as bad (which is true), but it's who they are. Right now it's not about keeping blacks down (though that hasn't really gone away) so much as it is extreme distrust of Catholic hispanics and muslims. They won't be happy until everyone is a Baptist and minorities are forced to stay quiet. They'll say "small government" (for they, not thee) or "values" (do what we say or else), but it's all bullshit.

Republicans offer that, Democrats don't.

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Isn´t that the 19 year old russian Instagram whore that fucks muslims?

It was an honor !

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>file deleted

I aint askin nobody for nothin, if i cant get it on my own. if you dont like the way im livin, you can leave this long haired southern boy alone.

Why? Let me sing you a little song, OP.

I was impressed with those titties

To piss off yankee filth. God dam do I hope yankees start dropping like flies this week.

LBJ predicted that a Democrat wouldn’t carry the South for a long time after his coalition passed the Civil Rights Act and correct he was.

Gun rights and traditional family values/evangelicalism run very strong in the South which are GOP staples so they continue to carry it.

Check out an electoral map in the early 1960’s compared to today. Cali is deep red, Texas is solid blue. All sorts of craziness thinking about politics today.

Based mods btfoing coomers