The Gold Market Is Breaking Down

Last night, when observing the unprecedented "gold run" on precious metals dealers which has left all gold vendors with little to no physical gold, I knew that "the price of physical gold has decoupled from paper gold" as a result of paper gold liquidations as leveraged funds scramble to cover margin calls using safe assets resulting in an arbitrage that physical gold buyers, i.e., those who don't have faith in gold ETFs such as the GDX or simply prefer to have possession of the metal, find especially delightful as it allows them to buy physical gold at lower prices than they would ordinarily have access to.

However whereas in the past such conditions were self-correcting, this time it is not only a record surge in demand for physical gold but also a near shut down in supply as the most productive gold refiners, those located in the southern Swiss town of Ticina, namely Valcambi, Pamp and Argor-Heraeus, now appear to be offline indefinitely.

"I’ve never seen that before," said one gold trader who has been in the market for 30-plus years.

Saxo Bank's head of commodity strategy, Ole Hansen, observed that a lockdown is occurring in two biggest gold hubs in the world, New York and London, so many traders are working from home. "This has caused a breakdown in the marketplace", he said.

“There is no price discovery in the market right now,” he said Tuesday morning. “If you need to borrow gold in the OTC [over-the-counter] markets right now, you are going to pay a king’s ransom.”

Picking up on what was said last night, Hansen described the problem as a logistics issue as the coronavirus has decimated supply chains across the world, adding that the gold market has dried up because nobody has access to physical metal.

“We don’t have enough hands to handle all the demand,” he said. “There is plenty of gold in the market, but it’s not in the right places. Nobody can deliver the gold because we are forced to stay home.”

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This. If you didn't get your gold and silver when the getting was good, you're in trouble.

Nobody has anything and don't fall for local scammers offering 1000 ounce bars and shit, they will JACK you for your cash. All the pm's are sold out right round the planet right now.

You can't wipe your ass with gold.

Yes you can.

paper money is meant for that

Where can I find people wiping their asses with gold coins and bouillon?

Nobody cares, you absolute cock sucking faggot

Big banks do, they've been colluding to suppress the price of precious metals for decades.

>30% unemployment?

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Do you have some silver spoons tho?

>paper gold

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Paper gold and silver are fine, they have to give you gold or pay you the spot (whole reason to have paper gold is rapidity of trade) and it's insured, GLD and SLV anyway.

The demand for gold for interbank settlement will be high for a while because of economic uncertainty, central banks deal with each other quite often in gold. But this won't actually cause a run on insured paper gold and silver.

On the other hand, the markets that need physical right now like electronics, film, medical are going to have to pay a LOT to get it, which is good for people holding physical, people holding ETFs, and mining companies.

Gold prices are going to tank soon due to deflation.
Believe it or now.


>Invest in old school shiny Jew metals goy
>Nothing can go wrong, as all investments go, you made the right choice
>Gold is totally worth something and has value as a shiny metal, it's totally not what Hitler was fighting against basing his economy on
When shtf all you faggots blowing your money on shiny Jew coins will be easy pickings when you're running around with gold clinking in your pockets rather than using it for gear, food, ammo, tools, etc.

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Good. Fuck boomer metal.

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Kek. This.
Even (((Goldman Sachs))) is telling the goy to go guy gold now as "currency of last resort"

It has literally been real money for all of human history except since the late 60’s. Gee, I wonder why.

>Gee I wonder why
You answered your own question with your own suspected answer. Imagine that
>Gee who had control of economics for most of human history since Rome fell

>Guys we still need to base our entire worth on these shiny coins. We can't cook with them, use them to power anything, make anything other than equally shiny things with it, but let me tell you it's worth more than land, resources, production capabilities, labor, and the whole world
>That Jew over there won't sell to me if I don't use it. He told me it's worth something so it is
Germany broke off the Gold system along with the international banking, and guess what happened after?

Guys, do you not see this? It's a bank robbery of London's gold. That is what's happening. The more people who buy physical gold right now, the more it punishes those are leveraged. London is not in great shape.

But it's only worth for what you can use a trade for. If your buy $1000 worth of gold but when shtf and you can only trade for something that is only worth $100 then you lost all the value. Ammo, cigarettes, and items like that are cheap but will be worth more than what you paid for when shtf

London should take back their gold from the Vatican then. Kek

>it's totally not what Hitler was fighting against basing his economy on
Right he based his economy on the blood of an entire generation of white men
Stay poor goy

Yes good fuck panic buyers and eat their children

>tfw I thought holding PMs was stupid and a Boomer meme

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Shut up jamie

How would someone know it's fake and not painted too. And taking that out in a shtf place would just make you a target for mugging because there will be one kike who will give Jamal a few hundred for your bit of gold

I can't wait when this happening is over and all the gold dumps back into the stores

nigga what do you think cash for gold was these past 10 years
this is the big one

>Stay poor goy
Lmao ad hom argument. Easy as usual
>Literally created the world's greatest economy from nothing like nobody had ever seen amidst a global depression
>Even JFK was amazed by this, which also made the commies and capitalists team up because he was that much of a threat
The ovens are warming up Moshe, I threw some gold inside why don't you go get it

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lol complain boomers are rich, boomer who knows things says buy and hold metals huurrrr durrrr fucking dumb boomer. no wonder you live in the basement

Someone give me the TLDR version of this.

Also where can I find a cheap gold aureus of Hadrian or the like.

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>Literally created the world's greatest economy from nothing like nobody had ever seen amidst a global depression
Bankrolled by london, the rothchilds and the big banks. Wartime economy that didn't even survive a decade. Total failure.
You are financially illiterate and don't know shit about shit.

If white families are to survive and thrive then we need sound money. You glow.

personally, I feel like boomers and preppers have a weird obsession with it, and believe that if we go full mad max, they'll be kings, without ever stopping to ask why. It's shiny, there's a fixed supply, and it's useful in high tech stuff. None of those things really matter much when you're not sure where your next meal is going to come from.
Personally, I just never really got it. As a trade medium or a store of value, I feel like there are other options that I don't physically have to carry around. it just feels... outdated.

>Picking up on what was said last night, Hansen described the problem as a logistics issue as the coronavirus has decimated supply chains across the world

poorfag identified

>he doesnt know bout the 3 golden shells

Yep, cryptocurrency doesn't have that problem. It's mined anywhere. No one cares if the other person you're trading with is infected. No disruptions in the supply chain, unless the Internet is down in which your Boomer ass is fucked anyway.

That's what gold leaf is for.

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I'm serious, I'll take the insults, I would just really like to know why. If things are good, stocks are better. There's more fluxuation, and more room for profit. If things are real bad, I can't eat gold and I can't drink it to make my problems go away. In between, it's a decent store of value. Is that it? or am I missing something? what's happening now is unprecedented. and it's cool if you can profit from it, but outside of this one instance, I'm just trying to understand.

They don't think that far ahead. They don't realize that food, water, shelter and bullets/guns along with various survival things are what have value in the worst situation. Gold is hard to move when you have to flee, requires you to sit in a house, which someone could easily scout for months, wait it out and snipe you when you poke your head. Most valuable thing besides the basics in a real breakdown like that is tribalism.

I saw this last week, when I tried to buy phys gold. SOLD OUT everywhere. I told everyone I know to buy gold however they can.

The big one is me going into your little daughter now get back to work you fat worthless bloated grey haired goy shits and sell sell sell your shiny rock or have it raided too

You're a weasel or worse, a dumb fucking goy
Lol snicker

I will deliver the gold. Where do I sign up.

There's a reason why the only people who ever used gold in meaningful amounts was kings

Paper gold is an asset designed to reflect the market spot price of gold despite not actually being gold. It is defined as a derivative of the gold market. Holding paper gold enables investors to get exposure to the price of gold without having to possess physical bullion.

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Boomers are pissed cause there isn't any physical gold.

I assume there's taxes and shipping fees tacked onto that $1703? It feels like a rip off.

Literally EVERY PM thread since the dawn of time, retards like you think it's invalid to discuss and has to be shitted up because you assume people want PM for some kind of nuclear postapocalypse scenario. Where did you come up with this delusion?

Your fools gold is no better than some tacky indian woman's nose ring
Well panic buying is worse than vanity so that makes you lower than shit
My steel nerves sittin waitin for you to slip

why are you posting, don't you know there will be no posting in the Mad Max world? lmao owned

Doesn’t matter since gold has no intrinsic financial value since the standard was dropped.

Theres only meaningless worthless psychological value, and it’s value a metal commodity (that can be used to make a product).

>Bankrolled by the people he fought against and who bankrolled entire countries against him
He had some investments from some companies abroad, yes. All except a few like Ford (who also called out the Jew) stopped immediately when he went outside the line, they only saw him as a way to restart Germany to make it profitable again. After he began shutting down their banks and making his based on the resource, production capabilities, labor, basic purchasing power (1 hour of labor = 1 mark and a loaf of bread is X).

>Muh War time economy
The amount of money allocated to war in the early 1930s (1934-36ish)was about 2.4% to 3. Hitler didn't begin breaking off the treaties till later on. The massive military build up retards like you try to harp on didn't come till later when he actually could get the country going again because it was so fucking broke. He broke off the Gold system and made kikes like you whine and cry

>Total failure
>Created a successful economy and brought people from living in poverty to having houses and a new labor market, was even able to give vacations that showed the beauties of Europe and encouraged hiking and camping in the woods which were paid for through 40 hour work week while the rest of the world was either in a massive depression but also fearing communist revolt
>Had to be taken down by a giant war between countries that hated each other, didn't collapse from its own economy
You not only know shit about history or German economics, but you acting smug about it makes you seem like even more of a shrewd shrieking little Jew. Let's not forget that he burnt down all their Mason lodges and threw them all out. He should've shot the brother, but diplomatic myopia is subjective and nit picking in the long run.

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Boomer's version of an I owe you for gold.

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How much can I get for my grandfather's silver coins?

you sure showed him whos boss fren

I'll pay you $50 for them, should get you a fix or two

>If I throw on words from old conspiracies and then say you glow I win the argument
>We need to base our money off these shiny worthless metals only the Jew will accept it, how else will we do business with them!?!?!
I know right because being based off actual things that can't be deported or outsourced like land, resources, labor output, factory capabilities, etc is so bad. Just read more Jew written books by neocons on why if we just went back to fighting over a limited amount of shiny worthless metals, everything would be fine. Fucking retard

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Same with Silver user, same with Silver. Check how much the physical is selling for. It's a big difference and widening. I wonder if someone finally realized how much silver is really being traded in paper.


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by weight, and purity is assessed by several of the oldest methods is the touchstone method.

I've seen it, mutliple times, personally. They usually bring that up. I'm not shitting on it, I see a use case as a store of value in sort of a weird niche. If you just like them, that's cool too. For me, it just seems like a narrow margin of when it's truly valuable, and when you've got better options.
I do want some silver bullets, tho. If we do go full mad max, no fucking werewolf is gonna catch me lackin.

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>Boomer mental
>circuit boards

the price will stabilise when the market reestablishes suply and the logistical chain

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