AUS/POL - Lockdown Lunchtime Special (no gooks)


Scott Morrison has banned all overseas travel, food courts, real estate auctions and inspections and says extended family gatherings must stop. There are now 2363 cases in Australia, including 1029 in NSW, 466 in Victoria, 443 in Queensland, 170 in SA, 175 in WA, 36 in the ACT and 5 in the NT
Virgin Australia is cutting its domestic capacity to 10 per cent, standing down 8000 of its 10,000 staff
As of 9am AEST, there have been 417,698 total confirmed cases worldwide. While 107,823 people have recovered, 18,614 have died, mostly in Italy, according to Johns Hopkins University data
President Donald Trump wants the United States to be 'raring to go' by Easter
The International Olympic Committee has officially delayed the 2020 Tokyo Games until 2021

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Nuke China

Got off the phone with job provider. Work for the dole is cancelled until further notice

so is mutual obligations :)

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Checked, Satan.

Also, good to know. Got a message last week that I might be required to take part in a WftD activity starting today but no-one's been in touch and my JSP keeps cancelling appointments. Still want me to do 20 jobs a month though.

>Still want me to do 20 jobs a month though.

that's been shit canned. If you login to MyGov and go to the job thing it will say nothing at this time

No bread and circuses AFL or NRL? What will we do now? Shitpost about the Jews?

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>What will we do now? Shitpost about the Jews?

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So is it slowing or are we going to get fucked?


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Maybe I pissed them off somehow?

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Undeniably based.

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Too soon to tell, though there has been a small decline of growth in the past few days.

They will update it eventually

Fake virus fags, praise him

How do they verify your applications are legit? Couldn't you just write a python script to shoot out 20 resumes to random seek postings a month?

how do I check the neighberhoods?

Praise him

It's like the SAS say: Fortune favours the rich:

Pic related.

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Verify? Imagine the workload. That is not happening.

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Only 13 here, probably all in Ipswich bar the one case I know was from Esk.

Praise him

Praise him

Praise him

imagine hiring a nigger that can barely speak english, giving him a taser and a gun and putting him out on the streets and expecting everything to be hunky dory

Praise him

That’s exactly what I did lol
They don’t check and if they do most companies don’t deal directly with your application.


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Not sure if they've released that data but you can check the contact tracing page to see where they've been spreading the poz

They never verify
my friend fills out a fake one every month for his crack money
i fake mine since im doing a nova skill course ya cunts

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Likelihood of lock down?

I'm so fucking bored holy shit.

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Every now and then when you go to your monthly appointment they look at what you've applied for and see if it's shit you've the experience for

100 percent but not tonight

They don't even look

I do not have to Jobsearch at all now.

Family arrived here from Europe before the lockdown was announced.
Return flights cancelled, cannot contact Airline.

What to do?

Damn it feels good to be a gulf country chad i have only seen 2 asians in my life and they were timorese.

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need more infected chinks spitting on fruit in woolies

They stay at your house until further notice

Contact the embassy of their country, see if anything can be done

This is all they can really do for 'verification', check that if you're bullshitting them, that you're doing a good job of it.

they are sending the popo around door to door checking on self isolating people.

>expecting everything to be hunky dory
and it would be except for white privilege and institutionalised racism.

Sweats in stockman.

>every day hear about some basic job opening trying to capitalize on the news and force us into shitty labour

no i dont want to go door-to-door delivering pizza to coofers
leave me alone to collect my neetbucks till this blows over

just went to coles. Everyone is following the spacing rule except chinks who are completely oblivious to what's around them

just fucking apply manually on seek, it takes 20 mins tops and you have credibility if you apply for jobs you can actually work. just use a shit resume if you have to.

this, your JSP will rape you if you fake this shit by automating random job applications/applying for jobs you cant actually do

>some bluding neet applying for CEO and CFO positions

enjoy your ceno debt when your caught

I don't want my labour being taxed to pay you your neetbux, user.
Go deliver pizza ya lazy cunt

They never check. I'll just sit down and bang out 20 "applications" in a single day from Seek. For the last 3 reporting periods they've been the same 20 abbotoir jobs 'cause that's all that's advertised in the area so if they pull me up I've got a decent excuse.

youre on Yas Forums

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they also check when you get randomly audited by centrelink. theres literally peoples jobs (mind you less than 100) to audit random CRNs

I see you have never been to Sunshine.

>no such thing as White privilege
>no such thing such as institutionalised racism

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No, they just don't care

Hasn't happened to me once, granted I haven't had an appointment since January.


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do you apply for jobs you know your not qualified for? then your set

if you do, they will catch you eventually, unless they just dont give a fuck


What do you guys think about online businesses?

One of the options. I think they want to leave this week though, prices for return airfares have doubled.

They're doing fuck all.

I try not to think about them to much

So the chinks are still being chinks

cam whore?

Praise him

Praise him

So Scomos only going to close schools and unis after census date when all those fees have been locked in yeah?

fuck off chinks

what the fuck lads, just had a phone appointment with centrelink as scheduled and they still set me up an appointment with a job provider? I thought working for the dole and mutual obligations like that were cancelled. Should I just call the job provider and tell them I cant make it to the appointment because of coronavirus?


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yea nah, give it to the stacy tourism receptionist who got hired at 18 with no qulifications because she looks pretty while ive been rejected for multiple careers having my experience scrutinized like its an application to nasa
i aint collecting covid stained notes for any money