
Is this shit snake oil, or dose it have a chance at doing something good? Iv seen both sides say good and bad things about it

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Not a doctor but it seems like a meme.

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If burning down your house because you saw a spider is logical to you, then taking this medicine makes sense I guess

Scientifically it works if you catch the virus early. The trails will prove this by next week.
HCQ + ZINC prevents Corona from replicating and allows your body to kill off the virus
If it develops into pneumonia youll need to combat that first. That's why Zpaks are used

hope you have enough for a lifetime, retard

It works user, its what they're giving to people outside the US. Inside the US the jew media is just hoping to make as much panic as they can.

They all deserve to burn.

It's a hail Mary drug, they only give it when you're at death's door

>If it develops into pneumonia youll need to combat that first. That's why Zpaks are used
Actually if you listen to Raoult, he says that azithromycin has some antiviral effects as well. I can't remember what he said though.

Attached: Chloroquine.gif (768x432, 167.85K)

There were chinese papers about its potential before it even left China. Then France independently reasserted its effectiveness. It's looking good.

The idea is that increases endogenous interferons production, so early on it can help in treatment of the virus, but it isn't exactly a cure, just a novel treatment of mild effectiveness.
DESU antibiotics for secondary infection (i.e. pneumonia) are probably safer and more effective.

It’s 100% safe unless you’re a moron. You want to take two 200mg tablets every six hours for two days. But NO MORE than two days. That’s where boomer regards are hurting themselves.

Yeah, it works if you're a fucking aquarium. Trump is so retarded.

pharmabros out in force today.
they give this to niggers for free to stave off malaria. some people have severe reactions and it does have a degree of toxicity. like every fucking drug including asprin, penicillin etc

New York state is purchasing 70000 doses for trial so there must be some legitimate hope for it.

It's a pretty nasty drug even by taste. Some Africans I know have taken it a lot over the years due to malaria. It can rock you pretty good and tastes like hell but it is better than death obviously.

This is an antimalarial drug, both my brother and sister took it in south america, its fucking fine.

Causes some light hallucinations during treatment though.

Oh and bill gates funds malaria research around the world and was aware this cures his little experiment all along.

He must be seething right now, i bet hes pouring a bunch of walnut sauce into a brandy snifter while sitting broodingly by a fireplace.

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>it's given to people with lupus and fucking children
>hail mary drug

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Just went to Petsmart tonight and picked up some aquarium cleaner. May take some tonight just to be proactive. A tsp should do. Maybe two just to be sure.
If anything goes wrong, remember me Anons, and make sure to blame Drumpf.

I heard aquarium pills have it. Go pop one of those. They're cheaper than a prescription.

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Hydroxycloroquine is a lot safer and taste is not an issue at all. I've been taking it for more than a year now for other purposes.

You're full of shit. One of the papers I've read suggests an attack dosage of 3x400mg for two days, then 2x400mg for 10 days. Disclaimer: I'm not suggesting anyone does this, do your own fucking research, this is an older protocol and I've seen others.

>they give this to niggers for free to stave off malaria

and a lot of niggers die from overdose

Like I said, if you feel like you need to burn your house down over a disease that kills a whopping 1 percent of those who get it (and 90 percent of them are over 70), then by all means do it.

Just know you're fucking retarded if you do, that's all

Zithramax prevents coronavirus proteins from replicating. At least that's what I heard on Peak Prosperity the other night

>dose it have a chance at doing something good?

India is ahead of the low IQ curve of rest of the world

To correct myself: maybe was referring to the phosphate variant when he said 2x200mg, but a 2-day course is far too short to do any good.

poodians are recommending 2 400mg pills the first week, then 1 pill per week for as long as you need

HCQ i mean

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It's so fucked. The instant the acute crisis looks like it might be over because of these drugs showing efficacy, they fall back into their old habits and start trying to deny it for political points and attack drumpf. They're only doing this because the fact that they know it does actually work makes them comfortable enough to start thinking about politics again.

A lot of people across a wide spectrum and different countries seem to be treating it like a good option. But the corporate media just can't help themselves. They all went nuts today about how this drug Trump suggested is actually aquarium cleaner and will kill you. People are freaking out at Trump now, but when it starts saving lives across the US, people will think, "Wait, the drug Trump suggested" because the news today is all "TRUMP SUGGESTED DRUG," "DRUG SUGGESTED BY TRUMP." They're giving him all the credit for it because it makes him temporarily look bad, but in the end, they'll win him another election.

They use both.


The anons who bought this stuff ahead of time must be feeling smug.

Travel clinic prescribed it to me when I went to Tanzania. Due to a fuck up in labeling, I thought it was meant to be taken on an empty stomach. It made me nauseous but didn't make me feel like puking. It was weird. Once I got clarification that it should be taken with food, it didn't cause any problems. I don't remember it having a weird taste but this was eight years ago, so maybe it just wasn't a big deal.

At this point it doesn't look like they're going to even let anyone try. The patent expired which I'm sure has NOTHING to do with it.

Some antibiotics like Z-pack also have anti-inflammatory properties in the lungs, and inflammation is your enemy.

It was being studied as a SARS treatment years ago. It’s the real thing and the kike press is getting played by Trump.

It KILLS people!

it won't matter, his approval is up, treatment will proceed, people will go back to work, the market will come back, he will win.

every day that passes their media bubble looses more and more people. no one but the truly deranged (lefties) believes them anymore.

Based and redpilled

My FIL mentioned his polio people couldn't get it anymore so I assumed it worked. Have 270 tablets spread across three vendors with Bitcoin

It took a patient 6 days to recover while using it
Also they tested positive again in 8 days
It takes 6 days to recover normally

It does literally nothing.

NYC started huge trial usage today. Cat is out of the bag.

Nigger fuck your get

Kek nice flag

okay so you cure SARS in an 80 year old patient so what? Whats to say some zoomer wont carry it around and infect grandma again? The virus spread around unnoticed in Washington state among the healthy for 6 weeks until it made its way into a care facility.

it was used to treat SARS-CoV and covid-19 is the disease caused by SARS-CoV-2.

(from 2005)

>Don't try to cure yourselves, goys, wait for our vaccine, it is the only way!

Not even the people living in the care facility want them to live another day

If you stick it in your asshole, it cures AIDS and makes you fireproof.

go ahead and try it but it does absolutely nothing. it raises pH inside cells. ok? great way to kill a parasite. how is it supposed to kill viral RNA?

By not killing you?

but it doesn't destroy the viral rna or the virions either.

Omg checked

Primarily New York has the aggressive strain. The other strain is extremely hard to find. To eradicate the virus with hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin you'd have to test absolutely everyone in the US and give them a six day treatment that interacts with heart conditions and is ineffective if you take antacids within 4 hours. This wont happen.

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>antibiotics for viral pneumonia

> (OP)
>It KILLS people!
So does COVID-19

That depends on if this virus is corona common spliced with HIV, And given the gain of function of malaria.

like destroying the economy, our rights, and the ability to find some fucking milk?
yes, burn it down please

It doesn't kill the virus, it increases production of interferons which can help in a variety of infections. It probably isn't super effective for treating COVID19, but azithromycin is effective for treating secondary infections, which is the primary source of deaths.
Most antiviral treatments don't actually kill the virus, they usually just inhibit their reproductive functions by blocking the proteins the virus uses to bind to glycans on the cell wall or by blocking access to the glycan in question altogether.

It isn't viral pneumonia dipshit, the pneumonia is almost always a secondary bacterial infection.

>I Can Make My Enemies Tell The Truth

can we have some too please user?

There’s probably just one same strain. There are a lot of unhealthy people in NYC.

>Is this shit snake oil, or dose it have a chance at doing something good?

It really is a promising potential treatment. BUT, Trump was very irresponsible in hyping it which has already led to lots people hoarding it and those who need it, such as lupus sufferers, having trouble getting it.

oy vey

>and a lot of niggers die from overdose
>implying niggers read the label