Nevada Governor Bans Chloroquine and Hydroxycholorquine
>Today, I signed an emergency regulation limiting the prescription & issuance of two drugs that have unproven results with treating COVID-19.
What did he mean by this?

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He can't do this.
He can blow me and everyone.

It means Nevadans are fucked!

So retards drink fish tank cleaner and now every one in nevada gets fucked? Lol

Ah yeah but he just did. And the PA governor wiped his ass with the United States constitution. And the mayor of LA is shutting off utilities to legal businesses who won't obey him. And not a fucking thing will be done. The masses as so frightened right now that hiding in their homes while sick relatives(not the fake corona shit)die alone in hospitals and nursing homes.

So what?

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POS wants people to die to further the NWO agenda. And I moved to Reno thinking they were less oppresive than Califa, FUCK YOU SISOLAK

Get ready. Shits about to pop. These guys are glowing brighter than the sun right now. We werent supposed to get a cure this quick. Thats why they are mad at Fioci. He was supposed to push the chiparini vaccini

This is Serbian Jew double bluff level planning.
Any person who thinks the have the chink flu will flee Nevada for another state so they can get proper treatment, thereby saving Nevada the cost of their treatment.

Lawsuits will be filed but just like with Lincoln during the Civil War the Supreme Court will not rule until well after it is all over with.

They've all been BTFO for so long, their desperation is forcing them to make moves that are getting impossible for the MSM to spin. More normies wake up, more people see who the 'invisible enemy' really it.

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based own trump kill your citizens

all democrats are working hard to make things worse in America to try to blame it on trump

>we must deal with facts not fiction
What the fuck does that even mean?

Sisolak got rich doing scam telemarketing in the 80s and early 90s when Nevada was the last state to regulate the business. All of his competition went to prison for fraud but Sisolak skated free.

Why not "right to try" the IV vitamin C? Works better with zero danger / side effects unless you are prone to kidney disease.

WTF is everyone hooked on that fucking drug?

it really is the happening to end all happenings. Trump looked directly into a camera today and calmly said he wants packed churches on Easter Sunday. Good Friday is 4-10-20. I literally cant even right now

>The emergency regulation will ensure access for Nevada patients to chloroquine and hydroxycholorquine for legitimate medical purposes
>legitimate medical purposes

dumb gamble

>Lawsuits will be filed
We'll all be dead or jailed forever by then.

looks like a pretty good way to extend the border wall

They already drink shit water, not that yours is better.
Las vegas wants to reopen, as if anyone out of state will show up. I guess nevadans are supposed to eat themselves. Driest state in the nation.
Also, day of the rope is coming.

Over here they changed hydroxycloroquine from OTC to prescription-only last Sunday. Reason given is to secure supply for those with preexisting conditions (rheumatoid diseases, lupus).

Because it was Drumpf's idea

>kills own citizens

"take that blumpf!"

They can form death squads and barge into people's houses, and the masses will still do nothing about it, so long as the media can justify it. People are fucking morons, this is undisputed.

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>People are fucking morons, this is undisputed.

Limiting it from being hoarded makes sense, but to ban it outright for individual use based on a coronavirus diagnosis is evil and destructive.

>People are fucking morons, this is undisputed.
True, but this is largely by design. Expose/remove the 'designers', and you've got some progress to be had.

I hope Nevada is the next Italy because of him. Then I hope he hangs himself in front of the state for it.

Fucking Vegas tap water gave me kidney stones. So glad I left that hellhole.

>nobody reads the fucking image and just reads OPs disingenuous summary

hes trying to keep it from running out for the people who have various conditions requiring it

OU medical in OKC is using the Z-pac and Malaria drugs with some success.

How many fucking times have the designers have been exposed and how many times has change truly occurred because of it. If these people are unwilling to protect their rights, then they honestly deserve to lose them. Either this virus kills them or the government does systemically, either way its fine with me.

I hope this too, I made sure my parents and grandparents in vegas are prepped and can handle isolation from the idiots in the city

>The regulation prohibits the prescribing and dispensing chloroquine and hydroxycholoroquine for a COVID-19 diagnosis
Try again memefaggot

The rebound will be terrible for them once the masses find out this has been wholly overblown. New stats out of Wuhan have this at less deadly than the flu and so fast spreading that full community immunization took less than 90 days. Amazingly Italy is on the same path as Wuhan, it is burning itself out.

he's waiting for gilead to combine them into 1 pill, go through trials, get FDA approved and sold for $10,000 a pill.

Time to trust the plan

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They are going full retard.


Your quote does not contradict what i said in any way

Trust something that was promised 4 years in a row since Trump was elected? I honestly want it to be true, but life has a way of being disappointing.

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It's about time they got around to eradicating illegal immigrants.

Qanon ambiguous statements

The storm is coming
>cytokine storm
Will put 99% of all people in hospital
>unlikely discovering what we already think is true would put people in the hospital-but a world-wide deadly pandemic?
These people are stupid
>the sheep who believe the virus is a hoax? NPCs are most certainly stupid
Now comes the pain
> the entire world is suffering now and it's only going to get worse.
Trust the plan

>coworker tests positive on 20th
>work doesn’t tell me until today
>my wife is in food prep service at two jobs now possibly infecting hundreds?
HIPPA laws will kill us all.

You have to remember, the evil fucks have spent CENTURIES embedding themselves in literally every aspect of modern society. They were so well rooted they were ready for the end game with Hillary's election. Trump's had 3 and a half years, and stacked up against centuries, I'm willing to be a bit more understanding that things aren't totally wrapped up yet. That said, I do believe things are rapidly coming to a head.

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You're right. My summary, not the title, is what is important.

I'll believe it when I see it. I know the virus isn't going to much apart from killing boomers (which is fine), but best case scenario? This might have originated from someone eating a bat's asshole as the CCP insists, or it actually came from their labs to which if the CCP is smart, they'll surface one of their scientists as a scapegoat and wash their hands of the matter. But every other country (maybe apart from Trump) will continue their relience on China's cheap labor, the media follows suit and the masses continues their daily routine as if nothing happened. It doesn't matter, it doesn't change a thing.

Again, I really want you to prove me wrong.

I understand where you're coming from with your frustration lad, I'm just glad to know you'll be among those ready and willing to move forward when the time comes (not suiciding or rioting). Until then, take care of yourself.

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He wants people to die. Fuck this evil bastard

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>>The emergency regulation will ensure access for Nevada patients to chloroquine and hydroxycholorquine for legitimate medical purposes
>>legitimate medical purposes
This. You can still get it in the hospital.
This is to stop dirty doctors from over-prescribing it to their buddies and hoarding it, leaving nothing for the hospitals. Supplies are very limited.

Go eat fish cleaner you dumb Trump cultists. Medicine is for the people who are actually sick.

This. If you're in Nevada and get the kung flu, do whatever it takes to get to that motherfucker and give him a nice french kiss. Piece of shit. How the fuck does he even get to decide this?


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>Fucking Vegas tap water gave me kidney stones. So glad I left that hellhole.
I'm sure. It definitely wasn't all that ketamine you snorted.

You too user.

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Wait I thought it was just the flu why do you need prescription medication for just the flu Trump cultists

>This is to stop dirty doctors from over-prescribing it to their buddies and hoarding it,
HEH this is exactly it. If they don't cut that shit off you're going to have people taking it at home and fucking themselves up.

Supplying it for a positive COVID-19 diagnosis would be 'over-prescribing'?

>banning the prescribing of a drug originally for something old, being used for things that don't exist.

because he is a faggot

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I responded with lynch the nigger before, but maybe all the EO is intended to do is prevent doctors from prescribing the medication to EVERYONE who test positive, so it can be saved for people who 1) Need it for other conditions, & 2) Have the kung flu and are experiencing severe symptoms. I dunno. I'm being generous but maybe that's what this is about: saving the drug for people who have Covid and are having a serious reaction, not wasting it on young people who test positive but have only minor symptoms.

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>Supplying it for a positive COVID-19 diagnosis would be 'over-prescribing'?
For a mild case, yes.
It's harsh medicine. Best to save for people who are already in the hospital. Remember 80% of people barely even notice they have COVID.

i live around there. anymore i can read about this?

>what this is about: saving the drug for people who have Covid and are having a serious reaction, not wasting it on young people who test positive but have only minor symptoms.

100% correct.

Drugs are addicting

>pride comes before the fall

This just makes the governor look like an idiot, because he can't do that. Federal government has given permission to doctors and patients to try a drug if they want, it was called the Right to Try law. Doctor can write that prescription and a pharmacy has to fulfill that prescription.
Governor cannot just write a 'oh we're ignoring federal law and we decide what doctors prescribe' law. He has no ability to enforce it and if taken to court he would be BTFO.

This guy is a complete moron. Nevada, sort your shit out and cull your spic population so you stop electing retards.

Doctors have to justify by law writing a prescription. If the docs are handing out scripts to their friends to fill just in case that's unethical but they do it all the time. Better would be to announced that Doctors are not to write scripts for patients without a diagnosed condition and it will have to be part of the paper work. Simpler to do what he did.

IF a doctor got caught writing scripts like that (to friends just in case) they're in deep shit anyway-they're used to no one looking that close for a doctor writing fen fen scripts for his fat sister.

seeIt's actually a good policy for bureaucratic and supply reasons. It's about rationing the medicine to people who really need it, not dispensing it to everyone who tests positive regardless of the severity of their symptoms.

fucking democrat, imagine letting americans die just so you can further your propaganda that "Trump is promoting dangerous drugs"