There are no "right-wing trannies"

Trannies only larp as right-wingers for irony-bro points or for the sake of culture jamming. If anything, they're just making a mockery of the right and their cultural values by masquerading as one of them. None of it is sincere, even in a purely aesthetic sense. Any sort of power, status, or recognition that trannies have in society, they owe entirely to the progressive cause and they will loose it the second the current social regime collapses. They are fully aware of this, so despite their larping, they'll always remain implicitly loyal to the left.

Know your enemy.

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this is so sad

Agreed. And most just do it for the attention and the fetish of turning straight guys gay.

Are you as embarassed as i am for you?


>Any sort of power, status, or recognition that trannies have in society, they owe entirely to the progressive cause
but i'm a NEET, i didn't even notice when coronavirus hit because i never even go outside anyway

ew im on the left trannies arent left retard. Trannies are too fucktarded to have any quality political opinions and just care about themselves.

Porn & the surfing the internet more broadly is dangerous
Men should be kept busy doing productive shit and focusing on work and building things

brb, i'm going to lift weights then read book

>tfw I want to nut balls-deep in a twink's boipussy
It's a bad feel bros

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The Jannies are Trannies

>tfw no right-wing trap bf

i feel you fren

I'd grab that cute white boipucci dicc

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Just do anal with a girl you fucking homo

Why? Historically Nazis are usually gay or some kind of other sexual deviant.

Sometimes I think of all the young boys and girls that are going to fall into the trap of porn and hyper-sexuality dopamine addiction. I myself was fell into it. I wish there was some way to convince them that porn is actually dangerous and changing their reward circuitry.

Good on you for improving yourself

>tfw no homofascist twink bf

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I wanna succ on that sexi dicc...ipline

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Whatever. I'll always tell young men to pursue a biologically female wife, pursue family and tradition. But that doesn't change my belief that you should be allowed to be a flaming faggot if you want to. I just don't see it as a positive thing. Live how you want.

One big copepost cause he got mad at this pic lol

if it was good enough for hadrian, then it is good enough for us

Mentally ill just like everyone that considers themselves "alt-right".

Ayo, op is a repressed homo, lol

Never respond to posts that say stupid shit, boys. Just ignore and let the thread continue. For all we know they get paid for (you)s so no matter how tempting the bait is, just ignore and slide.

>avoiding giving post a you
That's how you know they big mad lol

>they will loose it the second the current social regime collapses
You talk as if cute traps weren't popular in all cultures across history. Faggot.

If bait is meant to derail threads and avoid actual discussion, why would I feed their need. Also saged

I don’t give a shit. If a guy wants to act like a girl, what the fuck do I care? Do whatever the hell you want. This isn’t even a proper political issue. It’s more of an issue of philosophical question of “can I determine who I am?” The liberalist answer would probably be yes, you can. That doesn’t have anything to do with me, however, and certainly not to you OP. So why not just stop looking at sissy boy porn and get a fucking life?

t. sad /leftypol/ tranny who feels left out for still being a Berniefag.

crossdressers are right wing. trannys are left wing

They also liked to make lampshades out of jews skin....fucking retard

Shitdick degenerate

Only if you believe the Jewish post-hoc slander.

ok, juden

>come and take it
>implying I'm not the one who wants to give it to

I was about to say, in Viking culture, ass WAS ass, and to this day, ass IS ass.

Read up on Bio-Leninism. The left's powerbase is organized as a coalition of the lowest and most marginalized groups in society (gays, trannies, migrants etc.) - basically everybody with an axe to grind with the current societal norms, and anyone who stands to benefit from toppling them.These are the most loyal footsoldiers of the left, and they will remain loyal because they know damn well that they will fall right back down the social hierarchy if our liberal cultural paradigm recedes in influence. Everything they have, they owe to the left.

I've been online since I was like 8 when an older guy showed me porn. I've been on Yas Forums since I was like idk 13. It's defiantly fucked me up in many ways. And I don't think there's any way for me to come back.

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Go back to r*ddit you fucking subhuman

This is defiantly degenerate but amusing regardless.

This is why the right always looses, they're still so shackled to liberal thinking. Tolerance and apathy truly are the last virtues of a dying society.

He sounds more like a libertarian then a full on right winger.

I don't know what to tell you: it's a historical fact that they were initially tolerant of homosexuals, which is why they had so many recruits and funding from the gay community.

They also ruthlessly purged them once they became popular and no longer needed them.

>no qt3.14 passable trap to suck my dick so good it makes me gay

Why even live?

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I have no intention of standing idly by and watching as everything I love about my society, and everything worthwile about it's culture, is ritualistically sacrificed upon the altar of liberal decadence and hedonism. I say we need start thinking outside the box, instead of being limited by old, liberal ideas.

You're just lonely

Lolberts are still married to the delusion that they're of the right, but look how they clutch their pearls when somebody who's actually right-wing starts to speak. They become like the most radical progressives.

How likely is it my gay thoughts are just a result of constant porn exposure from the age of 8 and being abused as a child?

I understand the problems with libertarians even if that's what I call myself. The more time I spend on here the more disslusioned I become however.

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Yeah you're wrong.
I'm a tranny and fuck any left wingers

lol you're a tranny that fucks left wingers? double gross!

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I can't wait to shoot these fags when the boog starts.

Every day we get farther away from political solutions.

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Well what political ideology do you subscribe to then?
I keked.

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>nahhhh it won't get that bad.
>don't worry man
>ignore the propaganda
>don't be a Nazi just consume more media


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You're nothing but a charlatan, and your lifestyle is anathema to any right-wing worldview to the right of Charlie Kirk. Everything you have, you owe to the progressive cause.

Anybody have the Stonetoss version?

You better not be horny posting bro. I better not be catching you lacking.

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There could be a place for gays.
Since they're neurotic / autistic about stuff, they can be channeled into embodying their given ideal.
The problem is that we don't have anything like a Leitbild, and the closest thing we do have to it is hedonism and The Great Leveling.

>based leaf.
Holy fuck.

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>on the left
>having a quality political opinion