
Attached: FD923938-1F51-4CCC-B98C-895827FA323B.png (968x832, 218.6K)

Pretty soon the National Guard will be beating the unholy shit out of you if you don't stay at home, then depositing you into a FEMA camp full of coofers.



the sooner this quarentine bullshit is over, the better. its fucking retarded


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>social distancing

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Why do Jews always have bad eye sight?

This is the end goal of their values. No reason to go outside and endless consumption. They will fight tooth and nail to not go back to work.

I’m so tired of this shit
My county just got shut down,they said 8pm curfew that will be enforced

What fucking country is this?? What the fuck
Sheriff also said all pistol and conceal carry permits are not valid anymore

>businesses closed
>thinks he can "work"
unless you already work from home like a chad, you're never gonna make it, they will make you come in and get coofed on eventually

only the chat hermits and neets will live

One of the generational curses for being the literal spawn of satan


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it's because chickens shit in their eyes when they're kids

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naw. if you get coronavirus just think of spreading it all over, everywhere you can. door handles, gas station pumps, atm machines, banks, liquor stores. really hit the gas on this happening. besides, how is pic related supposed to partake in this joy otherwise?

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>cough at national guard and cops
>detonate high explosives near national guard

>thinking they will run
good way to catch a bullet tough guy

What is this bizarre fucking psyop trying to ascribe negative connotations to something Yas Forums has been preparing for for months?

We all prepped. We all advocated for isolation. We all advocated for strict enforcement.
It's only today, day 1 of the UK quarantine where suddenly there's hundreds of posters suggesting that doing what we were already doing is now bad because government finally realised we were right

>flatten the curve

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Why do they all look the same?

Anyone who actually quarantines who isn't normally a NEET is a fucking retarded

Uhh, peoples lives are at risk here asshole...

>Uhh, peoples lives are at risk here asshole...

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Well maybe if normalniggers could do anything without making a gay fucking hashtag or “movement” out of it I wouldn’t have to make fun of it

>a wojak thread

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>not funny people are actually dying

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>whoa uhh don't you know Trump and Q said it's a nothingburger so you're being retarded for no reason? I'm gonna go tongue some nigger assholes to show you how not scared of Corona I am lol

all my friends are being little bitches too and taking the quarantine seriously.

fLaDen Le cUrBe

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>Implying you didn't do it before the pandemic

>Sheriff also said all pistol and conceal carry permits are not valid anymore
The fuck county do you live in?

Wake county North Carolina

This unironically. My boss is being a bitch and forcing us all to work at the office. “Just a coof” while our state is in lockdown...bitch.

>A shtreimel is a fur hat worn by many married Haredi Jewish men
these fucking beasts get more pussy than you do, Yas Forums


Fucking hate normal fags

> it’s real
Ah shit, first I heard
That fucking nigger

I fucking hate it. My normie friends think this whole corona thing is even real, but it's just a psy-op to crash our economies and force us to accept even more migrants.

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I agree
I leave my house as little as I possibly can, and I don't start a gay hashtag about it

>It's just a flu
>it only kills boomers

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OP is a retarded death worshipper.

Kick me kike me
Anyway you like me


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about as much as we care about cows

i mean, i can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but i was genuinely opposed to all the extensive shutdown orders and quarantining measures my state/government has taken. for some reason they seem to think that crashing the entire country's economy and getting millions laid off is better than letting the sick, and old of society die. which i get is terrible and tragic, etc etc, but tough times call for tough decisions.

Ok ok! Fuck I'm sorry shit I just wanted some snacks and shit fuck

Just reenlisted. About to grab me a riot shield and stomp some minorities in my non regulation timbs


I'm coughing up pieces of lung

>OP is a retarded death worshipper.

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personally i really like cows, they're gentle and give much more food alive than dead (we suck)

a lung just flew over my house!

>I have to get back to work or Mr. Bossman is going to cut my pay again!

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pics or it didn't happen

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people don't get it yet, you can't hide from God judgement is here for the sodomites , the virus is spiritual

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is that supposed to be Leto Atredies I?

How the fuck do these people even tell each other apart

muh social distancing

Post body

You’re rapin’ me of my pride, oh, for God’s sake
I look to heaven to fulfill it’s prophecy
Set me free

i cant be the only one who thinks this is the dumbest phrase ever.

All inbred.

>set me free
careful what you ask for

Normies are un-redpillable. Which one of you fags said it was worth the effort to try and redpill the normies? I haz been deceived and I haz a sad. Irritating brainwashed normie dumbfucks are a lost cause.

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Stay inside cunt

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Shoot the sheriff

> think the coronavirus is a serious health crisis and tired of seeing people act like it’s “just the flu”
> but also tired of hearing basedboys act like it’s the end of the world, parrot overused slogans, talking about how they’d gladly give up their rights and trying to blame it all on Trump
I hope it kills a couple tens of millions desu, and I hope all of them are soibois, chinks, niggers, and pajeets

thx for the cute image user

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Tell me what has become of my rights
Am I invisible because you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame
They're throwing me in a class with a bad name
I can't believe this is the land from which I came
You know I do really hate to say it
The government don't want to see
But if Roosevelt was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, no, no

>comic book movie reference
Every time.

i need cigs and booze
no dice

This could actually happen and it’s beautiful

It's pretty fucking gay.

Woah wtf ?!


Nicholas II of Russia

Absolute fucking cringe.

Tell me what has become of my rights
Am I invisible because you ignore me?
Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now
I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame
They're throwing me in a class with a bad name
I can't believe this is the land from which I came
You know I do really hate to say it
The government don't want to see
But if Roosevelt was livin'
He wouldn't let this be, no, no