Transgender hate thread

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>life-saving trans surgeries
These people make me want to fucking puke
How did it get so bad

women's right to vote. Take that away, and everything will get better

My cousin had his surgery to fix an aortic aneurism cancelled. It is certainly not elective; his cardiologist said that he was at significant risk for a rupture. Nevertheless, it is considered as such because he doesn't have cancer and wasn't shot. In other words, the rationing has already started.

The WHO determined that transgender is not an illness. So what disorder are these surgeries treating?

none, just like abortion

Trans Medical Care is a Human Right!

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That's an uncanny tranny. One who can kinda sorta not really look female but still pretty mannish

For the love of all that is good in the world DO NOT CUT YOUR DICK OFF.

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Yes, please do cut your dick off. It keeps the trannies from reproducing naturally. Anyone headfucked to consider it in the first place should probably not have kids

>life saving surgery because if they don’t get it they will kill themselves

Let us all ignore the fact that the ones who do go choppy choppy on the pee pee are MORE LIKELY TO DEEP THROAT A 12 GAUGE!

How about... no.

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There is no such thing as transgender.

Make sure to go on the subreddit for trannies and post semi-attractive real girls and ask "just started transitioning how do I pass?" and watch the meltdowns.

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All they need is their balls removed then they have a cute feminine penis

At this point our species deserves to die.

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Dumping cuz i hate trannies

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I'm all about trans rights and getting the right to get the surgeries you need, but if somebody is actually complaining about not getting their bottom surgery because of corona virus then they can go fuck themselves. Like jesus christ, how can you be so narcissitic? People are dying and you worry about getting your dick cut off? I mean I know how dysphoria can fuck you up, and perhaps I'm a little too tolerant to having to deal with dysphoria, but if we're going through such a crisis it should be of common sense that a person who's barely breathing gets more priority than fucking bottom surgery.

holy shit

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>life-saving trans surgeries

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If they don’t get them they’ll kill themselves desu, but also if they get them they do.....

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Only lain should survive

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>Expecting the Mentally Ill to make good choices

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I wonder if those will count toward coronachan deathcount

Based radfems unite. SCUM manifesto is my bible. Men in dresses get the Valerie Solanas special.

>t. TERF

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I forgot about that meme
Peak clowntown

Is it funny or sad?

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These ain't women though

This is a harsh truth. But it's only half of the answer. Only white land or business owning men should be voting. This the rest of it.


Not going to lie, thought the article was fake
>seemed too clown world
>looked it up on vice
>too path
>maybe do their surgeries so they get the BATSOUP.exe ????

>always wears a hat or a headband to cover male pattern baldness

Yeah, I'm thinking this is based.

>he hasn't seen the surgeries
>he hasn't seen the pain

Thanks sister

forehead like a wrestler

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>throwing away your marriage to become a literal monster because of a delusion about your gender.

femanon here
3 of my last bfs have said they want to roleplay as a woman in bed and two have decided theyre women WHILE DATING ME what the fuck is wrong with me

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Well, you have a type...

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what an asshole.

It’s disturbing.

I don't understand any of that shit man.... one of the only good things In life is being a man... when with... a woman...

post benis

Good lord if I had a time machine I'd send these faggots to 1950's Russia. See how much they like being sent to the gulag immediately for their faggotry.

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